Dusta si fosil tua mengenai islam, al quran, mirip kayak ilustrasi begini. Si fosil tua bilang kalo si kimhook itu mirip manusia dari jaman batu, dengan kenyataan nalar kimhook belum sebaik manusia yg hidup di jaman modern pada umumnya, tentu saja itu jadi bahan tertawaan orang karena sangat jauh dari kenyataan; karena yg bener si kimhook lebih mirip simpanse dgn volume otak yg kurang lebih sama dengan manusia purba pada umumnya. Totally false. Dan ya, si fosil tua merupakan gambaran manusia narsisis yg sok tahu.
Sesungguhnya dusta si fosil tua di milis2 itu usang, dan sudah direfute berkali2 dgn berbagai bukti yg tidak terbantahkan. Omongan macam Puin, Arthur Jeffrey, Bellamy, Cook, Jochen Katz, Robert Morey, Geiger dll dikupas habis2an sehingga nampak letak ketololan mereka. Biasanya isyu2 tolol model mereka bakalan di muat di answering-islam.org - yg semua sudah kenal kalo situs tsb dibikin dan menjadi kegemaran "kafir2 kristen". Saya bilang "kafir2 kristen" karena sungguh kelakuan mereka sangat memalukan, gak ada sama sekali tercermin ajaran cinta kasih yg menjadi semboyan di khotbah2 mereka karena yg ada hanya kebencian, fitnah, dusta. Mereka gak pernah minta maaf, atau sedikitnya mencabut artikel2 yg sudah dimuat di website tsb, padahal fakta yg tidak terbantahkan sudah disodorkan di website tandingannya semacam www.answering-christianity.com atau www.islamic-awareness.org. Apa yg sebenarnya mereka cari? Kebenaran atau kebencian? Saya tidak bermaksud melukai siapapun pemeluk nasrani di milis ini, terutama nasrani yg masih punya nurani, karena dengan tegas di dalam al Quran bahwa kaum nasrani adalah kaum yg paling dekat persahabatannya dgn muslim.: 5. 82. "Sesungguhnya kamu dapati orang-orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang yang beriman ialah orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang musyrik. Dan sesungguhnya kamu dapati yang paling dekat persahabatannya dengan orang-orang yang beriman ialah orang-orang yang berkata: "Sesungguhnya kami ini orang nasrani". Yang demikian itu disebabkan karena di antara mereka itu (orang-orang nasrani) terdapat pendeta-pendeta dan rahib-rahib, (juga) karena sesungguhnya mereka tidak menyombongkan diri." Tapi alangkah sayang kalo kita melihat situs www.answering-islam.org, sikap persahabatan tidak nampak sedikitpun di dalamnya. Saya ambil satu contoh isyu yg dibawa si fosil tua bahwa Allah adalah moon-godnya orang pagan, yg juga ada di situs tsb. Si fosil tua mengambilnya dari pendapat Dr. Morey. Dan dibawah ini adalah satu dari sekian bantahannya: [quote] Let's look at another passage from page 13 of Morey's book where he quotes, this time from Caesar Farah: Islamic scholar Caesar Farah concluded There is no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that Allâh passed on to the Muslims from the Christians and Jews. (Farah p. 28). Please compare this quote with the entire paragraph where Morey said he quoted it from. Here it is reproduced from Caesar Farah's book: Allâh, the paramount deity of pagan Arabia, was the target of worship in varying degrees of intensity from the southernmost tip of Arabia to the Mediterranean. To the Babylonians he was "Il" (god); to the Canaanites, and later the Israelites, he was "El'; the South Arabians worshipped him as "Ilah," and the Bedouins as "al-Ilah" (the deity). With Muhammad he becomes Allâh, God of the Worlds, of all believers, the one and only who admits no associates or consorts in the worship of Him. Judaic and Christian concepts of God abetted the transformation of Allâh from a pagan deity to the God of all monotheists. There is no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that "Allah" passed to the Muslims from Christians and Jews. (Farah p. 28). The first problem with Morey's quote is that he so separated the last sentence from the rest of the paragraph, that he made it say something different from what it used to say in the context of that paragraph. Such out-of-context quotations is a common ploy of Morey. A second problem is that Morey referred to Caesar Farah as an "Islamic Scholar". Morey tries to bolster the authority of his quoted authorities by giving them adjectives as above. If by "Islamic" readers think that Caesar Farah is a Muslim, Morey has no motive to correct such a misunderstanding. And if challenged, he could say he meant "Scholar of Islam". Then he should say what he means. A third problem is that Morey left out the important discussion from Farah's book. That passage was saying that the God who was called Ilah in South Arabia was called El by the Israelites. This fact would have ruined Morey's entire Moon-god-in-Islam theory, so Morey conveniently concealed it. [end quote] Atau komentar dari orientalis lain mengenai ibn warraq; [quote] The Sources Of Islam? Commenting about Ibn Warraq's use of Tisdall's material in his The Origins Of The Koran: Classic Essays On Islam's Holy Book, François de Blois says: The "classic essays" are of unequal value. The worst is St. Clair Tisdall's decidedly shoddy piece of missionary propaganda. The two by Mingana are not much better. It is surprising that the editor, who in his Why I Am Not A Muslim took a very high posture as a critical rationalist and opponent of all forms of obscurantism, now relies so heavily on writings by Christian polemicists from the nineteenth century.[3] [end quote] Dan si fosil tua ini memang sama saja kelakuannya dgn kafir2 sesat dari anwering-islam.com. Omongan si fosil tua mengenai Puin, Cook, Ibn Warraq dll gak pernah dia cabut, dan menta maaf pada umat islam padahal fakta2 yg tersebar di internet sangat mudah untuk didapat. Padahal modalnya cuman kejujuran yg bersumber dari hati nurani yg bersih; yg mana menjadi tidak akan pernah mungkin dimiliki si fosil tua kalo hari2nya diisi cuman dengan mabok. Dan semua posting si fosil tua ttg islam memang hanya junks shg conformed dgn hasil polling. Apakah si fosil tua bisa meminta maaf kepada umat islam, sebanyak jumlah posting yg dikirimkannya? Saya ragu. Dan saya ingatkan lagi si fosil tua untuk membikin satu surat semisal surat al quran..hehehe. ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Know an art & music fan? Make a donation in their honor this holiday season! http://us.click.yahoo.com/.6dcNC/.VHMAA/Zx0JAA/uTGrlB/TM --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe : [EMAIL PROTECTED] List owner : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage : http://proletar.8m.com/ Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/proletar/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/