3 menteri Afghan ditangkap polisi Nepal krn mabuk dan nyerang cewek.

Gimana bisa 3 pejabat selevel menteri bisa berkelakuan bejad spt itu? Itu
tentunya krn hasil didikan ajaran Islam yg ngerendahin cewek, shg pejabat2
tinggi itu kelakuannya ga beda dgn bajingan yg biasa beroperasi di jalanan.

Islam itu emang betul2 laknatan lil alamin.

Afghanpaper.com (Translated by RAWA), September 26, 2013
Three Afghan ministers arrested in Nepal for assaulting woman It is said
that the police of Nepal arrested and imprisoned Farooq Wardak, Omar
Zakhilwal, and Wais Barmak for being drunk and assaulting a hotel waitress

An authentic source at the Foreign Ministry of Afghanistan told our
honorary correspondent this morning (Monday) that three government
ministers were imprisoned for assaulting a Nepali woman.

Ghulam Farooq Wardak, the Education Minister, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, the
Minister of Finance, and Wais Barmak, the Minister of Rural Rehabilitation
and Development, were all sent by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to
Nepal to accompany and encourage the national football team, but the Afghan
national football team returned to Afghanistan without the three ministers.

It is said that the police of Nepal arrested and imprisoned Farooq Wardak,
Omar Zakhilwal, and Wais Barmak for being drunk and assaulting a hotel

It is however possible that this action of the Nepalese government is
because the loss it suffered at the hands of our national team players, but
the truth shall come to light later.

Meanwhile Zalmai Rasool, the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, left for
Nepal on Monday, (September 16, 2013) to free these three ministers and
bring them back to Afghanistan.

*Originally published on Sep. 16, 2013*

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