
Ayo gonggong terus

Elo emang anjing peliharaan gw paling setia

Tiap dipanggil langsung gonggong

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.peda...@yahoo.com>
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 00:25:53 
To: <proletar@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Otak item abu udah berleleran sperma, gak jauh dr ngembat2 terus 
omongannya Re: [proletar] Re: Nabi boleh ngembat cewek tanpa nikah

Jadi jelas otak "Roman Proteus" itu sudah rusak...

Dia bukan manusia normal lagi.

Dia sudah gila.

Saya rentang....

"Roman Proteus" itu adalah korban kedunguan orang tuanya yang
dungu-dungu kayak anjing dan yang tidak memberikan pendidikan yang memadai untuk
dia: dia juga dungu kayak anjing seperti mereka.

Dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya buat berfikir, dia tidak dilatih untuk
berfikir kritis.

Dia tidak dilatih untuk mempertanyakan apa yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya.

Dia dilatih buat biasa bersikap seperti anjing budug lapar dihadapan taik angat:
diajar untuk melahap apa saja yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya.

Makanya, dia sama-sama tidak punya harga diri seperti orang tuanya yang dungu
kayak anjing itu dan sama-sama bersedia menjadi korban kibulan orang Arab

Lalu, berkat kemajuan teknologi, dia punya akses ke internet dan sempat melihat
kenyataan lain yang pahit lagi menyilaukan yang ditunjukkan orang lain di
internet: ajaran agama Islam yang dianutnya dan yang dikiranya berdasarkan
kebenaran dan berdasarkan wahyu dari Allah itu ternyata cuman berdasarkan omong
kosong dan kibulan hasil khayalan orang Arab primitif.

Karena dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya untuk berfikir dan untuk
mempertanyakan apa yang dia yakini selama ini maka dia bingung dihadapan
kenyataan itu: groggy.

Dia jadi gila.

Gila dan lantas kalap.

Lalu dia jadi tukang fitnah dan penyebar dusta.

Seperti halnya hampir semua peserta Islam yang hadir disini yang seperti dia
tidak terlatih untuk memakai otak mereka buat berfikir, untuk berfikir secara

Untuk kembali menemukan keseimbangan, hanya psikiater yang bisa menolongnya.

Tapi "Roman Proteus" takut berobat.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Roman Proteus" <pt_kasoet@...> wrote:
> Otak item abu udah berleleran sperma, gak jauh dr ngembat2 terus omongannya
> -----Original Message-----
> From: item abu <itemabu@...>
> Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 07:15:24 
> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com<proletar@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Nabi boleh ngembat cewek tanpa nikah
> Hehehe... si pinpin ga bisa bantah bhw nabinya bisa ngembat cewek tanpa ijab 
> qabul, kepaksa dia kaing2 kayak anjing kejepit buntut.
> >________________________________
> > From: pinpinyuliansyah <pinpinyuliansyah@...>
> >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
> >Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 7:37 PM
> >Subject: [proletar] Re: Nabi boleh ngembat cewek tanpa nikah
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> >ini anak petantang petenteng kayak cacing kepanasan.
> >dibayar berapa kamu sama gereja  tem ?
> >tau apa atu item tenteng ijab qobul ?
> >sok atuh jelasin ... ogut lagi asyik ngopi neh tanggung dah ...
> >sok item cerita, saya dengerin deh ...
> >DUK ! ( Kpala item sayah jitak dikit)
> >
> >--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
> >>
> >> si pinpin ini ternyata kaing2nya melebihi anjing kejepit buntut. cuma bisa 
> >> kaing2 ga nyambung.
> >> 
> >> Eh dungu, apa lu ga tau apa itu ijab qabul? Apa ijab qabul itu belum ada 
> >> di jaman nabi bejad lu itu?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> >________________________________
> >> > From: pinpinyuliansyah <pinpinyuliansyah@>
> >> >To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
> >> >Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 9:30 PM
> >> >Subject: [proletar] Re: Nabi boleh ngembat cewek tanpa nikah
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> >  
> >> >
> >> >ente pikir jaman itu sudah ada catatan sipil plik ... ?
> >> >udah ada internet ?
> >> >Nabilahir di jakarta tahun 1945 masehi gitu ?
> >> >
> >> >Jee...
> >> >
> >> >--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Hehehe.... nabi Islam itu boleh ngeliat cewek yg bukan muhrimnya dan 
> >> >> boleh jg tidur di tempat si cewek. Dan si cewek boleh nunggang 
> >> >> tunggangan si nabi bersama2 dgn si nabi.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Tentunya yg terjadi adalah si cewek bisa nunggangin si nabi dan si nabi 
> >> >> bisa nunggangin si cewek jg, ga perlu pake acara ijab qabul. Alias 
> >> >> boleh ngembat cewek tsb tanpa nikah.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Dan emang udah dipraktekkan oleh nabi islam dgn tidur di tempat cewek 
> >> >> yg bukan muhrimnya, unt ngasih contoh tauladan gimana kelakuan dr orang 
> >> >> yg berakhlak paling mulia sejagad raya.
> >> >> 
> >> >>  
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> http://www.islamqa.info/en/ref/45696
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> One of the unique characteristics of the Prophet (peace and blessings 
> >> >> of Allaah be upon him) was that it was permissible for him to be alone 
> >> >> with a non-mahram woman and look at her
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> I have heard that there is consensus among the ummah that the Messenger 
> >> >> of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was considered to 
> >> >> be a mahram for every Muslim woman, when Allaah commanded him in His 
> >> >> Book (interpretation of the meaning): 
> >> >> 
> >> >> â€Å"It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after 
> >> >> this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty 
> >> >> attracts you� [al-Ahzaab 33:52] 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Thus Allaah forbade him to marry any woman (from point onwards). Did he 
> >> >> thereby become a mahram in the sense that it was permissible for women 
> >> >> to uncover in front of him like any other mahram? And did the Messenger 
> >> >> of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stay overnight in 
> >> >> the houses of the Muslims because he was a mahram to their womenfolk?.
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Praise be to Allaah.  
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Many scholars are of the view that one of the unique characteristics of 
> >> >> the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was that he was 
> >> >> permitted to be alone with the women of his ummah and to look at them 
> >> >> and let them ride behind him on his mount. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Al-Hattaab al-Maaliki said: One of his unique characteristics was that 
> >> >> he was allowed to be alone with a non-mahram woman, as was narrated by 
> >> >> al-Damaameemi in his commentary on al-Bukhaari, at the beginning of the 
> >> >> Book of Jihad, where it speaks of his entering upon Umm Haraam bint 
> >> >> Milhaan. Shaykh Jalaal al-Deen says in al-Mubaahaat: It was one of his 
> >> >> unique characteristics that he was permitted to be alone with them and 
> >> >> to let them ride behind him on his mount. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> End quote from Mawaahib al-Jaleel, 3/402. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Al-Bujayrami al-Shaafa’i said in his commentary on 
> >> >> al-Khateeb: He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had the 
> >> >> unique characteristic of being allowed to look at non-mahram women and 
> >> >> to be alone with them and to let them ride behind him on his mount, 
> >> >> because he was protected by his infallibility. This is the correct 
> >> >> answer concerning the story of Umm Haraam and how he entered upon her 
> >> >> and slept in her house and she cleaned his head, even though they were 
> >> >> not mahrams or spouses. With regard to the suggestion that she was his 
> >> >> mahram through radaa’ah (breastfeeding), this was 
> >> >> refuted by al-Dimyaati on the grounds that it cannot be proven. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> End quote from Haashiyat al-Bujayrami, 3/372. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Commenting on the hadeeth of al-Rubayyi’ bint 
> >> >> Mu’awwidh ibn â€ËÅ"Afra, who said: The 
> >> >> Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came and entered 
> >> >> when it was my wedding and sat by my bed like you are sitting next to 
> >> >> me now, and some young girls of ours started to beat the daff and 
> >> >> eulogize about those of my forefathers who were killed on the day of 
> >> >> Badr. When one of them said, â€Å"There is among us a Prophet 
> >> >> who knows what will happen tomorrow,� he said, 
> >> >> â€Å"Do not say this, but say the other things you were 
> >> >> saying� (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4750), 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: What is clear to us on the basis of strong 
> >> >> evidence is that one of the unique characteristics of the Prophet 
> >> >> (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is that it was permissible 
> >> >> for him to be alone with a non-mahram woman and to look at her. This is 
> >> >> the correct answer concerning the story of Umm Haraam and how he 
> >> >> entered upon her and slept in her house and she cleaned his head, even 
> >> >> though they were not mahrams or spouses.  
> >> >> 
> >> >> End quote from al-Fath, 9/303 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Many of the scholars were of the view that Umm Haraam was one of the 
> >> >> mahrams of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him); 
> >> >> al-Nawawi even narrated that there was consensus among the scholars on 
> >> >> this point. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> It says in Mataalib Ooli al-Nuha (5/34) â€" one of the Hanbali 
> >> >> books: It was permissible for him to let a non-mahram woman ride behind 
> >> >> him on his camel, because of the story of Asma’. And 
> >> >> Abu Dawood narrated from a woman of Ghifaar that the Prophet (peace and 
> >> >> blessings of Allaah be upon him) let her ride behind him on the back of 
> >> >> his camel saddle. And it was permissible for him to be alone with them 
> >> >> because of the story of Umm Haraam. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> The hadeeth of Asma’ referred to above was narrated by 
> >> >> al-Bukhaari (4823) and Muslim (4050) from Asma’ bint 
> >> >> Abi Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with them both), who said: I used to 
> >> >> bring the date-stones from the land of al-Zubayr that the Messenger of 
> >> >> Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had allocated to 
> >> >> him, (carrying them) on my head, and it was two-thirds of a farsakh (a 
> >> >> farsakh = three miles) away. I came one day with the date-stones on my 
> >> >> head, and I met the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah 
> >> >> be upon him), and a group of the Ansaar were with him. He called me 
> >> >> then made his camel kneel down so that I could ride behind him, but I 
> >> >> felt too shy to travel with the men, and I remembered al-Zubayr and his 
> >> >> protective jealousy (gheerah), for he was the most jealous of people. 
> >> >> The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
> >> >> realized that I felt too shy so he went on his way.
>  Then I came to
> >>  al-Zubayr and told
> >> >>  him that I had met the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of 
> >> >> Allaah be upon him) carrying the date-stones on my head, and there was 
> >> >> a group of his companions with him, and he had made his camel kneel so 
> >> >> that I could ride behind him, but I had felt too shy and I remember his 
> >> >> (al-Zubayr’s) protective jealousy. He said: 
> >> >> â€Å"By Allaah, for you to have to carry the date-stones is 
> >> >> harder for me to bear than your riding with him.� She 
> >> >> said: Then later on Abu Bakr sent me a servant to take care of the 
> >> >> horse and it was as if I had been set free from slavery. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> The hadeeth of the woman from Ghifaar was narrated by Abu Dawood (313) 
> >> >> from that woman of Banu Ghifaar who said: The Messenger of Allaah 
> >> >> (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) let me ride behind him on 
> >> >> the back of his camel-saddle. This was classed as 
> >> >> da’eef by al-Albaani in Da’eef Abi 
> >> >> Dawood.  
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> This is not one of the issues on which the scholars are unanimously 
> >> >> agreed, rather some of them clearly stated that there was a difference 
> >> >> of scholarly opinion on this point. Al-â€ËÅ"Iraaqi said in 
> >> >> Tarh al-Tathreeb (5/167), concerning the Prophet (peace and blessings 
> >> >> of Allaah be upon him) entering upon Dubaa’ah bint 
> >> >> al-Zubayr: He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered upon 
> >> >> Dubaa’ah to visit her when she was sick or to visit 
> >> >> her because she was his relative as stated above. This points to his 
> >> >> humility, upholding of kinship ties and concern for his relatives. It 
> >> >> is to be interpreted as meaning that he was not alone with a woman in 
> >> >> this case, because he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did 
> >> >> not sit alone with non-mahram women or shake hands with them. If he did 
> >> >> do that then this does not mean that his infallibility was tarnished 
> >> >> thereby, but they did not regard that as being one of
>  his unique characteristics, thus
> >>  he is like others
> >> >>  with regard to this issue. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> And Allaah knows best.
> >> >> Islam Q&A
> >> >> 
> >> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> >
> >> 
> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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