Menggelikan sekali kelakuan orang2 Islam, betul2 ga kenal malu.

"Pemerintah" Palestina nuntut Israel unt nyediakan topeng gas unt jaga2
serangan senjata kimia dr Suriah dgn alasan Palestina masih diduduki oleh

Kita bisa lihat betapa ga kenal malu dan super oportunisnya orang2 Islam
ini, waktu butuh, mereka NUNTUT orang lain ngasih dan ngebantu mereka, kalo
ga butuh, orang yg sama akan (coba) dibantai.

Apa kelakuan ini cuma terbatas pd orang Palestina aja? Kagak, liat aja
kelakuan orang2 Islam lainnya.

Palestinian Authority Demands Israel Provide it with Gas Masks
Palestinian Authority official claims Israel responsible for providing gas
masks for civilians under PA jurisdictions.
By Ari Soffer

A Palestinian Authority official has demanded that Israel provide civilians
living in PA-controlled areas with gas masks in the event of a spillover of
violence from Syria.

Israel has been distributing gas masks to its citizens over the last two
weeks amid fears of reprisals against the Jewish state, following
anticipated US military intervention in neighboring Syria.

Syrian officials have repeatedly declared that in the event of a
western-led intervention against the regime, they would respond by
attacking Israel.

"If there is any war in the region, the responsibility (for ensuring that
the Palestinian Authority's constituents are prepared) falls upon Israel,
because it is the occupying authority," Palestinian Authority security
services spokesman Adnan al-Dumayri told *AFP *on Tuesday.

"Israel must provide to all citizens living under its occupation the
necessary security equipment, be that gas masks or other items, especially
if Israel gets into a war we have no connection with," he said.

Israelis last week scrambled to collect gas masks provided by the state,
queuing up sometimes for hours at distribution centers - mostly post
offices - across the country.

Arabs living under Palestinian Authority rule have not received any such safety
equipment, a situation al-Dumayri blamed on Israel.

"We are living under occupation, we have no sovereignty over our borders
[sic. referring to Judea, Samaria and the Gaza - ed], and we can't import
gas masks," he claimed.

The basis for his claim that the PA is prevented from obtaining gas masks
is unclear.

PA-controlled regions are the world's highest recipients of international
aid per capita, and under the terms of the Oslo agreements, the PA
leadership has full responsibility over providing for the people it
governs. In Gaza as well, Hamas authorities have overseen the import of
countless goods  to the territory, including those banned by the Israeli
blockade - from luxury cars to advanced weaponry.

The US is mulling military strikes against Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad's regime, in response to its alleged use of chemical weapons near
Damascus on August 21.

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