This didn't go through when I sent it, so I'm trying again now. (if mailman
blocks me out again...bleh...)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jake Hartz <>
Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Project_owners] Mozdev needs Volunteers!
To: Mozdev Project Owners List <>

Sorry I'm late to the conversation (I've been away), but I would be
interested in volunteering in the extra time that I sometimes have. I might
not have too much time (at least an hour a week, though). I can help
moderate the mailing list if you still need help with that, or help with
other stuff (I have a bit of php experience, and a bit more web development
experience...but a lot of people here can probably also say that).

Also, Arturo (and everyone else): I'm not sure if I'm just boring everyone
by bringing this up again (or if this might be helpful to you), but I found
out a few things about the FCKeditor problem a few months ago:

   - Doug was having the same troubles, but he fixed it:
   - In the initial Drupal "roll out" (, before Doug fixed
   that bug, the Apache mod_rewrite stuff pertaining to Drupal (see link)
   didn't serve xml files (like the one FCKeditor needs and can't find)
   statically with all the other static files like it should have, but
   redirected them to Drupal (which is what it is doing now - and Drupal thinks
   that it is a Drupal page, can't find it in its DB, and serves up a 404).
   - As far as I can remember, we've been having this problem ever since
   Mozdev began locking down PHP usage and only allowing it for approved
   projects. I'm not sure if someone was messing with the mod_rewrite stuff,
   and that caused this, or if it's something totally different.

--Jake Hartz

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:27 AM, Philip Chee <> wrote:

> Hi!
> Mozdev needs you! We need more volunteers to help keep the site alive.
> At the moment I'm doing all the day to day stuff (mostly mailist
> moderation). Since Axel got his new job sometime back he hasn't been
> able to help me prune the spam and answer questions sent to the
> address. The last time there was a call for
> volunteers a handful responded (but only two of us actually turned up).
> I hope that we get significantly more volunteers this time round because
> with more people it's easier to spread the load around!
> So who should volunteer?
> * People who can commit to at least an hour per week.
> * People who know how to moderate a mailman mailing list (this shouldn't
> be too difficult for most of you).
> ** This shouldn't take more than 5 minutes a day.
> * People who have some sort of sysadmin perspective, that is with
> experience administrating a site remotely.
> * People who know how to administer a multi-site Drupal installation.
> ** We're a bit handicapped as nobody around knows how to manage Drupal
> and in particular to fix the FCKEditor problem.
> * People who know Mercurial configuration and setting up.
> At the moment I'm trying to get in touch with our ex-sysadmin in order
> to learn how to set up a new project. If I can manage that I'll do a
> write up so that other peole can help me do this.
> I can't do this all by myself. Any help will be received with extreme
> gratitude!
> Phil
> --
> Philip Chee <>, <>
> Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
> oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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