On 14/01/2014 00:27, Axel Grude wrote:
> /Garrafrauns, 13 January 2014 09:20:24, week 3 /
> Dear Project Owners at Mozdev.org,
> you may have noticed the most recent outage of the mozdev.org web sites and 
> Babelzilla 
> database [all mozdev sites were down over the Christmas Holidays], apparently 
> this is 
> caused by mozdev.org still being hosted on a dedicated box which is now over 
> ten years 
> old. In order to go forward we would like to re-host all mozdev sites and 
> related data 
> into a different platform, the site host osuosl.org suggested to migrate to a 
> Virtual 
> Machine in their hosting clusters.
> This begs the question on how many people are still actively using Mozdev.org 
> to 
> develop and publish their projects and what features would be needed 
> minimally. We 
> also need to assess how much space would be minimally required to migrate all 
> necessary data.
> To me personally, web sites with svn upload and the

> Babezilla database to manage bugs 

> and feature requests are the essential features. I used to use mailing lists 
> but since 
> the majority of incoming mails was spam I switched to direct personal 
> support, which 
> is manageable and much easier to maintain.
> Can you please reply to the owner list on the list with the following 
> information
> 1. your project name(s)
Flashblock, xSidebar, Console2, Tagzilla.

> 2. which features are you _actively_ using. Don't list everything you have 
> applied 
> for, just what is absolutely essential.
CVS (I could migrate to Mercurial or SVN if necessary)
I could live without the mailing lists and newsgroups (except for say
project-owners for coordination and discussions like this one).

> 3. would you be interested in helping with the migration?
Sure! Assuming I know how to do stuff which I probably don't.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
Project_owners mailing list

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