* Present:
    + Michael S, Robinson, Caolan, David, Heiko, JanI, Jan-Marek, Miklos,
      Olivier, Michael M, Lionel, Eike, Armin, Kendy, Christian,
* Completed Action Items:
    + welcome Jakub T. and encourage to merge trivial changes (Miklos)
    + find the mystery Mac (from Markus) with Alex (Cloph)
         [ found one, but not built LibreOffice in a while, and XCode on
           this machine doesn't like our source, still looking at fixing
           XCode. ( http://pastie.org/10914321 )
           Firebird struggling to work on Windows but getting help (Lionel) ]
    + setup Mac machine for Base development (Cloph)
         [ granted student access, about an hour ago ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + create large-scale cosmetic change page proposal (JanI)
         [ planned for next week ]
    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)
        [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON script
          to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.2.0 RC3
        + built, up on mirrors, been announced to early testing etc.
        + after call will announce to the general public.
    + 5.2.0 RC4 - planned as final
        + should ship next week.
        + will tag on Thursday.
    + 5.1.5 RC2
        + will be tagged tuesday
    + Now: one review to -5-2 branch, and another two to:
        + libreoffice 5-2-0 branch
    + Android & iOS Remote
* LibreOffice Conference in Brno (Kendy)
    + travelling to Brno -> fly to Prague / Vienna unlikely to go direct
      (BMI has a flight from Munich, others from London).
    + CfP closed
        + if you have something to talk about - please send a late proposal.
    + want to have an idea of who comes end of July
        + sending acceptances out already ? (Michael)
            + not yet - but vast majority of dev talks will be accepted
    + Dates here:
    + Link is: 
    + Community-day -> no ESC, meet in the evening.
* Membership Committee plug (Michael)
    + important to encourage people to serve here
    + how to apply? (JMux)
        + will send around as/when.
* Documentation (Olivier)
    + Delivered last chapter for 5.1 Getting Started Book
        + under revision by Jean Weber / Hazel Russman
    + Milos Sramek cleaning direct formating of book chapters
        + important for CAT (Computer Aided Translation) such as OmegaT
    + Jean Weber will assemble the chapters into a book "Getting Started 5.1"
    + Start updating chapters for 5.2 (Olivier)
    + Will also address other Guides for 5.2 (Olivier)
       + (Re-)Build Authors team is necessary
    + Patch for adding FAQ entry in LO Help menu
       + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/27028/
    + Documentation meetings
       + happen every two weeks; next is scheduled for:
           + Wed 27th 7pm CET.
       + how to make it more attractive to get into the books ?
       + and how to make them more visible ? on download page ?
* GSoC 2016 (Armin)
    + Next deadline is August 23rd for final evaluation.
    + reminder - blogging at a minimum helps docs / QA teams etc.
* UX Update (Heiko)
    + Projects are ongoing with GSOC students
        + some finished, some in a late phase
        + results are visible now.
    + talked about layers in draw with Thorsten, Regina & Jay
        + another session this Friday to perhaps finish it.
        + wrote to discussion groups about it (Armin)
    + nothing much to say
* Crashtest update (missing Caolan)
    + 2 import failures, 7 export failure, coverity pending
    + can't reproduce them locally, but lowish numbers.
* Hamburg home-hacking update (Eike)
    + met at Bjoern's place
    + student semester starts 1st Oct, lessons start ~Oct 17th
        + could we get students before busy with lessons ?
    + have it in a central place from the wikimedia foundation
    + just an idea for now; need to get permission etc.
    + widen it to general Open Source hacking; invite T-bird guy etc.
        + 3 days event ? ...
    + otherwise - some hacking & fun.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next hackfests: nothing confirmed yet.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Chaos event - good for outreach; at the same time as Munich.
        + Infra Meetup: July 24th to 30th, close to Munich (kaufbeuren)
        + Akademy / FSFE summit - in the week before LibOCon ? (Thorsten)
        + more suggestions welcome
* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
   + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- 
compared to last week
   + summary:
       17045(0) commits in a year of which 8366(62) were made directly, without 
use of gerrit
       294(0) people made commits in a year, 45(-12) in a month. 0(-58) people 
to be emailed
   + gerrit:   committer open  78(-1)      contributor open  43(-4)
               updated merged     abandoned   updated  merged     abandoned
        year:   78(-1)  7207(-56)  576(-7)     43(-4)   1472(-6)   484(14)
        month:  78(0)    594(-81)   52(-4)     43(-3)    140(-40)   32(5)
        week:   51(-2)   118(-48)    6(-2)     28( 1)     20(-18)   18(15)
   + easyHacks:
        total 249(0) open 218(2) assigned 14(-1)
        needinfo 17(0) needsDevEval 475(4) needsUXEval 150(7)
        missing cleanup due to many comments 199(0)
   + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month):
         Zdenek Crhonek got 39 patches merged, and have a total of 97 merged 
         Muhammet Kara got 16 patches merged, and have a total of 45 merged 
         Winfried Donkers got 14 patches merged, and have a total of 35 merged 
         Mark Page got 8 patches merged, and have a total of 20 merged patches
         Susobhan Ghosh got 7 patches merged, and have a total of 15 merged 
   + new easyHacks:
   + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, 
skillCpp, topicCleanup"
   + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an 
experienced developer
   + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not 

   + Patches still coming in over the summer
   + Mailed 40+ old developers that have not contributed for 3 month or more,
         + again got lots of positive responses
         + apparently nearly the only foundation that pings old developers
   + Patches from Zdenek (to Calc) is piling up, would be nice to get those 
         + could you help out Eike ?
         + in contact; has issues updating commits, working on that.
         + could use remote access to a Mac machine too
             + have 1x failing document - fails only on Mac
AI:              + add access to the same Mac (Cloph)
         + A common problem - needing more Macs (Michael)
             + eg. shell close issue etc.
             => should we buy some more ?
AI:             + talk to Norbert at the Infra meeting wrt. this (JanI)
   + Will be in Kaufbeuren (INFRA meeting) next week.

* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
     => timeout for 6 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    + Norbert sadly missing.
* l10n (Sophie)
    + Sophie sadly missing.
* MSDN licenses (Caolan)
    + poke me if you need it (Michael)
* Can a VCL guy have a look at https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/27285/ ? 
    * Do we want this for 5.2?
        + 25% less load time for documents.
    + Did look at it (Michael)
        + not a particularly obvious patch to me.
        + GdiFlush, queued Invalidates vs. Update
        + people just jam the code full of this.
    + Double buffering on Mac, Gtk3, GL
        + working fine copying the back-buffer on OS invalidate (Caolan)
        + would love to go this way for every backend: X11 (Michael)
        + would like it too (Armin)
            + can remove buffering in the drawing layer
            + would love to kill the static VirtualDevice list (Michael)
    + OpenGL may solve it ?
        + text is not ideal still; but perhaps SAL_FORCEGL=1 helps ?
        + native widget theming a problem - caching for windows mostly.
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 658
        + enhancements: 65
        + in ux-advise: 28
    + needAdvice at 57
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#92516 - "x" accelerator and mouse click not exiting StartCenter
          in "File -> Exit LibreOffice" menu on Windows.
            + Continue to see dupe reports; an annoyance
        + Mail merge regressions
            + http://tdf.io/mmregressions (6 open; 6 open last meeting)
            + New patch today for tdf#98798 hopefully gets us to 5 (thanks, 

    + how does 5.2 look ? (Michael)
        + a crash that can't be reproduced
        + otherwise quality looks good.
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +139    -95        (+44 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara       14
        Buovjaga              13
        Adolfo Jayme           8
        Michael Meeks          7
        Alex Thurgood          6
        Aron Budea             6
        V Stuart Foote         6
        Eike Rathke            4
        Justin L               4
        Markus Mohrhard        2
        Susobhan Ghosh         2
        Timur                  1
        Bartosz                1
        GerardF                1
        Stephan Bergmann       1
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 2/16   - 12%   +0
        5.1: 2/29   -  6%   +0
        5.0: 7/53   - 13%   +0
        4.4: 7/73   -  9%   +0
        4.3: 5/69   -  7%   +0
        4.2: 8/133  -  6%   +0
        4.1: 4/79   -  5%   +0
        4.0: 9/82   - 10%   -1
        old: 33/247 - 13%   -1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 348/1382 353/1378 359/1378 362/1374 364/1371 367/1371 365/1363
    + http://tdf.io/bibibugs
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 709(-2) bugs open of 5044(+19) total 12(+1) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc -  5 (+1)
                Writer -  4 (+0)
               Impress -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  1 (+0)
                + http://tdf.io/regressionscritical
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 225 (+3)
                  Calc - 129 (-4)
               Impress -  55 (-2)
           LibreOffice -  44 (+1)
        graphics stack -  38 (+0)
                    UI -  36 (+0)
               Borders -  32 (+0)
                  Base -  32 (+0)
               Crashes -  29 (+0)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
   filters and storage -  21 (-1)
                 Chart -  15 (+0)
                 BASIC -  14 (+0)
Printing and PDF export-  12 (+1)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
             framework -   3 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   1 (+0)
                + http://tdf.io/allregressions

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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