Hello everyone,

We are now almost  at 24 hours after the 4.0 release and over 12 hours
after the new pages have been brought online.

I would like to thank everyone involved, from the developers who made
this release possible to the users who downloaded LibreOffice since

But my special thanks, given my focus and contributions, go today, in no
particular order, to the Marketing Team, esp. Marc Paré and Italo who
have been putting together quite a job to shape a real marketing work;
to the website team and Alterway; for putting up such a great website.
It is by now clear that they've earned their ticket to redesign the
website entirely and not just for the 4.0 release :-) ; to the design
team, for handling the pressure, for their creative work, and for their
nice and helpful answer despite my critics (but I'm you're biggest fan
anyway), to the Infrastructure team for shoving servers here and there
and making magic right in the midst of such a major event with such a
talent; last but not least to the Native-Language communities and the
localizers for  following-up on the development as well as the website
contents, and generally being one of the major key factor of success and
adoption of LibreOffice, and dare I say it, an integral part of its core
and its soul.

This release was immensely successful. But we have much to learn and
improve in terms of coordination and timing. In any case, it's been
somewhat of a turning point for everybody here. 

Thank you again and enjoy the weekend,
Charles-H. Schulz
Co-Founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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