Hi Ferran,

I think there should be no problem in your case. On your host, you would install one RabbitMQ server (the broker) - on the broker you would create 1 RabbitMQ virtual host per Apache virtual host. For each invenio installation you would start 1 worker. I know Invenio already have lots of dependencies, but the hope is that this one is worth-while and easy Basically installing RabbitMQ is something like:

# Install
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

# Add user and vhost
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user myuser mypassword
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost myvhost
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p myvhost myuser ".*" ".*" ".*"
# Restart
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart

and starting a Celery worker is just:
celery worker -A invenio -B

Do you install each Invenio installation in virtual environments? If not, this might be the only issue, however I think at most a worker-start-script per invenio installation would need to be created.

Alternatively, we are also thinking of a "lite"-solution, so you won't even need to install a broker (RabbitMQ) and start the Celery workers. Celery has a flag so that it can run tasks synchronously instead of asynchronously (so the lite version would seem slower, but still do the job in the end).

Currently there's an overlap between bibsched and Celery, which we haven't completely sorted out what goes where. For now, bibsched is still the master of bibupload and friends. In the short term it seems most natural that Celery would take over bibtasklets + new territories. On the long run, we'll have to get some experiences first.


On 20/03/13 08:48, Ferran Jorba wrote:
Hello Lars,

I've finished initial integration of Invenio in Celery for next:

It basically follows what we discussed in DevForum
(https://invenio-software.org/wiki/Tools/Celery/InvenioIntegration). Take
a look if you have a minute and let me know if there's issues.

Yes, please, I have a doubt: at UAB, we have more than one Invenio
installation in the same host, installed as plain users (not root nor
www-data), and served by Apache (specifically, apache-itk) with virtual
hosts.  Will this celery integration be compatible with our setup?



PS And congratulations for your zenodo branch.  It looks gorgeous!  We
    are constantly looking at it for inspiration, and we are taking some
    ideas for our forthcoming 1.1 upgrade.

Lars Holm Nielsen
Software Engineer

CERN, IT Department, Digital Library Technology Section
Office 513/1-014
Tel: +41 22 76 79182
Cel: +41 76 672 8927

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