Subject : The Life of Jesus By: DR. David Yonggi Cho

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-11

 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that

the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of

us.  We are troubled on every side, yet not

distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Persecuted, but not forsaken; Always bearing about in

the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life

also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For

we which live are always delivered unto death for

Jesus` sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made

manifest in our mortal flesh. 


The distinction between a man who believes in Jesus

and a man who does not believe lies not in his

exterior appearance but in his inner person. The

unbelieving man is controlled by a spirit of

disobedience. The Bible clearly states in Ephesians

2:1-2 “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in

trepasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked

according to the course of this world, according to

the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that

now worketh in the children of obedience.” However in

Christians there is a treasure. This Treasure died on

the cross to save us. He died, was buried and He

resurrected in three days. Therefore even the best

theology, philosophy or ethics can never compare with

this Treasure.


Today`s scripture passage states that we are like the

vessels of clay, containing a priceless treasure. We

are unworthy humans like plain jars of clay. If the

world is placed in a broken jar, the world in it shall

also be broken and gone. However the matter becomes

totally different when the treasure is placed in the

jar. The treasure and the vessel become one. Paul said

in 2 Corinthians 4:7, “But we have this treasure in

earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may

be of God, and not of us.” So a Christian`s life is

not lived by human wisdom, understanding, knowledge or

schemes, but by the wisdom, understanding, knowledge,

discernment and power of God. Just like a treasure may

be found in a vessel of clay, we must discern that

this Treasure is dwelling in us and make every effort

to learn how to trust in our Treasure within us. Too

many Christians have not relied on the Treasure

within. They continually rely only on the vessel of

clay – themselves. They rely on the jar instead of the

Treasure, although they already possess the Treasure

by faith. So God constantly allows small or big

hardships to touch Christians so that they will learn

to lean on their Treasure – Jesus Christ, the Wisdom,

Knowledge and Power of God.


The Apostle Paul teaches that the power of God will be

revealed when Jesus, the Treasure, dwells within us.

We must believe and understand clearly what Paul

teaches us the possessing of our Treasure, Jesus.


First, Paul says we are troubled on every side, yet

not distressed. On our journey of life, we cannot know

how many times we will be distressed spiritually,

mentally, physically, or circumstantially by big or

small troubles. Jesus said God takes care of a mere

sparrow and knows the number of hairs on a man`s head

according to His good providence. God did not promise

the Christian life would be exempt from trouble. Then

for what purpose does God allow believers to be

distressed? He wants to teach us great lessons. He

desires that we learn to trust Him instead of



We try our very best not to lose wealth, honor and

value of life by our human ways. But when we are

pressed down, we begin to realize we are just clay

vessels but Jesus Christ within us is everything. He

created the heavens and earth, possessing all the

authority and power in it. He died in our place on the

cross, was resurrected in three days and now He lives

in us. The Treasure is Jesus Christ! As we realize

that He is in us, we become broken at His feet and

begin to trust in Him alone. If we discover the truth

that Jesus Christ lives in us and then we totally

trust in Him, we will not be distressed though we may

be attacked. The human vessel may be distressed, but

Jesus Christ within can never be distressed. Who would

dare doubt the Almighty God?


When the enemy surrounded the city, Elisha`s servant

panicked. “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” Elisha

prayed, “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may

see.” Elisha knew his servant did not realize the

treasure they both possessed. As God opened his eyes,

he saw the mountains full of horses and chariots of

fire around Elisha. Our Christian walk is the same.

When we are surrounded by troubles, we could easily

collapse if we look at the troubles with our own

senses – taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. We

should be reminded that God is within us. He calls

things that are not as though they actually appear to

us. As we humbly seek Him, we will receive His

strength to rise out of any kind of distress.  


Our greatest resources come from our heart. “The

spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a

wounded spirit   who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14)  No

matter how hard our financial or circumstantial

difficulties distress us, as long as we know we

possess the Treasure within us, we will not be

distressed by them. But if one`s heart contains

anxiety, fear and despair, one could be destroyed when

distressed. Why is it so good to believe in Jesus

Christ? Though Christians face difficulty, Jesus is

our Source so we can pray to the Father and overcome

all our difficulties.


Second, though we may be perplexed, we will not be in

despair. In our daily living we often encounter many

perplexing matters. Like mosquitoes from a summer

forest come upon men, difficult problems always come

into our lives.


Recently I had a suffocating experience. A small group

of people from another denomination in Korea attacked

me and our church severely by spreading a false rumor.

Though this became such a heavy burden, I did not

cancel previously arranged meetings in Korea or in

foreign countries. I went to Paris to preach.  Before

going up to the pulpit, I earnestly prayed to God and

my pain and anxiety disappeared. I preached God`s word

with great peace and the Holy Spirit confirmed the

Word with many sick people being healed. I had such a

marvelous experience that 10,000 people were

wonderfully moved by the grace of God.  I felt

“chilled to the bone”, because I realized that my

Treasure, Jesus Christ, who is within my earthen

vessel of clay, is so precious and powerful under any

circumstance, in spite of attacks from the enemy!


Unbelieving people of the world fall into despair when

they are perplexed over difficult situations, but

Christians are different. In the same predicament,

Christians can pray to God and receive comfort. How

great is our Lord`s comfort! Today people hurt each

other. Many people are easily wounded because nobody

cares or comforts them. Other people commit suicide.

The “you and I” relationships are becoming cold in the

individualized industrial urban life setting and

consequently people feel powerless when bad things

happen. If you have the Treasure of Jesus Christ in

your vessel, you can seek His comfort and you can

trust Him in any hardship.


For us to live in true happiness, we must pray to our

Lord and receive His comfort. As businessmen, you

especially need comfort. I know there are countless

company owners struggling with sleepless nights

because of the recent recessions. Small businesses

have small problems and big scale businesses have big

problems. I urge all our business people to draw

closer to God, pray more, and worship more. Tightly

cling to the Treasure in you - Jesus Christ. Then you

will be able to relax in life and business because you

are living with His comfort, courage and victory. 


We are persecuted but we will not be forsaken.

Throughout the world, you will not find anyone who is

not persecuted if he is eagerly advancing and doing

better than other people. When you find that you are

persecuted by your competitors or peers know that your

business is growing rapidly. There would be no

persecution from your peers if your business was not

strong. People think persecution is a bad thing;

however, it can be a gauge for measuring your work.

When you are persecuted while operating your business,

do not complain. Do not become resentful, or become

discouraged. Rather, thank God! Forerunners in any

field must accept the fact that persecution by other

people is unavoidable.


Throughout my ministry I have always been persecuted.

As a result of pasturing the biggest church in the

world, I naturally became the object of peer

persecution. The fact that I am being persecuted tells

me our church has grown.  If our church were small

there would be no need for Christians to persecute me.

I am especially attacked in Korea by Korean

Christians. However when I travel through Europe and

America for crusade meetings, the attitude is

different. Americans are very receptive and cry out

for help. “Let us learn from the Yoido Full Gospel

Church,” they say.


So I try not to allow myself to be discouraged by my

neighbor`s persecution because my Treasure, Jesus

Christ, is in me. I minister daily with the hope and

joy that I will never be forsaken, though I am

persecuted. Those standing Christ-centered will not be

forsaken because of persecution. Being Christ centered

is already a great blessing from God. Then who can

dare take away God`s blessing? When God opens a door,

no one can shut it! When God shuts a door, no one can

open it!  When God promotes a man no man can drag him

down! So I pray this prayer often, “Lord, if I do not

live according to Your will, make me to repent. If I

live according to the will of the Father, I believe I

never be forsaken by You even though the entire world

would persecute me.” 


Dear believers, businessmen, I do not have any

personal ambitions now. Recently someone came to me

and shared shocking news. He said he heard from a

certain believer that I had deposited a huge amount of

money in a bank in Switzerland. I do not know any bank

in Switzerland.  I do not know how to deposit or

withdraw money! Momentarily, I was so hurt by that

news, that I complained to the Lord, “Lord, call me

home to be with You. I have run with the gospel

business for the past twenty five years and what is

this rumor about? What is this evil rumor about me? I

have worked hard for the Church – Your Church. Is this

the reward?” As I lamented in this way, all of a

sudden, the 200,000 members of our church at that time

suddenly appeared in my heart and I determined to be

strong instead of having resentment. A sense of duty

is really something I asked of the Lord and I felt He

gave me that sense of duty. I got my bearings and

strengthened myself; then I asked myself, “What if I

had wavered? What would happen to these members, these

children of God?”


That same year, we saved money in our budget so that

we could help finance many churches on the Korean army

compounds throughout our nation. They are all small

churches; however, those Christian leaders who were

persecuting and criticizing our church said that I

built many palace-like church buildings throughout the

Korean Army compounds and that I greatly boasted about

it. We did not build big size churches on the army

compounds and those critics did not offer a single

penny. If had not been standing Christ-centered, I

would easily have been crushed and broken by such

persecution. But my Treasure, Jesus, is within me. So

I can overcome this persecution through prayer and

hard work for the sake of missions and evangelism.

During persecution, when I cling to the Lord through

prayer, He comforts me through His word: “Cho, who are

you looking at? You behold Me only and obey My words!

I will never forsake you!” Then I always respond with,

“Hallelujah, Lord I thank You and as long as You use

me I will do my best in evangelism. I will do Your

works!”  When you are persecuted by other people,

please thank God! As long as you are living

Christ-centered, Christ is at your side. Christ will

be at your side so you will not be forsaken but rather

you will become a great witness. 


Last, today`s passage says, “We will be cast down but

not destroyed.” How much courage are we given by this

word? As long as God is with us even if we are cast

down a thousand times, we will not be destroyed. We

will bounce back because God is with Christians. Then

who can destroy us as long as we are not cast down by

God? We are not to be cast down.


You, Full Gospel Businessmen, are doing great things

now! It does not matter if other denominations attack

us. We are doing evangelistic work around the world.

Because of the financial support of our members of the

Full Gospel Businessmen`s Fellowship, the soul-winning

movement through radio and television is rapidly

spreading. Our Lord Jesus clearly states in Mark 16:15

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to

every creature.” If we disregard the mass

communication vehicles that are very powerful for

preaching the good news, we will be rebuked by the

Lord later. Even people of the world use the TV

networks to advertise their products. How can we

ignore these networks in spreading this supreme,

valuable and eternally precious gospel of Christ?


Today Korean Christians boast of our centennial, the

600,000 Christians and 20,000 churches. But Koreans

are ignoring the soul-winning potential through the

tools of mass communication. Most of the Korean

churches take a very passive attitude to this very

important subject. You, Full Gospel Businessmen,

realized the significance of using mass communication,

such as TV and radio in witnessing the gospel. We are

gradually increasing our use of television networks as

well as Japanese television networks. In the United

States we are broadcasting on television networks

coast to coast. Which church in Korea has achieved

this much? I am not saying this to boast of our

church. I am saying that we try our very best to

preach the gospel and we will not be cast down by God.


Clay vessels can not do these kinds of things.  It is

only possible because in our clay vessels we have a

treasure – Jesus Christ. You possess the Treasure

within you. You will never be destroyed by people

because within you is Jesus Christ, the son of God,

who created the heavens, the earth, and all the things

in it. Christians will never be destroyed.


Though we may be distressed, persecuted and cast down

we must continue to preach the gospel to the end of

the world resisting the devil so that we can

evangelize all of Korea and the people of the world to

prepare for our Lord Jesus Christ to come.


God is with us and within us. Our Treasure, Jesus

Christ, lives! We will never be destroyed because the

life of Jesus was given to us. You Christian

businessmen sacrificed your time and finances to

preach the gospel. Your sowing for the kingdom`s sake

must be written in the kingdom of heaven. God will

reward you with His great glory. Do not look at the

vessel of clay. Look at the Treasure in it. Do not be

discouraged under any circumstances. March on! Let us

always pray for the great miracles of Christ in our

lives. As long as we are holding the flag of the

gospel of Christ we cannot withdraw. Our Lord says,

“No man, having put his hands to the plough, and

looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke

9:62)  Until Jesus` second coming we will march

forward with His gospel.


Prepared by :

Ev.Bambang Wiyono





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