On 13.03.2014 11:43, Tibor Simko wrote:


You mean Application Program Interface?

Yes.  Basically I was wondering what your primary use case for Z39.50
would be, to see whether it may be an option to use some other
alternative ways of accessing the data.  Invenio offers other APIs, but
not Z39.50 unfortunately.

One common use case for Z39.50 (execpt if you /are/ the union catalogue)
is hooking up with client side literature management tools like EndNote,
ReferenceManager, Citavi and friends. They all know Z39.50 to ingest
data from library catalogues. Especially in humanities and social
sciences, where you've a lot of book and/or gray literature, it's quite
common to hook them up with your catalogue. People then use Z39.50
linkups to search for literature instead of using the real database and
donwload the links, which is the far more common procedure in STM.

Sad thing is, that they (AFAIK!) /only/ know Z39.50 and not more modern
protocols like SRU. :S



Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Scientific Services / Scientific Publishing
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

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