Buat nambah koleksi bacaan lu & budak kelamin gank, blek. 


Tokoh Media Inggris Lakukan Pelecehan Seksual Selama 50 Tahun 

Oleh Yahoo! News | AFP – Sel, 15 Jan 2013 

Oleh Alice Ritchie, AFP

Mendiang pemandu acara di jaringan BBC, Jimmy Savile, ternyata adalah penjahat 
kelamin yang mencabuli anak-anak selama lebih dari 50 tahun, demikian dikatakan 
polisi pada Jumat lalu. Dia menggunakan popularitas dan gayanya yang eksentrik 
untuk menutupi kejahatan.

Investigasi yang dilakukan selama tiga bulan bersama dengan badan amal 
anak-anak NSPCC menemukan fakta bahwa Jimmy, salah satu bintang TV terbesar di 
Inggris pada 1970-an sampai 1980-an, mengambil kesempatan untuk melakukan 
pelecehan terhadap gadis muda, anak laki-laki, dan wanita dewasa di seluruh 

Dia menggunakan popularitasnya sebagai pemandu acara tangga lagu stasiun TV BBC 
"Top of the Pops" dan program anak "Jim'll Fix It" untuk memerkosa dan 
melecehkan korbannya di tempat kerjanya di BBC serta di sekolah dan rumah 
sakit, tempat ia disambut para penggemarnya.

Skandal tersebut telah membuat BBC kelabakan, meski demikian polisi mengatakan 
bahwa jaringan publik terbesar di dunia itu tidak bisa dipersalahkan atas 
tindakan kriminal Jimmy Savile. 

"Jelas bahwa Savile dengan licik membangun kariernya untuk mendapatkan akses 
terhadap anak-anak yang rentan supaya bisa melakukan tindak pelecehan," kata 
Peter Watt dari NSPCC.
Ia menggambarkan Savile sebagai salah satu penjahat kelamin yang paling 
"produktif" yang pernah dihadapi badan amal tersebut. Peter Watt bilang, "Ia 
menutupi kedoknya di balik penampilan eksentrik, memperdaya mereka yang 

David Gray, kepala unit pedofilia Scotland Yard, mengatakan bahwa Savile 
"menghabiskan setiap waktunya untuk memikirkan aksi kejahatannya, kapan pun ada 
kesempatan ia langsung mengambilnya."

Laporan polisi tersebut dipublikasikan seiring dengan Keir Starmer, jaksa 
penuntut ternama di Inggris, mengaku kalau Savile bisa dituntut pada 2009 jika 
saja polisi mau menindaklanjuti laporan korban secara serius.

Starmer meminta maaf dan mengatakan bahwa ia berharap kasus Jimmy Savile bisa 
dianggap sebagai "titik balik" yang mengubah pendekatan pihak berwenang dalam 
menangani tindak pelecehan seksual. 

Savile, yang meninggal pada Oktober 2011 dalam usia 84 tahun, adalah tokoh 
populer yang eksentrik, yang dikenal lewat rambut putihnya, baju training, 
serta perhiasan emas. Ia juga mendapat gelar Knight (ksatria) pada 1990.

Isu mengenai kehidupan pribadinya sebenarnya pernah beredar, namun dibantah 
dengan gurauan.

Setahun setelah kematiannya, lima wanita langsung membeberkan tindak pelecehan 
yang dilakukan Savile saat mereka masih remaja, yang langsung memicu ribuan 
laporan atas dugaan kasus yang sama.

Sekitar 450 orang telah memberikan kesaksian, dengan 214 kasus kriminal, 
termasuk 34 pemerkosaan — 28 kasus dilakukan terhadap anak-anak — yang sudah 
dilaporkan sejauh ini.
Tiga perempat korbannya adalah anak-anak, kebanyakan remaja perempuan berusia 
antara 13 tahun sampai 15 tahun, namun yang termuda adalah anak laki-laki 
berusia delapan tahun. 

Laporan tersebut mengatakan bahwa tidak ada bukti yang jelas yang menunjukkan 
bahwa Savile terlibat dalam jaringan pedofilia. Malahan, dikatakan bahwa 
penyerangannya, yang terjadi antara 1955 sampai 2000,  sebagian besar adalah 
"tindak kekerasan seksual yang oportunistis."

Pada 1960, seorang anak berusia 10 tahun melihat Savile di luar hotel dan 
kemudian meminta tanda tangannya. Pemandu acara tersebut mengajak anak itu 
masuk ke dalam hotel  dan menjadikannya korban kekerasan seksual.

Polisi menyatakan bahwa Savile mampu menjaga tindak kriminalnya tidak terkuak 
karena popularitasnya sekaligus rasa malu yang dialami para korbannya serta 
ketakutan bahwa polisi tidak akan percaya laporan mereka.

Komandan Peter Spindler, yang memimpin penyelidikan Scotland Yard terhadap 
Savile, mengatakan bahwa ia telah "menipu seluruh negeri."

Ia mengatakan bahwa laporan kepolisian "merupakan gambaran kasar mengenai 
konsekuensi tragis saat kekuasaan bertemu kerapuhan."

Namun ia memperingatkan untuk tidak mempersalahkan salah satu institusi 
tertentu atas tindak pelecehan yang terjadi di BBC, di sekolah-sekolah, di 13 
rumah sakit, dan bahkan dalam sebuah ruang perawatan, tempat Jimmy melakukan 
tindak kekerasan seksual terhadap seorang pengunjung remaja.

BBC telah membentuk tim investigasi independen untuk kasus tersebut, dan bulan 
lalu jaringan publik Inggris itu telah memublikasikan sebuah ulasan atas 
kegagalan program mereka "Newsnight" untuk melaporkan pelecehan seksual Savile 
setelah kematiannya.

"BBC terkejut atas sejumlah tindak pelecehan yang dilakukan di tempat kerjanya. 
Kami menyampaikan permintaan maaf secara mendalam kepada para korban aksi 
kriminal ini."

Menteri Kesehatan Andrew Lansley mengatakan bahwa penyelidikan tindak pelecehan 
Savile terhadap pasien di rumah sakit sedang dijalankan dan menambahkan, "Saya 
rasa kita semua merasa muak, jujur saja, dengan fakta kita memuji orang ini 
sementara dia melakukan tindakan mengerikan seperti itu."

--- Item Abu  wrote:

> Dari 9 bajingan2 "sex monster" yg pedophile dan tukang merkosa ini, 
> ada 2 Muhammad dan 2 Ahmad. Ini ngasih info tth mereka dan Islam, 
> bukan?
> Si cewek korban sampe dicap "M" di pantatnya sbg singkatan dari 
> Muhammad, menunjukkan betapa solehnya para bajingan2 ini dlm 
> beribadah ke nabi pedophilenya.
> Nabinya tukang merkosa, pedophile dan gila sex, makanya pengikutnya 
> jg sama, krn nabinya itu merupakan suri tauladan mereka.
> 'Youngest sex gang victim, 11, was branded with her own hairpin by 
> "sick sex monsters" who plied her with drugs' 
> Nine men are accused of grooming and busing vulnerable girls in 
> OxfordChild sex ring allegedly abused several girls - aged 11 to 16 
> over eight yearsGang member allegedly branded one schoolgirl with 
> 'M' for Mohammed Group's second victim, aged 14, told a friend 'she 
> just wanted to be loved' 
> By
> Suzannah Hills
> PUBLISHED: 14:12 GMT, 17 
> January 2013 | UPDATED: 
> 18:40 GMT, 17 January 2013 
>  An 11-year-old girl was branded with an 
>       'M' for Mohammed on her buttocks to show she 'belonged' to a member of 
> a 
>       child sex ring, the Old Bailey heard today. 
>       The child was repeatedly subjected to 
>       'torture sex' sessions where she was bound and gagged before being 
> raped by 
>       members of the gang, a jury was told.
>       The girl is the youngest victim of nine 
>       men who allegedly hung around outside schools and care homes to recruit 
>       vulnerable victims they could use and abuse.
>               The court heard how the girl had been 
>               ‘sold’ by an unidentified man to an alleged member of the 
> sex ring, 
>               Mohammed Karrar, in mid-2004.
>               After what she describes as a ‘nicey-nicey honeymoon 
> period’ in which 
>               she was lavished with gifts including perfume, she was then 
> plied with 
>               hard drugs.
>               It is alleged that Karrar then pimped 
>               her out, raping her in her own living room and inviting others 
> to do the 
>               same. 
>                       Jurors were told he thought he 
>                       ‘could get away with doing anything’ because her 
> parents were deaf 
>                       and had learning difficulties.
>                       Prosecutor Noel Lucas QC told the 
>                       court: ‘He kept telling her he was going to get back 
> the money he 
>                       had paid for her.'
>                       The court heard that Mohammed 
>                       Karrar got the girl, who is now 19, pregnant just after 
> her 12th 
>                       birthday. He then took her to a backstreet clinic in 
> Reading for an 
>                       abortion. 
>                       ‘It was not a proper clinic, but 
>                       a room at the back of a house,’ Mr Lucas explained. 
> ‘She saw 
>                       instruments laid out. 
>                               'She was given a couple of pills 
>                               and saw what looked like a large crochet hook, 
> which was used to 
>                               undertake the procedure.
>                               ‘Procuring a miscarriage by 
>                               these means is not only entirely unlawful, it 
> is also extremely 
>                               dangerous and can lead to all sorts of medical 
> complications, 
>                               including death.’
>                               Around the same time, 
>                               Mohammed Karrar is also said to have branded an 
> ‘M’ for 'Mo' on 
>                               to her buttocks using one of her hairpins.
>                                       ‘He told her he wanted 
>                                       people to know she belonged to him,’ 
> said Mr Lucas.
>                                       On one occasion when she 
>                                       tried to fight him off, he knocked her 
> out with a metal 
>                                       baseball bat.
>                                       The girl was later 
>                                       introduced to Mohammed’s brother 
> Bassam, who allegedly gang 
>                                       raped her after forcing her to watch an 
> episode of 
>                                       Eurotrash.
>                                       The pair went on to 
>                                       organise group sex sessions with other 
> men. 'Clients' would 
>                                       be charged up to £500 for regular sex 
> and £600 for bondage 
>                                       sessions, the court heard.
>                                       The abuse is said to have 
>                                       continued until August 2009, when the 
> girl was aged 15.
>                                       She described her abusers 
>                                       as ‘sick sex monsters’ who were 
> playing ‘mind games’ with 
>                                       her, the court heard.
>                                               'The men gave her 
>                                               alcohol and cigarettes and 
> later cannabis,' said Mr 
>                                               Lucas.'She 
>                                               loved the attention they showed 
> her. It made her feel 
>                                               important and - wholly 
> mistakenly - she felt protected 
>                                               by them.
>                                               'This was the 
>                                               grooming phase, to get the 
> confidence of these girls. At 
>                                               this time, the men asked 
> nothing in return and did not 
>                                               abuse her sexually.
>                                               'Gradually, over a 
>                                               period of time, they secured 
> her confidence.'
>                                               It was only when she 
>                                               was thirteen-and-a-half that 
> the abuse began and she was 
>                                               ordered to have sex with men 
> brought to a flat in 
>                                               Oxford.
>                                               'They cajoled her 
>                                               into having sex with the men,' 
> said Mr Lucas. 'They did 
>                                               so in a jokey manner, as if she 
> was being asked to take 
>                                               part in a dare.'
>                                               'It was all done 
>                                               rather cleverly,' he added.
>                                               The attacks continued 
>                                               from July 2005 for around 
> two-and-a-half years and the 
>                                               girl, now aged 20, was even 
> taken to other cities, 
>                                               including London, Coventry and 
> Manchester.
>                                               There she was taken 
>                                               to bedsits to have sex with men 
> or to act as an escort.
>                                               'On one occasion when 
>                                               she went to London, Mohammed 
> Karrar had given her so 
>                                               much crack cocaine she couldn't 
> breathe and had to be 
>                                               taken to hospital,' said Mr 
> Lucas.
>                                               Nine men of Egyptian 
>                                               and Pakistani descent face 51 
> charges relating to the 
>                                               alleged abuse between May 2004 
> and January last year.
>                                               Anjum Dogar, 30, of 
>                                               Tawney Street, Oxford, denies 
> three counts of rape, 
>                                               three of conspiracy to rape, 
> three of arranging or 
>                                               facilitating child prostitution 
> and one count of 
>                                               trafficking within the UK for 
> sexual exploitation.
>                                               Hospital porter 
>                                               Akhtar Dogar, of the same 
> address, denies five counts of 
>                                               rape, three of conspiracy to 
> rape, three of arranging or 
>                                               facilitating child prostitution 
> and one count of 
>                                               trafficking within the UK for 
> sexual exploitation.
>                                               Security guard and 
>                                               father-of-two Jamil, from 
> Summertown, is charged with 
>                                               four counts of rape, three 
> counts of conspiracy to rape, 
>                                               two counts of arranging the 
> prostitution of a child, one 
>                                               count of possession with intent 
> to supply class A drugs.
>                                               Mohammed Karrar, of 
>                                               Kames Close, Oxford, denies 
> four counts of conspiracy to 
>                                               rape, an alternative count of 
> conspiracy to commit 
>                                               sexual assault with a child, 
> six counts of rape, two 
>                                               counts of trafficking for 
> sexual exploitation, one of 
>                                               conspiracy to assault by 
> instrument, two counts of 
>                                               arranging or facilitating child 
> prostitution, one count 
>                                               of using an assault with intent 
> to procure a miscarriage 
>                                               and one count of assault of a 
> child by instrument.
>                                               Security guard and 
>                                               father-of-two Bassam Karrar, of 
> Hundred Acres Close, 
>                                               Oxford, denies, three counts of 
> rape, three counts of 
>                                               conspiracy to rape, two counts 
> of arranging or 
>                                               facilitating child 
> prostitution, one count of 
>                                               trafficking for sexual 
> exploitation and one count of 
>                                               conspiracy to assault by 
> instrument.
>                                               Assad Hussain, 32, of 
>                                               Horsepath Road, Cowley, denies 
> three counts of sexual 
>                                               activity with a child and two 
> of conspiracy to rape.
>                                               Mohammed Hussain, 24, 
>                                               of Ashurst Way, Rose Hill, 
> Oxford, denies conspiracy to 
>                                               engage in sexual activity with 
> a child, rape and two 
>                                               counts of sexual activity with 
> a child.
>                                               Bilal Ahmed, 26, of 
>                                               Suffolk Road, Maidenhead, 
> Berks, denies with conspiracy 
>                                               to engage in sexual activity 
> with a child and sexual 
>                                               activity with a child.
>                                               Jobless Zeeshan 
>                                               Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, 
> Headington, denies two counts 
>                                               of conspiracy to engage in 
> sexual activity with a child 
>                                               and two counts of sexual 
> activity with a child.
>                                               The trial continues 
>                                               and is expected to last up to 
> three months.
>                                                       Read more:
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2263924/Youngest-sex-gang-victim-11-branded-hairpin-sick-sex-monsters-plied-drugs.html#ixzz2IHh1Ri59
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