
in the process of integrating some major features in BibUpload, we would like 
to take the occasion for the next major release to also, when possible, remove 
legacy functionalities that are nowadays superseded by better patterns.

One of those is the "bibupload --reference (-z)" upload option which is, to 
our knowledge, used only by refextract/docextract in order to update 
publication references, without impacting any other metadata.

Now this functionality simply embeds into a bibupload a special behaviour 
which could be easily replaced by the traditional bibupload --correct mode, 
provided the input data is carefully built (by docextract).

In a tentative to simplify BibUpload code-base and hence make it more robust, 
we would like to propose the removal of this functionality.

Is anyone actually relying on it in a way that would be impacted by such 

Samuele Kaplun
Invenio Developer ** <http://invenio-software.org/>
INSPIRE Service Manager ** <http://inspirehep.net/>

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