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Syria: Islamist Rebels Fire Gas Cylinder Into Hospital ‘With Allah’s
Permission’ (Video)
09/04/2013 ICA<http://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com/author/midnightwatcher/>

4 Votes

*For choking peaceful purposes …*

Islamist Rebel: “In the name of Allah, the most compassionate and the most
merciful … We shall now pummel the regime’s strongholds in Ashrafieh, the
Popular Army, the Greek Hospital, and Awarid… with Allah’s permission.
Takbir! (Glorify Allah) Allahu Akbar! (Allah is greater) …”

*Flashback: Shock Video Shows ‘Syrian Rebels’ Testing Chemical Weapons,
‘This Is Your Fate … I Swear By Allah To Make You Die’* – “A shocking You
Tube video shows alleged Syrian rebels testing chemical weapons on lab
rabbits before making threats to use them against Syria’s pro-Assad Alawite
population. The video is particularly pertinent given reports yesterday
that claim President Bashar Al-Assad has ordered the Syrian military to
load ‘the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial
bombs,’in preparation for fighter jets to drop the bombs on the civilian
population.” Read
*Flashback: Syrian Rebels Claim To Take Over Chemical Weapons* – “The
Supreme Military Council of the Syrian rebels released on a statement on
Tuesday which said that the rebel forces took control of an army missile
base in Damascus, in which ten ready-to-launch missiles were found. Some of
the missiles, according to the statement, were converted to carry
non-conventional warheads. ‘During the successful operation, the operatives
of the Free Syrian Army found a large number of rockets ready for
launching, with enormous destructive capability, and they were very
surprised to find missiles that were converted to carry non-conventional
warheads and which can be equipped with chemical or biological warheads

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