maklum aja udah dicuci otaknya sama islam.... mereka cuma jadi zombie
piaraan....tragis memang... peradaban islam sampai gini hari sangat

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:16 AM, itemabu2 <> wrote:

> **
> Ngeceraikan bini cukup dg ngucapin kata "talak" 3 kali itu sebetulnya udh
> melecehkan cewek.
> Cuma dungunya, ga ada seekor muslim atau muslimah yg merasa talak 3 itu
> sbg pelecehan thd cewek.
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:04 AM, Gabriella Rantau <>wrote:
>> **
>> Aku sedih sekali mendengar bgmn Muslimat dilecehkan oleh laki2 yg tidak
>> punya moral sebagai sex object. Tentunya hal ini sangat Islami karena sejak
>> abad ke-7 sudah banyak dilakukan orang Islam.
>> Para mullah, imams juga mendorong Muslimat yg dungu dan tidak punya harga
>> diri untuk melakukan sesuatu yg hina, demeaning tapi Islami.
>> Kaum perempuan khususnya Muslimat harus mulai menghargai diri sendiri dan
>> berani menolak apa yg jelas melanggar susila dan merugikan diri mereka.
>> Jangan mudah dipergunakan oleh laki2 yg hanya ingin melampiaskan hawa nafsu
>> mereka dan tidak ragu2 mengatakan (ber-Al Taqiyya) bhw semuanya ini
>> diridhloi Allah!
>> Besides, perempuan yg mati jihad-pun tidak akan mendapat apa2 di sorga.
>> Merek cuman menerima air minum dan boleh nonton suami, boy friend, abang
>> dan bapanya ngerjain bidadari sorgawi.
>> Gabriella
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* "" <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 September 2013 12:12 AM
>> *Subject:* RE: Re: [proletar] AIDS and pregnant: Tunisian girl recounts
>> her sex jihad in Syria
>> Ato tu memek ame tu kontol diludahin atau dijilatin ajah..
>> Nih ayatnya:
>> Rasul saw sendiri menjadikan air liur orang mukmin sebagai berkah untuk
>> pengobatan, sebagaimana sabda beliau : “Dengan Nama Allah atas tanah bumi
>> kami, demi air liur sebagian dari kami, sembuhlah yang sakit pada kami,
>> dengan izin Tuhan kami”
>> (Shahih Bukhari hadits No.5413),
>> /..
>> ---In, <> wrote:
>> sebenernya udah ada obat aids hasil penemuan yang islami caranya memek
>> cewe yang ada aids nya kudu mau di entot ama laler nak kalo yang cowo  kena
>> aids obatnya murah tinggal kenyot aja tuh kontol laler yang habis ngewe
>> tadi.beres khan.?
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 8:47 AM, Rahwana <nyawa.iblis@...> wrote:
>> **
>>  ada yg jihad bunuh2an..jihad ngibul lewat dakwah...jihad ngentot...wah,
>> aulohuakbar banget nihhh.....hwakakakak...
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 5:02 AM, itemabu2 <itemabu2@...> wrote:
>> **
>>  Hehehe... ternyata spt itulah jihad sex di jalan auloh. Disiksa,
>> digilir, dibuntingin sampe ketularan AIDS virus oleh orang2 Islam yg soleh
>> pejihad di jalan auloh.
>> Perhatikan jg, pimpinan selalu dpt giliran pertama unt mencicipi barang
>> baru.
>> Hehehe... si bangsat habe kaing2 ngejilat pantat Islam dlm soal
>> penyebaran HIV sambil kaing2 jg mau ngebuntingin si arra_s. Gua rasa si
>> habe ini pantas berjihad di Suriah spy bisa ngebuntingin cewek sambil
>> nularin HIV ke mana2.
>> September 24, 2013
>> AIDS and pregnant: Tunisian girl recounts her sex jihad in 
>> Syria<>
>>  The Arabic media has been full of interviews with some of the many
>> Tunisian girls that went to the sex jihad in Syria. The other day Tunisian
>> newspaper Al Sharaouk (“Sunrise) shed 
>> light<>on the horrific 
>> experiences of one of these girls.
>> Her name is Lamia, and she’s 19-years-old. While in Syria, she had sex
>> with jihadis fighting to overthrow the secular Bashar Assad regime. Among
>> other nationalities she recalls having slept with were Pakistanis,
>> Afghanis, Libyans, Tunisians, Iraqis, Saudis, and Somalis, all in the
>> context of the “sex jihad.”
>> Such a diverse array of jihadis is a reminder of the nature of the
>> “rebellion”: it’s less about indigenous Syrians fighting for freedom and
>> more about international jihadis fighting for Sharia.
>> According to Al Sharouk reporters, who went to interview Lamia at her
>> home, the young woman began her story by saying that in 2011 she became
>> religious, after watching an Islamic program; among other things, she took
>> to wearing the hijab and came to believe that going out in public was a
>> sin.
>> Then, “Lamia became convinced that a woman may participate in the jihad
>> to eliminate the enemies of Islam by making her body recreational for the
>> men after each and every raid, so that her body became their possession.”
>> Back in May, reports of women saying similar things began to appear. For
>> instance, 
>> Masrawy<>published
>>  a video interview with one “Aisha,” another Tunisian girl who
>> said she had met a Muslim woman who spoke of the importance of piety,
>> including wearing the hijab and traveling to Syria to help the jihadis
>> “fight and kill infidels” and make Allah’s word supreme, adding that “women
>> who die would do so in the way of Allah and become martyrs and enter
>> paradise.” (According to mainstream Islamic teaching, dying in jihad is the
>> only guaranteed way to avoid hell.)
>> At any rate, by the time war broke out in Syria, Lamia’s mind was “dough
>> for the cleric to mold any which way he wanted.” He proceeded to send her
>> to Benghazi, Libya, then to Turkey, and then to Aleppo, Syria. There she
>> found many women and young girls residing in an old hospital that had been
>> turned into a campsite. A man claiming to be the “emir” of the sexual
>> campground met her saying his name was Abu Ayoub, the Tunisian. But, she
>> said, the true leader was a Yemeni, who appeared leading a group of jihadis
>> calling themselves “Omar’s Battalion.” He was the first to take her.
>> Lamia confessed that she did not know how many men had sex with her and
>> that all that she remembers is being abused, beaten, and forced to do
>> things “that contradict all sense of human worth.” She also said that she
>> met many Tunisian women including one who died while being tortured for
>> trying to escape. (This, too, has precedents, including at the hands of the 
>> Muslim
>> Brotherhood in 
>> Egypt<>.)
>> Finally, released back to Tunisia, Lamia has been to a doctor finding
>> that she is five months pregnant. Both she and her unborn are carrying the
>> aids virus.
>> Raymond Ibrahim is author of *Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War
>> on Christians*
>> <>
>>   Posted by Raymond <> on September 24,
>> 2013 3:26 PM

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