Setelah orang2 Shia dibantai, sekarang orang Sunni yg dibantai.

Yg ngebantai ya orang2 Islam jg, menunjukkan betapa eratnya persodaraan
mereka dgn ngirim sodara2 mereka langsung masuk sorga dpt bidadari2 perawan
abadi dan pemuda2 cantik.

Jadi kapan nih si tawang ngebantai ajeg, lalu si reza ngebantai tawang,
berikutnya habe ngebanta reza dst dst. Itu kan supaya orang2 Islam tsb bisa
langsung masuk sorga ga perlu ngendon di neraka sampe kiamat.

Nunggu kiamat itu bakalan lama, krn Yahudinya hrs habis dibantai dulu,
padahal sekarang orang Islam justru sedang asyik ngebantai sesama muslim
(dan jg orang KRisten).

Siapapun pembantainya, Islam agamanya, hehehe.... auloh barbar

September 13, 2013
Iraq: Shi'ite Muslims explode bombs outside mosque, murdering 30 Sunnis
leaving after Friday

Meanwhile, Turkey's Erdogan repeated his earlier charge that "Islamophobia"
was a "crime against humanity." He didn't say anything about Sunni-Shi'ite
jihad violence. Yet which has killed more people?

"Two roadside bombs outside mosque kill 30 in Baquba - Iraqi police," from
Reuters <>,
September 13 (thanks to Twostellas):

BAQUBA, Iraq, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Two roadside bombs exploded outside a
mosque in the Iraqi city of Baquba killing 30 people, as Sunni Muslim
worshippers were leaving following Friday prayers, police said.

A further 25 people were wounded in the blasts, which went off in quick
succession. The second tore through a crowd of people who had rushed to
help those hurt in the first.

It was not immediately clear who carried out the attack.

More than two years of civil war in neighbouring Syria have brought
sectarian tensions in Iraq and the wider region to the boil.

About 800 Iraqis were killed in August, according to the United Nations,
with more than a third of the deadly attacks happening in Baghdad....

  Posted by Robert <> on September 13, 2013 8:46

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