Would it help to add a disabled_functions list in php.ini? Unless 
these functions are needed by Mozdev internal scripts, disabling these 
might help:

    * system
    * exec
    * shell_exec
    * proc_open
    * passthru
    * mysql_list_dbs
    * dl
    * leak (I'm not sure if this is still available in PHP)

These could also be set for greater security (if needed):

    * openlog
    * syslog
    * symlink
    * link
    * apache_child_terminate
    * apache_note
    * apache_getenv
    * apache_setenv
    * virtual

This setting can only be set in php.ini, not httpd.conf or .htaccess or 
ini_set(). More info: 

There may be other php.ini settings that could be set (like 
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.open-basedir) for greater 


P.S. PHP is still disabled for the mp4downloader project. I sent an 
email to the sysadmin list, but nothing has changed yet. I don't use PHP 
much on this site except to redirect users to Drupal (pretty important, 
since most people go to mp4downloader.mozdev.org instead of 
mp4downloader.mozdev.org/drupal) and to handle changelog access from 
testing versions of my add-on (not having PHP is really messing this up, 
but it isn't too important because it is just a testing version).

P.S. (again): I can still run PHP code in local.conf, even though PHP is 
disabled in my project. I guess this is necessary for certain settings 
and stuff, but it also opens up a security hole.

On 09/29/2010 09:48 AM, Pete Collins wrote:
> On 9/29/10 5:32 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
>> I guess that the particular setup of automated PHP stuff on mozdev 
>> must have some problem. Neither the operating system nor PHP by 
>> itself are security risks, or else they would not both be in use in 
>> highly attack-prone setups. I guess the particular code mozdev uses 
>> for automating a number of things has a problem and would need a 
>> security audit, which is not so easy when you have a resource 
>> shortage like this project does.
> The security risk is that project owners having access to php and the 
> write access to the database ...
> For the 9 years Mozdev has been up, everyone has operated and used 
> these resources responsibly.
> This issue needed to be addressed and so now we are addressing it.
> --pete
> -- Pete Collins - Founder, Mozdev Group Inc.
> www.mozdevgroup.com
> Mozilla Software Development Solutions
> tel: 1-719-302-5811
> fax: 1-719-302-5813
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