Orang2 Kristen hidup dgn damai dgn orang Islam yg jadi tetangga mereka.
Lalu, begitu ada kesempatan, orang2 Islam ngebantai orang Kristen yg jadi
tetangga mereka.

Orang Islam itu ga bisa dipercaya. Gua ga percaya seekorpun.

“We knew our Muslim neighbours all our lives,” says one Christian whose
home was destroyed. “Yes, we knew the Diab family were quite radical, but
we thought they would never betray us. We ate with them. We are one people.”

“there was a kind of coexistence between us. We had excellent relations. It
never occurred to us that Muslim neighbours would betray us. We all said
‘please let this town live in peace – we don’t have to kill each other’.
But now there is bad blood. They brought in the Nusra to throw out the
Christians and get rid of us forever. Some of the Muslims who lived with us
are good people but I will never trust 90 percent of them again.”

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