
Jadi pertama, al-Mushaf itu ngutip Galen dan selebihnya ngaco...

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Tawangalun" <tawangalun@...> wrote:
> Sebaiknya dicounter dg pakar Embryology Toronto ini:
> Keith L. Moore, Ph.D., F.I.A.C.
> The Department of Anatomy, University of Toronto, Canada.
> Address all correspondence to:
> Keith L. Moore, Ph.D, F.I.A.C., Professor of Anatomy and Associate Dean
> Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto,
> Ontario M55 IAB, Canada
> Statements referring to human reproduction and development are scattered
> throughout the Qur'an. It is only recently that the scientific meaning
> of some of these verses has been appreciated fully. The long delay in
> interpreting these verses correctly resulted mainly from inaccurate
> translations and commentaries and from a lack of awareness of scientific
> knowledge.
> Interest in explanations of the verses of the Qur'an is not new. People
> used to ask the prophet Muhammad all sorts of questions about the
> meaning of verses referring to human reproduction. The Apostle's answers
> form the basis of the Hadith literature.
> The translations(*) <http://www.islam101.com/science/embryo.html#trans> 
> of the verses from the Qur'an which are interpreted in this paper were
> provided by Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, a Professor of Islamic Studies
> inKing Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
> "He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another,
> in three veils of darkness."
> This statement is from Sura 39:6
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya39-1.htm> . We do
> not know when it was realized that human beings underwent development in
> the uterus (womb), but the first known illustration of a fetus in the
> uterus was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. In the 2nd
> century A.D., Galen described the placenta and fetal membranes in his
> book"On The Formation of the Foetus." Consequently, doctors in the 7th
> century A.D. likely knew that the human embryo developed in the uterus.
> It is unlikely that they knew that it developed in stages, even though
> Aristotle had described the stages of development of the chick embryo in
> the 4th century B.C. The realization that the human embryo develops in
> stages was not discussed and illustrated until the 15th century.
> After the microscope was discovered in the 17th century by Leeuwenhoek
> descriptions were made of the early stages of the chick embryo. The
> staging of human embryos was not described until the 20th century.
> Streeter (1941) developed the first system of staging which has now been
> replaced by a more accurate system proposed by O'Rahilly (1972).
> "The three veils of darkness" may refer to: (l) the anterior abdominal
> wall; (2) the uterine wall; and (3) the amniochorionic membrane (Fig.
> 1). Although there are other interpretations of this statement, the one
> presented here seems the most logical from an embryological point of
> view.
> Figure 1. Drawing of a sagittal section of a female's abdomen and pelvis
> showing a fetus in utero. The "veils of darkness" are: (1) the anterior
> abdominal wall; (2) the uterine wall, and (3) the amniochorionic
> membrane.
> "Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest."This statement is from
> Sura 23:13
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya23-1.htm> . The
> drop or nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a
> more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form
> a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This
> interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states
> that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by
> the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed
> drop")."Then We made the drop into a leech-like structure."This
> statement is from Sura 23:14
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya23-1.htm> . The
> word "alaqah" refers to a leech or bloodsucker. This is an appropriate
> description of the human embryo from days 7-24 when it clings to the
> endometrium of the uterus, in the same way that a leech clings to the
> skin. Just as the leech derives blood from the host, the human embryo
> derives blood from the decidua or pregnant endometrium. It is remarkable
> how much the embryo of 23-24 days resembles a leech (Fig. 2). As there
> were no microscopes or lenses available in the 7th century, doctors
> would not have known that the human embryo had this leech-like
> appearance. In the early part of the fourth week, the embryo is just
> visible to the unaided eye because it is smaller than a kernel of wheat.
> Figure 2. Top, a drawing of a leech or bloodsucker.
> Below, a drawing of a 24 day-old human embryo. Note the leech-like
> appearance of the human embryo at this stage.Figure 3. Left, a
> plasticine model of the human embryo which has the appearance of chewed
> flesh.
> Right, a drawing of a 28 day-old human embryo showing several bead-like
> somites which resemble the teeth marks in the model shown to the left.
> "Then of that leech-like structure, We made a chewed lump."This
> statement is also from Sura 23:14
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya23-1.htm> . The
> Arabic word "mudghah" means "chewed substance or chewed lump." Toward
> the end of the fourth week, the human embryo looks somewhat like a
> chewed lump of flesh (Fig. 3). The chewed appearance results from the
> somites which resemble teeth marks. The somites represent the beginnings
> or primordia of the vertebrae."Then We made out of the chewed lump,
> bones, and clothed the bones in flesh." This continuation of Sura 23:14
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya23-1.htm> 
> indicates that out of the chewed lump stage, bones and muscles form.
> This is in accordance with embryological development. First the bones
> form as cartilage models and then the muscles (flesh) develop around
> them from the somatic mesoderm."Then We developed out of it another
> creature."This next part of Sura 23:14
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya23-1.htm>  implies
> that the bones and muscles result in the formation of another creature.
> This may refer to the human-like embryo that forms by the end of the
> eighth week. At this stage it has distinctive human characteristics and
> possesses the primordia of all the internal and external organs and
> parts. After the eighth week, the human embryo is called a fetus. This
> may be the new creature to which the verse refers."And He gave you
> hearing and sight and feeling and understanding."This part of Sura 32:9
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya32-1.htm> 
> indicates that the special senses of hearing, seeing, and feeling
> develop in this order, which is true. The primordia of the internal ears
> appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of
> understanding) differentiates last."Then out of a piece of chewed flesh,
> partly formed and partly unformed."This part of Sura 22:5
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya22-1.htm>  seems to
> indicate that the embryo is composed of both differentiated and
> undifferentiated tissues. For example, when the cartilage bones are
> differentiated, the embryonic connective tissue or mesenchyme around
> them is undifferentiated. It later differentiates into the muscles and
> ligaments attached to the bones."And We cause whom We will to rest in
> the wombs for an appointed term."This next part of Sura 22:5
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/ya22-1.htm>  seems to
> imply that God determines which embryos will remain in the uterus until
> full term. It is well known that many embryos abort during the first
> month of development, and that only about 30% of zygotes that form,
> develop into fetuses that survive until birth. This verse has also been
> interpreted to mean that God determines whether the embryo will develop
> into a boy or girl. The interpretation of the verses in the Qur'an
> referring to human development would not have been possible in the 7th
> century A.D., or even a hundred years ago. We can interpret them now
> because the science of modern Embryology affords us new understanding.
> Undoubtedly there are other verses in the Qur'an related to human
> development that will be understood in the future as our knowledge
> increases.
> (*) Even though the translations of the verses of the Qur'an in the
> above paper were provided by Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, the links to the
> translations in this page are fromYusuf Ali Qur'an Translation
> (http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/yali_trans/yasurahl.htm)
> presented by the Alim Online
> <http://qibla.msa.upenn.edu/alim_online/alimhome.htm>  since Sheik
> Zendani's translation is not available on the internet. (MSA-UTK)
> Many thanks to Dr.Jamal Badawi who have brought this article to us.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Bukan Pedanda" <bukan.pedanda@>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Selanjutnya:
> >
> >
> http://www.faktailmiah.com/2010/08/27/perkembangan-embrio-manusia-sains-\
> vs-mitologi.html
> >
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Bukan Pedanda" bukan.pedanda@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/proletar/message/210159
> > >
> > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Gabriella Rantau <gkrantau@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > REZAMEUTIA menulis: gabby, mana ayat yang katanya manusia
> > > > berasal dari tanah di alkitab? katanya lu mau membahas al quran
> ama gw secara
> > > > scientific, tapi kok malahan ngacir?
> > > > �
> > > > payah dah...
> > > > another kristen cukimai..
> > > > omongnya aja gede, sok ngajakin ngebahas quran secara scientific,
> > > > ternyata otaknya kopong.
> > > > gabyy, kalo lu cuman bisa copas doang mah mendingan lu ke
> > > > pinggir aja deh. udah banyak kristen dungu di milis ini yang
> kebisaannya cuman
> > > > copas, lu cuman nyampah doang.
> > > > �
> > > > Bang Reza,
> > > > aku sudah kirim beberapa ayat al Qur’an yg menyangkut
> sains. Anta lain:
> > > > �
> > > > 1.� � �  Pertumbuhan
> > > > janin yg sangat klenik contekan teori Tabib Galen (c. 3centry AD).
> Jelas spt
> > > > Galen penulis ayat Qur’n juga tidak menyadari bhw tanpa
> ikut sertanya sel-telor
> > > > perempuan (yg harus dibuahi oleh sperma) tidak mungkin terjadi
> janin.
> > > > 2.� � �  Masih
> > > > mengenai pertmbuhan janin, Al Qur’an menyatakan bhw ada
> tahap pertumbuhan di
> > > > mana semua tulang-belulang, tengkorak sudah terbentuk tapi belon
> dililit oleh
> > > > daging dan kulit. Ini mah spt orang Baduy mendirikan tenda.
> > > > 3.� � �  Mengenai
> > > > Allah berkenan menciptakan 7 langit (sorga) dan 7 bumi. Bukan
> lapisan tapi
> > > > bener2 tujuh planet bumi. Apa pakar planet dan semesta alam Islam
> sudah
> > > > menemukan 6 bumi lainnya?
> > > > 4.� � �  Mnrt
> > > > Qur’an Allah mencegah agar bulan dan matahari tidak saling
> menyusul. Well,
> > > > orbit matahari dan bulan itu tidak sama. (Hanya kalo sama,
> se-orbit maka ada
> > > > kemungkin susul-menyusul). Orbit bulan dan orbit matahari itu bak
> trayek bis Merantama
> > > > (dlm kota) dan trayek bis malam antar propinsi. Keduanya tidak
> mungkin susul
> > > > menyusul.
> > > > 5.� � �  Di
> > > > mana matahari tengggelam? Mnrt Al Qur’an matahari tenggelam
> di mata-air keruh
> > > > di ujung barat dari bumi. Untuk meyakinkan umat Islam penulis ayat
> juga
> > > > menyertakan keterangan bhw matahari terbenam itu pernah disaksikan
> oleh no less
> > > > a personage than Alexander the Great (=Zul Qarnain �" si
> Tanduk dua). Ada ayat
> > > > lain yg mengatakan bhw matahari terbenam nyungesep di bawah
> singgasana (kursi)
> > > > Allah dan menunggu izin Allah sebelum terbit lagi!
> > > > 6.� � �  Mnrt
> > > > ayat scientific dari Al Qur’an dijelaskan bhw Allah
> menciptakan langit yg tidak
> > > > retak dan tidak disangga, ditopang tiang. Artinya mnrt
> Qur’an langit itu SOLID!
> > > > How scientific.
> > > > 7.� � �  Mnrt
> > > > Qur’an Allah mencampakkan gunung2 ke permukaan bumi. Adapun
> tujuannya mnrt
> > > > allah supaya permukaan bumi tidak goyang (terkena gempa bumi). Ada
> 2 kesalahan sains
> > > > di pernyataan di atas. (i) Gunung2 termasuk gunung berapi itu
> muncul dari dalam
> > > > bumi (gerakan magma atau tabrakan antar continental shelves). (ii)
> Spt kita
> > > > ketahui di tempat yg banyak gunungnya cenderung rawan terserang
> gempa bumi.
> > > > Adanya magma yg ngocor keluar atau fractures/ faults karena
> tabrakan
> > > > continental shelves tsb.
> > > > �
> > > > Nah,
> > > > apakah 7 ‘fakta sains’ mnrt Al Qur’an ini
> sesuai dengan modern scientific
> > > > knowledge atau berlainan?
> > > > �
> > > > Gabriella
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > >  From: rezameutia <rezameutia@>
> > > > To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Sent: Friday, 28 September 2012 11:04 PM
> > > > Subject: [proletar] Re: Fw: Japri
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > �
> > > > gabby, mana ayat yang katanya manusia berasal dari tanah di
> alkitab?
> > > > katanya lu mau membahas al quran ama gw secara scientific, tapi
> kok malahan ngacir?
> > > >
> > > > payah dah...
> > > >
> > > > another kristen cukimai...
> > > >
> > > > omongnya aja gede, sok ngajakin ngebahas quran secara scientific,
> ternyata otaknya kopong.
> > > >
> > > > gabyy, kalo lu cuman bisa copas doang mah mendingan lu ke pinggir
> aja deh.  udah banyak kristen dungu di milis ini yang kebisaannya cuman
> copas, lu cuman nyampah doang.
> > > >
> > > > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Gabriella Rantau <gkrantau@>
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Tapi harus kita ingat bhw banyak pegawai negeri: bawahn dan
> atasan juga, yg masuk agama Islam karena diberitahu bhw kalo tidak kagak
> naik pangkat. Ini di Indonesia. di negara2 Islami spt Mesir, Pakistan,
> Iran, dst. kadang2 si mualaf diberi pilihan 'amsuk Islam' atawa
> 'digantung'. Sebagian yg diberi pilihan (adil, 'kan?!) mengatakan
> praktik ini juga dilakukan pd zaman permulaan Islam oleh tidak lain
> daripada Nabi Muhammad sendiri.
> > > > >
> > > > > Kalo anda ada peluang makan-angin ke Oman sebelum masuk kota ada
> gerbang megah. Di situ tertulsi dlm Bahasa Arab dan ada terjemahan
> Inggrisnya peringatan sbb. Kalau kamu (raja Kristen di sono dulu) dan
> sodara laki2mu menerima Islam, maka kedudukanmu akan selamat, kerajaanmu
> juga tidak akan kami serang. Sebaliknya kalau mau masup Islam maka
> tenang2 saya kerajaanmu akan tidak aku hancurkan. DASAR PREMAN!
> > > > >
> > > > > Berikut ini aku copy & paste 'peringatan & ajakan' yg disertai
> ancaman dari Nabi Junjungan.
> > > > >
> > > > > Gabriella
> > > > >
> > > > > Muhammad’s Letter to the King of ‘Oman,
> Jaifer, and his Brother ‘Abd Al-Jalandi:[5]
> > > > > "In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most
> Merciful.
> > > > > From Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah to Jaifer and
> ‘Abd Al-Jalandi.
> > > > > Peace  be upon him who follows true guidance;
> > > > > thereafter I invite both of you  to the Call of Islam. Embrace
> Islam.
> > > > > Allâh has sent me as a Prophet to  all His creatures in
> order that I may instil fear of Allâh in the hearts  of His
> disobedient creatures so
> > > > > that there may be left no excuse for  those who deny
> Allâh. If you two
> > > > > accept Islam, you will remain in  command of your country; but
> if you
> > > > > refuse my Call, you’ve got to  remember that all
> your possessions are
> > > > > perishable. My horsemen will  appropriate your land, and my
> Prophethood
> > > > > will assume preponderance over  your kingship."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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