--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, itemabu2 <itemabu2@...> wrote:
> Ngasih masa iddah ke cewek ingusan yg blm mens itu masuk akal ga?

Mana ada yang disebut 'masa iddah ke cewe ingusan yang blom mens'?

Ini kan cuman opini goblok lo aja.  
Udah pernah kan lo berdebat dengan gw tentang masa iddah bukan untuk cewe 
ingusan, tapi lo tetep aja dengan pikiran opini dogol lo nganggap masa iddah 
adalah cewe ingusan yang blom mens.

Lo bisa browsing di internet yang namanya masa iddah...

> Kesaksian cewek 1/2 dr kesaksiakn cowok masuk akal ga?

Kenyataannya, saksi cw nggak kayak gitu di negara Muslim, dan juga negara 
muslim terbesar di dunia seperti di Indonesia, semua saksi cewe harganya sama 
dengan saksi cowo.

Lha.., kok lo ngacir ketika ditanya tentang ayat2 di alkitab yang cabul dan 
sesat, tem?  Karena tidak ada orang kristen dan bahkan pendeta kristen yang 
membantah hal itu, artinya lo mengakui bahwa alkitab itu cabul dan sesat ya?

> On 6/25/13, rezameutia <rezameutia@...> wrote:
> > Yang mana ajaran Islam yang nggak masuk akal?
> >
> > Hadis memang musti dipilih2 karena orang Islam tau ada hadis palsu dan hadis
> > sahih.  Itu yang gw bilang musti dipake akalnya.
> >
> > Beda dengan elo dan kristen dogol yang nggak dipake akalnya.  Tertulis di
> > alkitab halal ngembat ibu sendiri, lo embat ibu lo sendiri, halal ngembat
> > anak sendiri, lo embat anak lo sendiri sampe bunting.  Halal memperkosa adik
> > lo sendiri, lo perkosa adik lo juga.  Memang agama kristen penuh dengan
> > dogma, seperti diakui oleh tawangalun asli kok.
> >
> > Lalu, apa bedanya lo sama anjing tem?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, itemabu2 <itemabu2@> wrote:
> >>
> >> Si reza ngaku di milis ini bhw dia pilih2 hadis yg sesuai seleranya,
> >> artinya hadis yg ga dipilih itu kalo bukannya dia ga suka ya dia
> >> anggap ga masuk akal. Dgn sendirinya, ayat QUran jg diperlakukan sama
> >> spt hadis, jg ajaran Islam yg ada di syariat iblisnya.
> >>
> >> Ngakunya sih agamanya itu kompatibel dg akal, padahal yg tjd adalah
> >> agamanya disesuaikan dgn kemauannya, krn ga kompatibel. Hrs
> >> dimodifikasi.
> >>
> >> Emang dungu orang2 Islam itu.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 6/23/13, Gabriella Rantau <gkrantau@> wrote:
> >> > And I qooute "Islam bikin cerdas dan pilihan agama harus kompatibel
> >> > dengan
> >> > akal".
> >> >
> >> > Apakah ini berarti ajaran Islam kompatibel dg akal?
> >> > - Agama yg mengajarkan permusuhan;
> >> > - Agama yg menelecehkan 50% dari manusia  yaitukiaum perempuan yg
> >> > diangap
> >> > deficient dlm akal;
> >> > - Agama yg mengamini tahayul: nabi naik Bouraq ke sorga;
> >> > - Agama yg salah ngajarin ttg embryo development;
> >> > - Agama yg ngajarin ada 7 langit dan 7 bumi;
> >> > - Agama yg bilang bhw matahari terbenam di mataa air keruh di ujung
> >> > barat
> >> > bumi (artinya buminya datar spt tempat tidur orang bedu);
> >> > - Agama yg ajarannya saling bertentangan. Misalnya: agamamu bagi mu
> >> > dst.
> >> > tapi bunuhlah mereka yg tidak percaya pd Alah dan Nabi dan puluhan
> >> > lainnya.
> >> > - Kalau hal2 di atas mnrt anda kompatibel dg akal, maka aku pikir
> >> > akalnya yg
> >> > kurang waras dan sekedar akal2n.
> >> >
> >> > Gabriella
> >> >
> >> > PS
> >> > Tanya pd diri anda kenapa jutaan Muslim berbondong2 ingin bernaung di
> >> > negara2 kafir?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ________________________________
> >> >  From: rezameutia <rezameutia@>
> >> > To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
> >> > Sent: Sunday, 23 June 2013 5:38 PM
> >> > Subject: [proletar] Re: Islam at war with itself!
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Si gabby lagi ngayal...
> >> >
> >> >> Kalau keadaan spt ini berlangsung dlm dekade2 mendatang, maka tidak
> >> >> mustahil kalau Islam akan hancur dari dalam. Islam might implode
> >> >> without
> >> >> any interference from any outside agencies.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > Padahal udah jelas menurut Pew Research, Islam adalah agama yang paling
> >> > bersinar dan Kristen agama yang meredup ditinggalkan pengikutnya.
> >> >
> >> > Semuanya udah jelas, ajaran goblok yang penuh dogma akan ditinggalkan
> >> > pengikutnya karena manusia udah semakin cerdas dan pilihan agama harus
> >> > kompatibel dengan akal.
> >> >
> >> > --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Gabriella Rantau <gkrantau@> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> FYI: article dari Pakistan yg menarik yg menunjukkan Muslim saling
> >> >> memushi
> >> >> Muslim. Balas dendam dianggap sebagai keadilan. Memaafkan dianggap
> >> >> sebagai
> >> >> kelemahan! Kalau keadaan spt ini berlangsung dlm dekade2 mendatang,
> >> >> maka
> >> >> tidak mustahil kalau Islam akan hancur dari dalam. Islam might implode
> >> >> without any interference from any outside agencies.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Gabriella
> >> >>
> >> >> June 20, 2013  hancurSpecial Dispatch No.5342
> >> >> Article In Pakistani
> >> >> Daily â€" 'Islam At War â€" With Itself': 'Muslim Societies Have...
> >> >> Evolved
> >> >> Into Places Where Revenge Is Confused With Justice, Forgiveness With
> >> >> Weakness, And Peace With Cowardice'
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Pakistan and many Islamic countries are witnessing targeted
> >> >> killings of Shia Muslims by Sunni jihadi forces such as the Taliban
> >> >> and
> >> >> Al-Qaeda (image courtesy: shiapost.om)
> >> >> Given below are excerpts from an article that appeared in a leading
> >> >> Pakistani daily following the June 15, 2013 terror attacks in Quetta,
> >> >> the
> >> >> capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province, where a female suicide
> >> >> bomber
> >> >> attacked a bus carrying female students and later the militants laid
> >> >> siege
> >> >> to a
> >> >> medical complex where the injured were being treated.
> >> >> The article, titled "Islam at War â€" With
> >> >> Itself" by prominent commentator Murtaza Haider, was published by Dawn,
> >> >> a
> >> >> liberal Pakistani newspaper. In it, Haider argues that the debate
> >> >> in the Islamic world focuses on the conflicts where Muslims are
> >> >> oppressed
> >> >> by
> >> >> non-Muslims, while conveniently failing to raise a debate as to why
> >> >> Muslims are
> >> >> killing Muslims.
> >> >> Following are excerpts from the article:[1]
> >> >> "From Aleppo In Syria To Quetta In Baluchistan, Muslims Are
> >> >> Engaged In The Slaughter Of Other Muslims"; "Many Wonder If The
> >> >> Belief In Islam Is Sufficient To Bind Muslims In Peace With Each
> >> >> Other"
> >> >> "From Aleppo in Syria to Quetta in
> >> >> Baluchistan, Muslims are engaged in the slaughter of other Muslims.
> >> >> The
> >> >> numbers
> >> >> are enormous:Â over
> >> >> 93,000 killed in the Syrian civil war and over
> >> >> 48,000 dead in Pakistan [since 2004].
> >> >> "Millions
> >> >> have perished in similar intra-Muslim conflicts in the past four
> >> >> decades.
> >> >> Many
> >> >> wonder if the belief in Islam is sufficient to bind Muslims in peace
> >> >> with
> >> >> each
> >> >> other.
> >> >> "Since
> >> >> the end of the Second World War, the world has moved in two distinct
> >> >> directions. The West, mostly Christian, has tried to minimize the
> >> >> intra-European conflict and has largely been successful with some
> >> >> exceptions.
> >> >> The Muslim world, on the other hand, has fallen into one violent
> >> >> conflict
> >> >> after
> >> >> another, involving mostly Muslims.
> >> >> "Several
> >> >> intra-Muslim conflicts continue to simmer as proxy wars. In the '80s,
> >> >> the
> >> >> Iran-Iraq war alone left millions dead. More recently, a car bomb in
> >> >> Iraq
> >> >> on
> >> >> Sunday [June 16, 2013] killed another 39 in the sectarian warfare
> >> >> between
> >> >> the
> >> >> Shias and Sunnis that killed at least 1,045 in May 2013."
> >> >> "The
> >> >> Overwhelming Evidence... Suggests That The Sectarian And Tribal
> >> >> Divisions
> >> >> Amongst Muslims And Justifying Violence In The Name Of Religion Are
> >> >> The
> >> >> Primary
> >> >> Causes Of Why Islam Is At War With Itself"
> >> >> "As the
> >> >> violence amongst Muslims increases, most Muslims prefer denial, or
> >> >> look
> >> >> for scapegoats.
> >> >> Those in denial believe no such violence exists and the entire issue
> >> >> is
> >> >> made up
> >> >> by the Western-controlled media. Others blame it on scapegoats â€"
> >> >> Indians
> >> >> and
> >> >> Americans are the most frequently blamed.
> >> >> "The
> >> >> overwhelming evidence, however, suggests that the sectarian and tribal
> >> >> divisions amongst Muslims and justifying violence in the name of
> >> >> religion
> >> >> are
> >> >> the primary causes of why Islam is at war with itself.
> >> >> "In
> >> >> Pakistan, confessions and appalling claims of responsibility by the
> >> >> spokespersons for the Tehreek-e-Taliban and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi should
> >> >> leave
> >> >> no
> >> >> doubt [as to] where the guilt resides. At the same time, the Pakistani
> >> >> intelligence
> >> >> agencies have put together incriminating evidence running into
> >> >> hundreds
> >> >> of
> >> >> thousands of pages against the extremist sectarian outfits, Al-Qaeda
> >> >> affiliates, the nationalist militias in Baluchistan, and others who
> >> >> have
> >> >> perpetrated indiscriminate violence against civilians and the state
> >> >> resulting
> >> >> in over 48,000 deaths since 2004.
> >> >> "The
> >> >> hate-fuelled gulfs that divide Muslims are so wide that not only
> >> >> unarmed
> >> >> civilians, but doctors and others who try to save victims of violence
> >> >> are
> >> >> also
> >> >> targeted by the extremists.The attack on the Bolan Medical ComplexÂ
> >> >> on
> >> >> Saturday [June 15, 2013 in Quetta],
> >> >> which left scores dead, including four nurses, was not the first of
> >> >> its
> >> >> kind. A
> >> >> sectarian [Shia-Sunni] attack in Karachi in February 2010 was followed
> >> >> by
> >> >> a bomb attack on the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical
> >> >> Centre Hospital where
> >> >> victims were rushed for treatment. More than 25 Shia Muslims perished
> >> >> in
> >> >> the
> >> >> two attacks."
> >> >> "From
> >> >> The Very First Day, Muslims Are Taught That Their Belief In Islam
> >> >> Trumps
> >> >> All
> >> >> Other Identities That They May Hold"; "Why Then, Have Millions Of
> >> >> Muslims Died At The Hands Of Their Fellow Believers?"
> >> >> "And while
> >> >> the Muslim-on-Muslim violence is claiming victims all over Pakistan,
> >> >> the
> >> >> violence against non-Muslims, including Hindus and Christians, often
> >> >> brings
> >> >> together Muslims of different stripes, who would otherwise be fighting
> >> >> each
> >> >> other, in attacking religious minorities.
> >> >> "The
> >> >> targeted killings of university professors in Karachi and Quetta, the
> >> >> murder of
> >> >> Shia doctors and professionals, and the attacks on the shrines of
> >> >> patron
> >> >> saints
> >> >> [i.e. Sufi mystics] are all evidence of the fact that Muslims have
> >> >> been
> >> >> killing
> >> >> other Muslims while being motivated by hate and using Islam to justify
> >> >> violence.
> >> >> "Why
> >> >> is that the belief in Islam is not sufficient to prevent violence
> >> >> amongst
> >> >> Muslims?
> >> >> "From
> >> >> the very first day, Muslims are taught that their belief in Islam
> >> >> trumps
> >> >> all
> >> >> other identities that they may hold. Their skin color, tribe, caste,
> >> >> or
> >> >> creed â€"
> >> >> none matters once they enter the fold of Islam. Why then, have
> >> >> millions
> >> >> of
> >> >> Muslims died at the hands of their fellow believers?"
> >> >> "Political,
> >> >> Religious, And Other Leaders In The Muslim World Have Kept The
> >> >> Dialogue
> >> >> Focused
> >> >> On The Conflicts Where Muslims Have Been The Victims"; "Seldom Has
> >> >> The Dialogue Focused On Why Muslims Kill Other Muslims"
> >> >> "Political,
> >> >> religious, and other leaders in the Muslim world have kept the
> >> >> dialogue
> >> >> focused
> >> >> on the conflicts where Muslims have been the victims. The Bosnian
> >> >> conflict, the
> >> >> communal violence in India, which has caused the death of thousands of
> >> >> Muslims,
> >> >> and the Arab-Israeli conflict have been the focus of Muslim leaders.
> >> >> "Seldom
> >> >> has the dialogue focused on why Muslims kill other Muslims. And even
> >> >> if
> >> >> the
> >> >> topic ever comes up, it ends up being an exercise in mass
> >> >> scapegoating.
> >> >> "Muslim
> >> >> societies have thus evolved into places where revenge is confused with
> >> >> justice,
> >> >> forgiveness with weakness, and peace with cowardice. These are the
> >> >> places
> >> >> where
> >> >> unholy men wage holy wars against unarmed civilians, pitching Muslims
> >> >> against
> >> >> other Muslims.
> >> >> "Imagine the state of mind of the person who
> >> >> wore a suicide vest and boarded the bus carrying young women [on June
> >> >> 15
> >> >> in
> >> >> Quetta] whose bright faces were lit with the pride of being educated.
> >> >> There was
> >> >> no reason to attack these innocent women who were unarmed and unrelated
> >> >> to
> >> >> any
> >> >> conflict. But that did not deter the suicide bomber who proceeded to
> >> >> kill
> >> >> them and herself in a suicide attack."
> >> >> "A
> >> >> Group Of Men Chanted With Pride 'Allah-u-Akbar'..., Eulogizing The
> >> >> Female
> >> >> Suicide Bomber For Killing [Female Students]"; "This Was All Done In
> >> >> The Name Of Islam; This Will Be Repeated Sooner Than Later; Some Would
> >> >> Argue
> >> >> This Is Not The 'Real' Islam"
> >> >> "Moments
> >> >> before the blast, the young women were ignorant of the pain that would
> >> >> soon be
> >> >> inflicted on them. They must [have been] smiling and talking to their
> >> >> friends,
> >> >> planning for the rest of the day and for what lay ahead in their
> >> >> lives.
> >> >> The
> >> >> suicide bomber looked at the faces of the women who, if given the
> >> >> opportunity,
> >> >> would most certainly have improved the plight of their impoverished
> >> >> nation...."
> >> >> "Somewhere
> >> >> in or near Quetta, a group of men chanted with pride, 'Allah-u-Akbar'
> >> >> (God
> >> >> is
> >> >> great), eulogizing the female suicide bomber for killing the very
> >> >> women
> >> >> [students] who held the most promise for Pakistan. Their spokesperson
> >> >> called
> >> >> the news outlets to claim responsibility for the attack on unarmed
> >> >> women.
> >> >> Later, at the Bolan Medical Complex in Quetta, another group of men,
> >> >> armed
> >> >> with
> >> >> AK-47 and wearing suicide vests, engaged the security personnel in a
> >> >> standoff
> >> >> that left several more dead, including four nurses who were attending
> >> >> to
> >> >> the
> >> >> wounded from the earlier blast.
> >> >> "This was all done in the name of Islam. This
> >> >> will be repeated sooner than later. Some would argue this is not the
> >> >> 'real'
> >> >> Islam. Does it really matter what real Islam is when its true
> >> >> followers
> >> >> cannot
> >> >> stand against those who use religion to commit genocide?"
> >> >> Â
> >> >> Endnote:
> >> >> [1] Dawn.com (Pakistan), June 17, 2013. The original English of
> >> >> the article has been lightly edited for clarity and standardization.
> >> >>
> >> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >
> >
> >


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