Orang Mesir itu kan Sunni, jadi mereka ga ngakui kawin mutah. Yg ada adalah
kawin Islami yg legal pake ijab qabul, pake saksi, pake mas kawin dan ga
ada ketentuan berapa lama nikahnya. Tp dgn 1 kata yg diucapin 3x,
pernikahan itu berakhir begitu aja.

Jadi anak2 cewek di Mesir di bawah ini melakukan nikah Islami, bukan kawin
mutah. Pd pakteknya, ini adalah pelacuran yg 100% halal di Islam, kecuali
ada yg ga nunggu masa iddah yg 3 bulan.

Kita hitung aja, masa iddah 3 bulan, berarti anak ingusan bisa nikah Islami
4x sethn secara halal 100%. Kalo dimulai dr usia 9 thn, maka di usia 18
thn, si anak udh nikah 36x. Jadi yg nikah 60x itu kayaknya ga nunggu masa
iddah. Tp prinsipnya, bisalah nikah Islami 20-30x sampe usia 18 thn.

Apa kata gua, nikah Islami itu ga banyak beda dgn pelacuran.

‘Some girls have been married 60 times by the time they turn 18′ By Max
Published: August 6 at 4:26 pm

When young girls are sold into marriage, as 38,000 are every
they can expect a life with no education and few opportunities, little
public autonomy outside of their adult husband’s control and an increased
risk of death from pregnancy or childbirth, which are the number one killer
of girls age 15 to 18 in the developing world. One in seven girls born in
the developing world is married by age 15, usually sold by her family.

But some girls who grow up in Egypt’s poor rural communities face an even
scarier sort of child marriage: the temporary kind. Sex tourism to Egypt
tends to spike in the summer, when wealthy men from Gulf countries flood
into Egypt and thousands of underage girls are sold by their parents into
temporary “marriages,” according to a story by Inter Press

Child sex tourism is difficult to track, but the United Nations
it affects two million children every year, often
in countries <http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0422/p11s01-wogi.html> that are
poor but have preexisting tourism infrastructure, such as
Costa Rica and others.

Egypt’s illegal child sex tourism trade appears to have put a
regional-friendly spin on the practice by portraying the buying and selling
of children as a form of marriage, thus giving them a thin veneer of
religious acceptability by circumventing Islamic rules against pre-marital
sex. (Despite a 2008 law banning child marriages, enforcement is thought to
be low and an Egyptian official told the Inter Press Service that’s it’s
nearly ceased since the chaos of the 2011 revolution.) Child marriages are,
after all, somewhat common in Arab
although not nearly as common as in neighboring regions. And such child
marriages often involve “dowries” that human trafficking activists say are
akin to a purchase price.

By making the unions temporary, Egyptian child sex tourism manages to
capture much of the worst of child marriage and child prostitution. Girls
still bear the long-term risks of child marriages – some are expected to
double as domestic workers – as well as the routines of children sold for
sex in other countries. “Some girls have been married 60 times by the time
they turn 18,” an Egyptian government official who works on the issue told
Inter Press Service. “Most ‘marriages’ last for just a couple of days or

An investigation by an Egyptian government body, the Child Anti-Trafficking
Unit at the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, found that 75
percent of respondents in surveyed rural communities knew girls who were
involved in the trade and that most believed that rate was increasing. It
estimated that the vast majority of the buyers came from Gulf countries,
with 81 percent from Saudi Arabia, 10 percent from the United Arab Emirate
and 4 percent from Kuwait.

The study estimates that a summer-long marriage, usually lasting the
duration of a seasonal Gulf tourist’s visit, cost about $2,800 to $10,000.
The unions can at times last a year or two, though; the “bride” is
typically expected to travel back to her buyer’s home country where she may
work as a domestic. One-day marriages can cost as little as $115.

Egypt’s economy has been in free-fall since the ouster of President Hosni
Mubarak in early 2011, with unemployment rising and public services
declining. Rural families, driven apparently by a sense that the practice
is socially acceptable and a desperate need for income, pressure daughters
to enter the trade at puberty, according to the government study. “The
girls know their families have exploited them,” the Egyptian official told
Inter Press Service. “They can understand that their parents sold them.”

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