An Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter to Muslims of the World 
Sunday, 18 March 2012 08:24 Roman 
Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Greetings in the name of Allah, the beneficent and the Merciful!
Today we are fortunate to watch what is happening in the world on TV from our 
living rooms – whether it is tsunami, floods, earthquakes, plane crashes, 
refugee camps, the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan etc. In this panorama of world 
events, we also watch our Muslim brothers continually involve in unending 
fights in Palestine, Kashmir, Southern Thailand, Mindanao (Philippines), 
Nigeria, Chechnya, Burma, Xinxiang province in China etc. We also watch Muslims 
killing Muslims, or Sunnies fighting against Shiites Ahamadias, Bahais, often 
attacking their Mosques using suicide bombers.
The world is watching us with renewed interest, especially after the Al Qaeda 
attacks on America, London, Spain, Bali and Mumbai. People have started calling 
our Holy Quran A WAR MANUAL OR A TERROR MANUAL. Is it not a sad thing?
Please pay careful attention to this letter, which is being translated into 300 
to 400 languages and sent to about 500 million Muslims and non-Muslims around 
the world.
After seeing so much of terrorist attacks by our self-proclaimed Jihadist 
brothers, non-Muslims have started reading our Holy Koran, Hadith and Sira, and 
are raising so many questions. Only ten questions are given here with 
explanations. Please be ready to answer them.
1. Why Allah changed his own statements in the Holy Quran?
The following are examples of the good and kind verses, Allah revealed to our 
Holy Prophet in Mecca when he had only one wife, Kadhija.
        * “Be patient with what they say, and part from them courteously” 
        * “To you be your religion, and to me my religion.” (Q.109:6)
        * “Therefore be patient with what they say, and celebrate (constantly) 
the praises of your Lord” (Q.20:103)
        * “...and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) 
those who say: ‘We are Christians”; because amongst these are men devoted to 
learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” 
        * “We well know what the infidels say: but you are not to compel them”. 
        * “Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the 
ignorant” (Q7:119) 
        * “Pardon thou, with a gracious pardoning.” (Q.15:85) 
        * “Tell those who believe, to forgive, to forgive those who do not look 
forward to the days of Allah.” (Q.45.14) 
        * “Those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians – any 
who believe in Allah and the last day, and work righteousness, shall have their 
reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” 
        * “And do not dispute with the followers of the Book, except what is 
best.” (Q.29:46
After the death of Kadhija, our holy Prophet married Sawda, and then under-aged 
9-year-old Aisha at the age of 53 and by this time he became very powerful in 
Medina. However, the Jews and Christians had rejected his claim of prophethood 
and his call to embrace Islam. Now the attitude of the Prophet and tone of 
Allah’s subsequent verses dramatically changed. Let us now take a look at the 
new Koranic verses, and also reflect a little on why Allah could not honour his 
own earlier words.
        * “Oh you who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them 
find harshness in you” (Q.9:123)
        * “I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite above 
their necks and smite all their finger tips off.” (Q.8:12)
        * “Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted 
of him.” (Q.3:85)
        * “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.” (Q.9.5)
        * “slay them wherever ye catch them.”  (Q.2:191)
        * “Humiliate them and impose on them a penalty tax if they are 
Christians or Jews,” (Q.9:29)
        * “Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers” (Q 3:54)
        * “Muslims do not take Jews and Christians as your friends” (Q 5:51)
        * “Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the last day, and fight 
people of the book.” (Q.9:29)
        * “O people of the Book (Jews and Christians), do you find fault with 
us, except that we believe in Allah? Shall I inform you of him who is worse 
than this in retribution from Allah? Worse is he whom Allah has cursed and 
brought His wrath upon, and of whom He made apes and swine and he who served 
idols. Such are in worse plight and far more astray from the straight path” 
If Jews and Christians are the breed of monkeys and pigs in the eyes of Allah, 
then how it is possible that out of 820 or so Nobel Prize winners, 800 belonged 
to the People of the Book (Christians 620, Jews 180)?
Have you noticed that all inventions and discoveries that we use today, from 
safety-pin to aspirin, were made by people who never read our Holy Quran?
How we, the Muslims, can demand respect from others without any contribution to 
2. Accusation of our Holy Prophet of being a paedophile?
According to Sahih Al-Bukhari (Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236), our Holy Prophet 
married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that 
marriage when she was nine years old.
Is it normal for a 50-year-old Holy Prophet to fall in love with a 9-year-old 
girl and for a 53-year-old Holy Prophet to consummate a 9-year-old girl?
Was he the best of Allah’s creation, as we claim?
Are we to follow this example and marry six-year-old girls?
3. Accusation that our Holy Prophet a looter of caravans, a rapist and a slave 
Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459:
“We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we 
received captives and we desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.( 
molesting  the women  and withdrawing before ejaculation, because pregnant 
women are difficult to sell in the slave trade) So we asked Allah’s Apostle, he 
said, ‘It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul is predestined to 
exist, it will exist.”
This hadith proves that our Prophet looted caravans, raped captured women and 
was involved in slave trade.
Accordingly, non-Muslims are accusing our Holy Prophet of being a looter, 
rapist and slave trader. How do we counter these accusations?
4. Accusation that our Holy Prophet was a mass murderer?
According to Sahih Bukhari (Volume 4, Book 52, Number 280), after 25 days of 
holding Banu Qurayza besieged, the Jews eventually surrendered unconditionally 
as was demanded by our Holy Prophet. By the order of our Holy Prophet, between 
600 and 900 of the Jewish men were beheaded.
Even if these Jews were found ‘treacherous’, was he not a "mercy of God to 
mankind" as Allah has said in the Quran? How could he then commit this 
horrendous massacre?
Yet, our Prophet boasted of such cruelties: “I have been made victorious 
through terror”. (Bukhari 4:52:220)
Soon after our Holy prophet set foot in Medina, he started his campaign of 
terror.  His followers have been doing the same ever since until this day.
5. Accusation of polygamy against our Holy Prophet
After Kadhija’s death when our Prophet was 50 years old, he had more than 20 
wives and concubines. They were: Sawda, Aisha, Hafsa, Zaynab biny khuzayma, Umm 
Salama Rayhana, Zaynab bint Jahsh, Juwariya, Safiya, Barra, and Maria etc. Many 
of them were beautiful young widows from war-booty between the ages of 15 to 20.
6. Did Our Holy Prophet marry his own daughter-in-law Zainab?
Our Holy Prophet peeped through the window of his adopted son Zaid’s house and 
found Zaid’s wife Zainab in her night dress, which aroused his sexual desires 
for her. When Zaid heard about it, he become heart-broken, and divorced Zainab 
so that our Holy Prophet, his father, could marry her. And to clear the way for 
him to marry his daughter-in-law, which was not approved in Arab societies, our 
Prophet produced the following Quranic verse:
“You did hide in yourself that which Allâh will make manifest, you did fear the 
people whereas Allâh had a better right that you should fear Him. So when Zaid 
had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in 
marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in 
respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter 
have no desire to keep them. And Allâh’s Command must be fulfilled” (Q.33:37).
Was this verse, which gives Muslims licence to marry the wife of their adopted 
sons, needed for guiding humanity to the right path?
7. Why Our Holy Prophet had broken the promise given to his 12 wives?
Mariah was a very beautiful Coptic Christian slave-girl of Hafsa, a wife of our 
Prophet. Though our prophet had promised to his wives that he would not have 
sex with Mariah, he cleverly planned and sent Hafsa out to her father Omar’s 
house on the pretext of an urgent matter, and had sex with Mariah when Hafsa 
was gone. When Hafsa found out that father didn’t call for her and returned 
home quickly, she found our Holy Prophet having sex with Maria in her bed.
In this awful situation, how did Our Holy prophet react? He pulled out another 
Quranic verse, allegedly coming from Allah, to give him divine license to 
commit such sexual act:
“O Prophet! Why do you ban (for yourself) that which Allâh has made lawful to 
you, seeking to please your wives? And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 
Allâh has already ordained for you (O men), the dissolution of your oaths. And 
Allâh is your Maula (Protector.) and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise”. 
Is this verse needed to be there in the Quran for guiding humankind to the 
right path? Or was devised just to cover his sexual pleasures?
Intelligent Aisha, being the favourite wife, knew our prophet well and rightly 
said: "Allah really sends his verses at and for your convenience, Rasool Allah!"
8. Is Allah the pagan moon God?
Was not our Prophet’s father named Abdullah, meaning “slave of Allah”? If so, 
how this Allah came into existence before our Prophet was born? Was this the 
pagan moon god Allah which the people of Quraish in Arabia, revered and 
worshiped? How this idol moon god of the Arabs became the heavenly one God for 
9. Why the rights of a woman in the Muslim world are so weak?
In Islam, a woman can be beaten by her husband (Q:4:34); the Quran and Hadith 
give her no right to divorce her husband; her testimony in court is half the 
value of a man’s; her inheritance is half what her brother gets; and she cannot 
leave the house officially without her husband’s permission.
Under sharia law, for a violated woman to prove that she was raped, not 
committed adultery, she must produce four male witnesses. So, how can a woman 
prove that she was raped? Does rape happen in front of four men? Was there any 
incident in the world that four men came to the court and said they have 
witnessed the rape? How do we justify this law, cruel to women?
10. Why Muslim women must wear burka?
When our Holy Prophet died at the age of 63, Aisha was 18 years old and his 
other wives, except Sawda, were between 23 and 27 years of age. On his later 
years in life, probably when our Holy Prophet became sexually weak and was 
unable to satisfy his wives, he faced a serious problem of protecting his 12 
young and beautiful wives from the lustful glance of others. Hence, he ordered 
his wives and also the concubines to cover them from head to toe. This burqa 
dress has become the symbol of ‘modesty’ for women in Islam today. Please 
remember that our Prophet’s first wife Kadhija never wore burqa. Today, half a 
billion Muslim women have to veil themselves, because our Prophet had devised 
this dress-code to cover for his sexual weakness (impotence).
Islam, the fastest-growing religion?
We Muslims proudly claim that Islam is the fastest-growing religion. Islam is 
not the fastest-growing religion in terms of conversion. Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani 
gave Aljazeera T.V. the following facts and figures: “In every hour, 667 
Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to 
Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” (note 
that even two professors and Imams of Egypt’s most prestigious Al Azhar 
University, Dr. Mustafa (now Mark Gabriel) and Dr. Mohammad Rahoumy (now Dr. 
Samuel Paul) have left Islam, because of the unacceptable teachings of the 
But Islam is certainly the fastest-breeding religion. If you can have up to 
four wives and take a lot of children without bothering about their future and 
well being, that’s what will happen. The population will increase fast, but 
your community will be poor with hunger, and lack of education and jobs.
My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, please do not treat this letter as an 
American or Jewish propaganda. We love you very much. Why? Because we were 
Muslims like you before. We want you to see the truth for your self. If you 
have any doubt about this letter ask, any educated Muslim, but not a Mullah, 
who will be angry with you. You may have heard this story. A young Muslim asked 
a Mullah:
“When Allah created Adam & Eve, that is one woman to one man, how is it that 
our Holy Prophet had more than 12 wives and allowed us to have 4 wives? Because 
of this, we Muslims are poor everywhere?” The Mullah slapped on his face and 
shouted: “Don’t ask questions: believe and obey what we say.”
The Mullahs want you to remain chained in the 7th-century Arab culture. When 
we, the ex-Muslims, studied Koran, Ahadith and Sira together, with a logical 
and analytical mind, we found that Islam was not what we were taught in 
childhood: Islam is the best religion and Prophet Muhammad was the finest man 
in history. In fact, the exact opposite is the truth. And we became heart 
broken; we felt depressed; shame, shock, guilt, and frustration. But 
eventually, we came through that difficult stage, and got enlightened and 
freedom from the shackles of Islam. However painful was the process, we came 
out strong, confident and happy. Believe us: only after we were out of the 
bounds of Islam, we realized that how great a feeling it is not to live a lie 
and to be free. Please look around the world on the TV, the Kaffir people in 
Northern Ireland, South Africa and Punjab have found peace and are pursuing 
higher education, prosperity and happiness. You all know that
 India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan) got freedom on the night of 14 
August 1947. The idol-worshiping Indians are progressing well and steadily 
toward a superpower nation, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, who follow 
“allegedly” the best religion and ‘greatest prophet and human being ever on 
earth’, are struggling to exist as nations. India is building 1,200 km fence to 
stop the hungry Muslims from crossing into India.
We the ex-Muslims will have no greater joy than seeing you – the Muslim 
brethren of our birth-religion – progress, prosper and excel in the race of 
civilization. For that to happen, leaving the false, backward, unjust and cruel 
religion of Islam and walking the path of truth and justice and loving humanity 
is essential.
May God bless you abundantly.
Yours truly,
Roman (An Ex-Muslim)
Note:  The following ex-Muslims have written some books about Islam. You can 
read them.
Dr. Ali Sina: Understanding Muhammad
M. A. Khan:  Islamic Jihad
Wafa Sultan: A God Who Hates
Dr. Mustafa (Professor & Imam): The mind of an Islamic Terrorist
Nonie Darwish: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Farhan Qureshi (Islamic scholar)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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