
Report: Abused Iraqi prisoners found
Monday 24 April 2006 9:33 AM GMT 

Interior ministry detainees are allegedly being abused  

US and Iraqi inspectors say they have found new evidence of abuse in
detention centres run by Iraq's interior ministry.

In November, US soldiers said they found 173 incarcerated men in a
secret interior ministry bunker, some of them emaciated and showing
signs of torture.

Bayan Baqir Solagh Jabir, the Iraqi interior minister, played  down
the findings at the time, saying a handful of people had merely been

Since then, at least six joint US-Iraqi inspections have found abused
detainees in several other detention centres, the Washington Post
reported on Monday.

A US official involved in the inspections said the Iraqi detainees had
"numerous bruises on the arms, legs and feet".

"A lot of the Iraqis had separated shoulders and problems with their
hands and fingers too. You could also see strap marks on some of their
backs," he said.

The abused captives found during the November 13 raid were 
transferred to a separate detention centre to protect them from 
further harm, but most detainees at centres subsequently inspected
were not.

Broken bones

According to US and Iraqi inspectors, only a few of the most severely
abused detainees at a one site were removed for medical treatment. 

"There were several cases of physical abuse ... These included 
evidence of scars, missing toenails, dislocated shoulders, severe
bruising, and cigarette burns" 

Kevin Curry, 
spokesman for US detention operations

Prisoners at two other sites were removed to alleviate crowding. US
and Iraqi authorities left the rest where they were, the Post said.

Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Curry, the spokesman for US detention 
operations, said people that were transferred for medical treatment
had "broken bones, indications that they had been beaten with hoses
and wires, signs that they had been hung from the ceiling, and
cigarettes burns".

"There were several cases of physical abuse at one other inspection
site. These included evidence of scars, missing toenails, dislocated
shoulders, severe bruising, and cigarette burns," he added.

"At the time of the inspection, most of the apparent injuries were
months old. However, there were indications that three cases of abuse
occurred within a week of the inspection. No detainee required
immediate hospitalisation for injuries at that site."

The Post said that Curry's statement confirmed abuse depicted in
photographs it had been given earlier by the US and Iraqi inspectors.

Inhumane treatment

The failure to remove detainees from centres where there were well-
documented cases of abuse has raised questions about whether the US
was honouring a pledge by General Peter Pace, the chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Pace said at a news conference on November 29, soon after the US
soldiers discovered the first batch of abused detainees at an interior
ministry secret bunker, that US troops would try to stop inhumane
treatment if they saw it.

"It is absolutely the responsibility of every US service member, if
they see inhumane treatment being conducted, to intervene to stop it,"
Pace said. 

Fear of reprisal

An Iraqi official familiar with the joint inspections said that 
detainees who were not moved to other facilities were vulnerable. 

"They tell us, 'If you leave us here, they will kill us'," he said on
condition of anonymity because, he said, he and other Iraqis
inspectors have received death threats.

Abdul Hussein Shandal, the Iraqi justice minister, said the 
Americans "don't have the right" to transfer detainees from detention
centres operated by Iraqi ministries.

The November 13 raid "was the last incident in which the US asked for
such a transfer", he said.

General John Gardner, the commander of US detention operations in
Iraq, said in an interview: "I would strongly disagree with the
statement that Americans are seeing cases of abuse and not doing

Shia militias 

The Washington Post observed that "the issue goes to the heart of US
relations with the Iraqi government, which is led by Shia religious

It said the interior ministry, "whose forces are overwhelmingly Shia,
has been accused by Sunni Arabs and US officials of operating death
squads that target Sunni men".

The paper also said the ministry's security forces had been "accused
of deferring to militias belonging to the Shia religious parties, from
whose ranks many of Iraq's police commandos and other ministry forces
are drawn".

The Iraqi and US inspectors quoted by the Post both said that the
prisoners were being held by the Wolf Brigade, "one of the interior
ministry commando forces most feared by Sunnis".

The inspectors visited an interior ministry detention centre in 
Baghdad, a defence ministry site near the Green Zone, an interior
ministry site in the city of Kut, an interior ministry site in the
Muthanna neighbourhood of Baghdad and a "maximum crimes facility" in

The United States, some of whose troops have also been involved in
abusing Iraqi prisoners, said it would inspect all of Iraq's more than
1,000 detention centres.

The Washington Post

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