Franklin Weng kirjoitti 15.10.2019 klo 8.36:
I used to talk with Heiko about this meeting.  In my imagination if this
call is open to the community, the topic may ought to be around the
UI/UX instead of bugzilla bugs.  For example I used to collect some
opinions from Taiwanese users and lecturers and discussed with Heiko in
this meeting.  That time was more close to what I think the meeting
should be.  In such meeting Heiko can also explain why we design UI in
that way, not necessary to accept everything users want.

In the end, if those opinions from Taiwanese users will be taken seriously, they will be turned into Bugzilla reports. Likewise, the Bugzilla reports discussed in the meetings are always the opinions of users from country X.

From what you say, I get the feeling that Heiko should be acting like a secretary for user ideas thrown around. I thought the idea of any team meeting is that contributors coordinate their work.

Same to QA -- maybe we can have a meeting asking users to attend,
talking about bugs they think important and why.

Because TDF does not have a bug fixing budget, there isn't much unrealised potential in focusing on the theoretical importance of specific bugs. I think any experienced QA team member can assess the priority and severity of an issue and they also have the right to change these fields in Bugzilla.

There is no added value in having users explain why their pet bug should be higher priority. Indeed, these types of interactions tend to be a huge waste of time and cause of frustration.


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