Drpd lu ngurusin orang lain, mendingan lu ngurusin diri lu sendiri. Apa 
kontribusi lu thd masalah sampah? Lu suka buang sampah seenaknya, berapa banyak 
sampah yg lu hasilkan.

> From: Musik hari Ini <musikhari...@yahoo.com>
>To: "proletar@yahoogroups.com" <proletar@yahoogroups.com> 
>Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2012 5:32 AM
>Subject: [proletar] Item yang Tolol/Indonesian Lives Risked on ‘World’s Most 
>Polluted’ River + A Community Struggles With Jakarta’s Water Qualit
>Tumben otak elu bener&stabil?
>mikirin citarum yang kotor itu........gampang caranya!
>bebas kosong kan sepanjang bantaran kali 
>dari kegiatan ekonomi&pemukiman penduduk.
>From: item abu <item...@yahoo.com>
>To: "proletar@yahoogroups.com" <proletar@yahoogroups.com> 
>Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 6:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [proletar] Indonesian Lives Risked on ‘World’s Most Polluted’ 
>River + A Community Struggles With Jakarta’s Water Qualit
>Citarum itu adalah sungai paling kotor sedunia, dan bisa dipastikan si pinpin 
>ikut memberikan kontribusinya. Dan bangga sekali si pinpin itu dgn 
>konstribusinya tsb.
>> From: Sunny <am...@tele2.se>
>>To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com 
>>Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 6:14 PM
>>Subject: [proletar] Indonesian Lives Risked on ‘World’s Most Polluted’ River 
>>+ A Community Struggles With Jakarta’s Water Qualit
>>Ref: Agaknya sungai-sungai tercemar dan kwalitas air bersih sama dengan air 
>>kotor adalah hal yang tidak penting bagi kehidupan penduduk NKRI, sebab 
>>mungkin ada problem-problem lain yang dianggap lebih penting untuk diatasi 
>>oleh penguasa, sekalipun air bersih adalah kebutuhan utama bagi manusia hidup 
>>sehat dan sejahtera. 
>>Indonesian Lives Risked on ‘World’s Most Polluted’ River
>>September 07, 2012
>>A man uses a fishing new to collect plastic waste from the Citarum river in 
>>Bandung in West Java on July 6, 2012. A water source for the capital Jakarta, 
>>the Citarum river has succumbed to pollution through sewage and industrial 
>>waste. (AFP Photo/Timur Matahari) Sukamaju. With dozens of bright green rice 
>>paddies, flocks of kites in the sky and children laughing nearby, at first 
>>glance the village of Sukamaju in western Java has all the charms of rural 
>>But the idyllic setting is spoiled by a strong stench rising from the Citarum 
>>river that flows in the distance, thick with mounds of garbage and plastic 
>>bags dumped on its banks.
>>This immense aquatic rubbish bin winds 297 kilometers (185 miles) across the 
>>island of Java, cutting through the sprawling Indonesian capital, Jakarta.
>>Labelled “the most-polluted in the world” by a local commission of government 
>>agencies and NGOs charged with its clean-up, the river is the only source of 
>>water for 15 million Indonesians who live on its banks, despite the risks to 
>>health and crops.
>>In the village of Sukamaju, not far from the bustling West Java capital of 
>>Bandung, a well at a small village square serves as a public shower. Without 
>>any other water source in the village, it is connected directly to the canal.
>>Noor, a villager in her 40s, has had white patches on her arms for the past 
>>six months.
>>“When I first started itching, it was always after washing here. It’s because 
>>of the contaminated water in the river. It’s the factories’ fault,” she said.
>>“I don’t know what this disease is, but I don’t have any money to see a 
>>The Bandung Basin is the historic center of Indonesia’s textile industry, 
>>where 1,500 factories in the region dump 280 tons of toxic waste each day 
>>into the Citarum.
>>In the irrigation canals of Sukamaju, between the rice paddies, the water for 
>>crops that runs through the fields is a puzzling deep red verging on black.
>>“This is because of the dyes from the factories. The color changes every two 
>>hours (depending on dyes being washed out), and that has a direct impact on 
>>the quality of the rice,” complained Deni Riswandani, as he dissected a young 
>>“There are no more grains in the pods. Production has been reduced 50 percent 
>>from the normal harvest,” said Riswandani, who is trying to bring farmers 
>>together to lobby for financial compensation.
>>Health effects go unaddressed
>>At the edge of the plantation stands a massive grey building equipped with 
>>several chimneys and surrounded by barbed wire. On the coast, a valve 
>>connected to the factory dumps toxic residue at regular intervals right by 
>>the rice paddies.
>>“Normally, factories can’t dispose waste into the water without treating it,” 
>>Riswandani said. “In theory, there are very heavy penalties for doing this, 
>>but the government pretends there are regular checks. But on the ground 
>>nothing changes.”
>>According to Windya Wardhani, head of the West Java provincial environment 
>>bureau: “We practice intensive control, and I think that gradually the 
>>factories will comply with the rules. But perhaps not every day,” she said.
>>“There are heavy metals in the Citarum’s water and sediment, probably because 
>>of the factories, since you don’t find heavy metals in rubbish.”
>>She said the river contained mercury, lead, zinc and chrome, which have been 
>>linked to cancer, organ damage and even death, affecting babies and children 
>>more severely.
>>Mercury and lead can cause joint disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and 
>>diseases of the kidneys, circulatory system and nervous system, studies show.
>>Residents have sought compensation for their damaged rice crops, while the 
>>health effects of the river have gone unaddressed, with no data yet gathered 
>>to measure the extent of the problem.
>>The Indonesian Textiles Association asserts that the industry’s contribution 
>>to the river’s pollution is no more than 15 to 25 percent.
>>“It comes mostly from domestic waste and plastic. It is unfair to assume it’s 
>>all us. It’s easy to count the number of factories, but who’s counting the 
>>number of people who live along the river and throw their waste in the 
>>water?” said Kevin Hartanto, head of the Bandung chapter of the textile 
>>Cleaning up the Citarum river and its 22 streams has been classified a 
>>national priority by the Indonesian government, which in 2010 launched a huge 
>>15-year project to rehabilitate the river.
>>Largely financed by the private sector, this “road map” involves dozens of 
>>NGOs, seven ministries and 12 local governments, amounting to a total of $3.5 
>>billion. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will contribute $500 million.
>>According to Thomas Panella, an ADB water resources specialist, progress has 
>>so far been minimal.
>>“At this point there has been little improvement because it’s been a very 
>>short time [in which] to address the pollution issues,” he said.
>>“We need to look at lessons of countries like France, the US and Korea that 
>>had incredibly polluted waterways in the first part of this century. You 
>>would think at that time it was not possible to address these things. You 
>>have to have a long-term vision.”
>>Agence France-Presse
>>A Community Struggles With Jakarta’s Water Quality
>>Jonathan Vit | September 02, 2012
>>Muhammad Taher’s modest one-story home in North Jakarta’s Cilincing 
>>subdistrict is a short walk from the colorful fishing boats moored along the 
>>shore of Jakarta Bay. Discarded mussel shells crunch under foot as he 
>>navigates the narrow maze-like alleys, turning sideways to squeeze between 
>>people standing outside food stalls and tin-roofed shacks. 
>>The streets of Cilincing are still dirt, but the main road leading into the 
>>slum was just recently paved with rough concrete. It’s one of the few signs 
>>of development in a place seemingly untouched by Jakarta’s wealth. 
>>Taher walks through a blizzard of buzzing black flies as he approaches the 
>>bay. The pungent smell of fish is overpowering. Dozens of people — men, women 
>>and children — are huddled around piles of black mussels. Cilincing is a 
>>community devoted to a single cause. Some 12,000 households work to harvest 
>>mussels, one of the few creatures that can survive the pollution of the 
>>Jakarta Bay. 
>>Taher points out the children squatting around a pile of mussels, their thin 
>>fingers separating meat from shell. 
>>“Children at these ages are not supposed to work,” Taher says. “They are not 
>>supposed to worry about money. They should just play with their friends and 
>>not think about their family’s income.” 
>>It wasn’t always this way. Taher recalls growing up in Cilincing, back when 
>>the water was still clear and his father could cast a net and catch fish from 
>>the shore. 
>>“It was not a life of the rich, but we never felt any hunger,” he says. 
>>Today, fishing boats bob on the dark waters of Jakarta Bay, a body of water 
>>so polluted by solid waste and industrial runoff that the bay is rapidly 
>>becoming eutrophic — or so depleted of oxygen that large fish can no longer 
>>survive, according to a Unesco report. 
>>“The government really does not want to know about the problems in Jakarta 
>>Bay,” Taher says. 
>>Taher is one of the 7,000 traditional fishermen still living in the capital. 
>>His livelihood, like the 7.8 million impoverished fishermen living along the 
>>coasts of Indonesia, depends on the sea. Most of Indonesia’s traditional 
>>fishermen live on $1 a day. Twenty-eight percent survive on even less, says 
>>Slamet Daroini, the manager of education and public fund-raising at the 
>>Fisheries Justice Coalition. 
>>According to experts, decades of unchecked pollution, rampant overfishing and 
>>inadequate infrastructure have taken a serious toll on the nation’s waters, 
>>hampering fishermen’s ability to earn a living. 
>>All thirteen rivers running into Jakarta Bay are heavily polluted by human 
>>waste, which, due to the capital’s inadequate sewage treatment facilities, 
>>carries bacteria-laden feces directly into the bay, according to the Unesco 
>>report and environmental experts. 
>>Industrial manufacturers also dump dangerous liquid waste into the rivers, 
>>Slamet says. A survey of Jakarta’s waterways conducted by the Jakarta Office 
>>of Urban Environmental Study in 1997 found high levels of heavy metals — 
>>including lead, mercury and copper — and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in 
>>Jakarta Bay. The contaminants, known to cause cancer and heavy metal 
>>poisoning, were found in sea life, birds and people at the time of the study. 
>>Pollution of Jakarta’s rivers and bay had steadily increased since 1983, the 
>>study found. 
>>In the nearly three decades that followed, the situation has failed to 
>>improve, Slamet says. He details reports of companies secretly dumping 
>>industrial waste into the river during the rainy season, when the rivers, and 
>>many of Jakarta’s low-lying neighborhoods on their banks, are overflowing 
>>with water. 
>>The dumping is illegal, Slamet says, but enforcement is lax. 
>>“The government cannot — or does not want to — penalize these companies,” 
>>Slamet says. 
>>The pollution has driven Cilincing’s fishermen further out to sea, where they 
>>have to compete with anglers from Jakarta’s Thousand Islands for an 
>>increasingly limited stock of fish. 
>>On Panggang Island the impact of overfishing is so extreme its effects can be 
>>seen from a plane. Marine biologist Elizabeth M.P. Madin has observed the 
>>lack of algae “halos” around the island’s coral reefs in satellite images. 
>>In a study on the effects of overfishing of coral reefs, Madin explained that 
>>in reefs with a healthy population of predatory fish, smaller plant-eating 
>>fish only travel a short distance from the safety of the reef to feed. Their 
>>feeding habits produce halos around the reefs. 
>>The halos are no longer visible on reefs near Panggang Island, according to 
>>the report published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. 
>>“What our results show is that fishing can have surprising, but very clear, 
>>effects throughout coral reef ecosystems,” Madin said in a press release 
>>announcing the findings. 
>>For Taher, traveling nearly 13 kilometers to cleaner waters no longer makes 
>>economic sense. He used to charter a larger boat with other local fishermen 
>>and head out for three days at a time. But the fuel, food and supplies needed 
>>for a fishing trip to the Thousand Islands could cost the men more than Rp 
>>2.5 million ($261). 
>>On good trips, Taher was able to take home Rp 150,000. During lean times, he 
>>brought home Rp 50,000. He now fishes on a “bagan” — a wooden platform 
>>suspended above open water — to save money. 
>>“It is really difficult now to go fishing and there is no balance between the 
>>costs and the [money] made,” he says. “That is why there are so many who 
>>stopped being traditional fishermen.” 
>>Only 25 percent of Cilincing’s men still fish, Taher said. And most of the 
>>remaining fishermen are drowning in debts owed to the loan sharks who started 
>>to circle once the community fell on hard times. 
>>They offer the men predatory loans at 25 to 30 percent interest rates, Taher 
>>says. It’s a dangerous system, but one that many fishermen turn to when they 
>>cannot afford to feed their families, he explained. 
>>“We sometimes can only pay the interest,” Taher says. “Many of the 
>>traditional fishermen who once had houses lost them.” 
>>Taher sees hope in the community’s mussel harvest. He walks through the 
>>bustling community, proudly explaining how the shellfish have allowed his 
>>neighbors to survive. 
>>But the mussels, like much of the sea life found in Jakarta Bay, have been 
>>contaminated by heavy metals. The local government stopped issuing permits to 
>>farm mussels from Jakarta Bay last year, explaining that the filter feeders 
>>absorb the toxic chemicals found in the bay. 
>>But the residents of Cilincing have few other options, Taher says. 
>>A weathered 55-year-old man interrupts Taher’s tour talk with a slight 
>>handshake. Mansyur used to be a fisherman, but he now harvests mussels. The 
>>changes, he said, are heartbreaking. 
>>“I feel very sad seeing these bad changes,” Mansyur says. “I cry inside my 
>>heart because all of the changes are so extreme and none of them bring any 
>>Mansyur has lived through the regimes of Sukarno and Suharto, the economic 
>>collapse and the ensuing recovery. But it is Indonesia's economic growth, and 
>>the population and manufacturing boom it fuels in Jakarta, that may prove to 
>>be too much. 
>>If Jakarta, and the rest of the nation, fails to curb pollution and dumping, 
>>traditional fishermen may become a thing of the past, Slamet says. 
>>"In my opinion, the fishermen do not have any future in Jakarta," he says.
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