Omar moyo moyo itu jelas orang yang betul-betul sudah gila...

--- In, itemabu2 <itemabu2@...> wrote:
> Hehehe... nurut si Omar moyo ini, gpp pulang dr Arab dlm keadaan
> bunting atau babak belur krn kecelakaan dlm kerja, yg penting ga
> mampus.
> Lalu, brp yg pulang dlm keadaan mati dr Arab, atau yg ngilang
> selamanya di Arab? Gpp jg tentunya buat si Omar moyo ini.
> Yg penting itu emang ngejilat pantat sang majikannya, orang Arab yg
> kerabat nabi.
> On 6/22/13, Omar moyo moyo <omarmoyo@...> wrote:
> > Anjing kesrek tukang tipu....
> >
> > elu bisa kagak kasih penuh mulut jutaan orang2 itu?
> >
> >
> > kalau cuma ada orang bunting itu biasa...apanya luar biasa?
> >
> > kecelakaan dalam kerja itu hal biasa...lebih susah ngurusin orang lapar
> >
> >
> > sejak kapan jadi pembela TKW yang hari2 elu hujat Agamanya???
> >
> > tukang tipukan elu itu
> >
> >
> > ini akibat terlalu banyak otakelu kemasukan bahan2 dari kebohongan2
> >
> > yang keluar dari mulut&Orat oretelu pasti ...Tipuan.
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >  From: itemabu2 <itemabu2@...>
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:31 PM
> > Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: France Slashes Benefits to Muslim Parasites by
> > 83%
> >
> >
> > Kata si omar moyo:
> >> Ada berapa TKW kerja disana?
> >> kalau cuma bunting atau kecelakaan dalam kerja itu hal biasa
> >> yang pokok tidak mampus seperti akibat dari korban Narkoba
> >
> > Jadi, tkw yg bunting diperkosa atau "kecelakaan" itu biasa, asal ga
> > mampus, ga masalah buat si omar moyo.
> >
> > Dasar bajingan pengkhianat bangsa si omar moyo ini.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 6/22/13, Omar moyo moyo <omarmoyo@...> wrote:
> >>
> >> Betul ga yg gua bilang
> >> ===============
> >>
> >> Yang keluar dari otak&orat oret elu itu busuk semua
> >> nickname elu saja palsu tidak masuk akal.........karena palsu.
> >>
> >> muslim Indonesia itu tukang jilat pantat
> >> ==========================
> >> Oooh bangsatlu kalau begitu.
> >>
> >>
> >> bangsa Arab yg doyan nganiaya tkw Indonesia.
> >> ===========================
> >> Ada berapa TKW kerja disana?
> >> kalau cuma bunting atau kecelakaan dalam kerja itu hal biasa
> >> yang pokok tidak mampus seperti akibat dari korban Narkoba
> >> bayangin satu hari di RI ada 62 orang mati karena barang haram itu.
> >>
> >> Artinya, muslim Indonesia (dan anjing2 buduk piaraannya) adalah
> >> pengkhianat bangsa Indonesia.
> >> ======================
> >> Eeeh tolol apa kontribusi Agama keresten yang elu anut
> >>
> >> dalam perjalanan sejarah bangsa Indonesia???
> >>
> >>
> >> ________________________________
> >>  From: itemabu2 <itemabu2@...>
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:38 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: France Slashes Benefits to Muslim Parasites
> >> by
> >> 83%
> >>
> >>
> >> Betul ga yg gua bilang, muslim Indonesia itu tukang jilat pantat
> >> bangsa Arab yg doyan nganiaya tkw Indonesia.
> >>
> >> Artinya, muslim Indonesia (dan anjing2 buduk piaraannya) adalah
> >> pengkhianat bangsa Indonesia.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 6/22/13, Omar moyo moyo <omarmoyo@...> wrote:
> >>> Nickname elu palsu
> >>>
> >>> pake hayalan palsu pula mau bela TKW indonesia
> >>>
> >>> pasti perjuangan elu palsu
> >>>
> >>> omongan elu itu palsu
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> yang penghianat bangsa itu elu&benggolan elu
> >>>
> >>> tiap2 hari menghujat Agama mayoritas bangsa Indonesia/melayu
> >>>
> >>> palsu kagak masuk akall!
> >>>
> >>> pasti datang dari bau mulut&otak yang sudah busuk
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ________________________________
> >>>  From: itemabu2 <itemabu2@...>
> >>> To:
> >>> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 5:13 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: France Slashes Benefits to Muslim Parasites
> >>> by
> >>> 83%
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hehehe... apa ada seekor muslim Indonesia atau anjing piaraannya yg
> >>> ngebela tkw Indonesia yg dianiaya oleh orang2 soleh dan bertaqwa di
> >>> Arab?
> >>>
> >>> Yg ada malahan muslim2 Indonesia dan anjing2 bduuk piarana mereka pada
> >>> ngejilatin pantat Arab.
> >>>
> >>> Muslim2 Indonesia dan anjing2 buduk piaraan mereka ini adalah
> >>> pengkhianat bangsa.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 6/22/13, Omar moyo moyo <omarmoyo@...> wrote:
> >>>> Kakek yang satu ini pasti penghianat bangsa nya kendiri bangsa melayu!
> >>>>
> >>>> bukan nya berjuang atau nuntut masalah Rengasdengklok
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> malah pasang badan untuk RRC yang bukan bangsanya
> >>>>
> >>>> ngapain ke china town?
> >>>>
> >>>> beli sampah yang laku dijual?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> ________________________________
> >>>>  From: Bukan Pedanda <bukan.pedanda@...>
> >>>> To:
> >>>> Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:54 AM
> >>>> Subject: [proletar] Re: France Slashes Benefits to Muslim Parasites by
> >>>> 83%
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Sekali lagi..
> >>>>
> >>>> Di Amsterdam dan di Den Haag ada Chinatown dan nama jalan di Chinatown
> >>>> itu
> >>>> dihiasi lampiun dengan gerbang khas Tionhoa diujung jalnnnya, dan nama
> >>>> jalannnya juga ditulis dengan huruf latin dan huruf Tionghoa...
> >>>>
> >>>> Dan jarang tuh, if ever, kedengaran orang Tionghoa yang bikin onar atau
> >>>> bikin teror....
> >>>>
> >>>> --- In, itemabu2 <itemabu2@> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Artikel di bawah ini menunjukkan bhw orang2 Islam itu memang adalah
> >>>>> sampah masyarakat, parasit dan bajingan.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Eropa dan Amrik tidak mengalami masalah dgn imigran non Islam spt
> >>>>> Vietnam, Cina, India dll, cuma orang2 Islam aja yg jadi biang kerok.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Ini menunjukkan bhw emang Islamlah yg merupakan ajaran bejad dan
> >>>>> biadab shg orang2 Islam itu cuma jadi parasit, sampah dan bajingan.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> France Slashes Benefits to Muslim Parasites by 83%
> >>>>>
> >>>>> June 15, 2013
> >>>>> Article submitted by:  Veronica Coffin
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You know things are bad when even the socialists are fed up with
> >>>>> having to support the Muslim freeloaders. It seems that immigration
> >>>>> policies of France, are seriously changing. The country is no longer
> >>>>> able to hold back the crowd of Muslim invaders, many of whom do not
> >>>>> want to integrate into the social and economic life of their new home
> >>>>> country, and are content to live off the state and breed like rabbits.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It's interesting that the original source for this story came from
> >>>>> Russia's Pravda. Apparently the MSM in the EU are trying to cover it
> >>>>> up.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> EU Times  (h/t Maria J) The upcoming radical changes for migrants were
> >>>>> announced by French Interior Minister Manuel Valls.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After a meeting on the National Immigration and Integration, French
> >>>>> Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced significant changes in the
> >>>>> country's migration policy. The government will reduce financial
> >>>>> assistance to immigrants, and this reduction will be substantial.
> >>>>> Starting March 1 of next year, French immigrant benefits will be
> >>>>> reduced by 83 percent. The amount of compensation to immigrants who
> >>>>> voluntarily want to return home will be also reduced. If earlier the
> >>>>> government paid 300 euros for every adult and 100 euros for every
> >>>>> minor, in March of 2013 these amounts will be reduced to 50 and 30
> >>>>> euros, respectively. (The photos below are of Muslims rioting in
> >>>>> France just for the sake of rioting. Imagine what it will look like
> >>>>> now that they have a reason)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> One of the main provisions of the new immigration rules in France is
> >>>>> the reduction of unemployment benefits. New rules will directly affect
> >>>>> many of the immigrants who do not want to be of real assistance to the
> >>>>> country and whose main goal is the existence at the expense of French
> >>>>> taxpayers. Now immigrants who are EU citizens receive an allowance of
> >>>>> 2,000 euros per adult and 1,000 euros per child.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Under the new policy, according to Valls, the payments will be reduced
> >>>>> to 500 and 200 euros, respectively. Manuel Valls said that the
> >>>>> previous immigration policy did not lead to the desired effect, and
> >>>>> the existing outreach programs for immigrants do not work as they were
> >>>>> expected to, therefore, the rules must be changed. If this is not
> >>>>> done, the costs for the maintenance of migrants now paid by the French
> >>>>> Treasury will continue to devastate the economy of France that is
> >>>>> already suffering from the crisis caused by international factors.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Earlier this year, during the election campaign in France, Nicolas
> >>>>> Sarkozy, the then President, strongly advocated for the changes in
> >>>>> migration policies in France. He stated that the delays could
> >>>>> adversely affect the entire domestic policy of France. Francois
> >>>>> Hollande, the current President of France and at that time the main
> >>>>> opponent of Sarkozy, spoke on the subject more softly, avoiding naming
> >>>>> any specific measures. Does this mean that life itself supports the
> >>>>> statements of the eccentric ex-president of France?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic
> >>>>> Studies, in the second half of 2010, France was home to over five
> >>>>> million migrant workers, or about 8 percent of the total population.
> >>>>> The largest number of migrants arriving in France, according to the
> >>>>> data for 2007, was from Algeria, Morocco and Portugal. In 2011, French
> >>>>> citizenship was granted to 66,000 people. It is getting increasingly
> >>>>> more difficult for the government to providefinancial assistance to
> >>>>> migrants, given that many of them do not work or study. In fact, this
> >>>>> is not surprising given the amount of aid that the government was
> >>>>> ready to provide to its new citizens.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> With a growing number of migrants, mainly from Muslim countries,
> >>>>> France is experiencing many internal problems. They include rising
> >>>>> unemployment and crime, and increasingly greater sums of money from
> >>>>> the state treasury spent on support of migrants and their families,
> >>>>> which has a detrimental effect on the economy. Finally, France is
> >>>>> simply awash with the migrant population with an alien ideology,
> >>>>> reluctant to accept European values and often hostile.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Sooner or later, the government had to take measures. It seems that
> >>>>> the time has come. On the wave of changes in French policy towards
> >>>>> migrants, in 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy won presidential elections. Since
> >>>>> his arrival to power, the government began to pursue a policy of the
> >>>>> so-called selective migration, whose aim was to attract to France
> >>>>> mainly skilled personnel. Under Sarkozy a quota system was introduced
> >>>>> in the country that determined the number of required workers.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In March of 2012, during the presidential campaign, Nicolas Sarkozy
> >>>>> reiterated the importance of addressing domestic problems of migrants.
> >>>>> Sarkozy, a son of an immigrant from Hungary, suggested cutting the
> >>>>> amount of social assistance provided to migrants and reducing the
> >>>>> number of issued residence permits by 50%. In addition, he threatened
> >>>>> that France would leave the Schengen Treaty in order to prevent
> >>>>> infiltration of unwanted migrants into the country.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Francois Hollande, the current president of France, was not that
> >>>>> radical in his vision of the issues associated with migrants. He was
> >>>>> not ready to control all categories of migrants, but in March of 2012
> >>>>> called for limiting migration for economic reasons. It looks like it
> >>>>> is the economic conditions that are forcing the French authorities to
> >>>>> toughen the policy towards migrants. This is indicated, in particular,
> >>>>> by the disappointing data in the Global Competitiveness Report on the
> >>>>> state of competitiveness of France, which the government discussed in
> >>>>> November. According to the report, the competitiveness of the French
> >>>>> industry is falling.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In 2000, the share of industry in the economy of the country accounted
> >>>>> for 18 percent, and now – 12.5 percent as companies are going
> >>>>> bankrupt. In part, it is due to the heavy burden of social security
> >>>>> contributions that businesses are required to make. French business
> >>>>> payroll taxes are among the highest in the world at approximately 50
> >>>>> percent. It could not have been different because the country had to
> >>>>> feed a large number of migrants.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The French Media refuse to report on the anti-Islamization protests in
> >>>>> the streets of Paris.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
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