Lihat kata ulama ini ttg orang Copt.

Emang ga salah kalo dibilang militer Mesir ngebantai orang Copt, tp yg
paling berperan dlm ngebantai orang Copt itu adalah orang Islam, militer
biasanya cuma nonton, pura2 ga tau dan nutup2in pembantaian oleh orang

Sekarang, si ulama ngibul seolah2 orang Islam ngelindungi orang Copt, nuduh
gereja2 penuh dgn senjata padahal yg benar adalah mesjid itulah yg jadi
tempat senjata, tempat nyiksa dan merkosa. Ngibul sambil ngancam, kalo ga
bantuin orang Islam, maka orang Copt akan dibantai.

Hehehe.... orang Islam itu ga cuma biadab, tp jg ga kenal malu.

Oh Christians of Egypt, why did you do this to yourself? The security
services who killed you in the days of Mubarak are ruling today. They are
the ones who are burning down your churches. They are the ones who are
killing the Copts. Why, [Coptic Pope] Tawadros? Don't you know that you,
who sparked the fire of civil strife, will be the first to be burned by it?
Why did you do this to yourself? Why did you violate the words of Jesus:
"Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right check, turn to him the other too"?

Oh Tawadros, why did you violate the words of the Holy Book about love?
Where is this love? Your churches are full of weapons, and you have become
the vanguard of the so-called "Egyptian security service." You are the ones
who are doing the killing on their behalf? Why are you doing this to
yourselves? The fire will burn you!

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