First of all, let me say that I didn't have time to thoroughly test
this, and I might be wrong in my findings.

It seems that at least in the master branch when one deletes ALL bibdocs
from a record (say record:97 in the Atlantis site) and runs a search with:
Results are returned even for that record, when they shouldn't.
(Results are also returned if one searches the deleted filename in the
filename index)

It seems that my /normal/ bibindex task does not see that something has
changed in the record. Even if one runs it manually (bibindex -a -i 97
-u admin), all indexes remain the same.
If one forces reindexing of the specific record (bibindex -a -i 97
--force -u admin), ALL indexes are recomputed and everything works as
expected, but this is not applicable to a production system.

Should I use a different setting in my everyday bibindex tasklet, or is
this a bug?

Kind regards,

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