
    Anda tahu apa yang namanya anjing?

    Nah anda itu adalah manusia  bermental anjing; 

    Yang suka menyalak asal menggongong. 

    Saya tidak salah.

    Saya tidak salah memakai kata al-Mushaf karena al-Mushaf itu
    adalah nama lain dari al-Quran. 

    Saya kutip kembali: 

    "The Qur'an was also called Mushaf meaning "sheets or leaves".
    According to Dr. Salih, "when the Qur'an was collected and
    written on paper they wanted to give it A NAME.  " 

On 16 Jul 06, at 15:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> jangan kaya anak kecil yang ngambek dan mewek gak dikasih permen gitu
> donk uda....
> khan udah biasa kalau uda sok teu dan ternyata salah... ya khan da?
> lam sayang da....
> "Jusfiq Hadjar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/04/2006
> 04:54:13 PM
> Bukan urusan saya...
> On 16 Jul 06, at 14:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > setelah ditunjukkan oleh sdr saya JJTT, bahwa uda tidak mengerti
> > dengan baik soal  bahasa inggris, sebaiknya uda minta tolong ke
> > orang lain agar nerjemahin kalimat yang uda posting sendiri ini :
> > ------------------ when the Qur'an was collected and written on
> > paper they wanted to give it A NAME ---------------------
> >
> > jadi kalau yang dicollect diotak dan tidak ditulis dikertas..
> > disebut alMushaf juga?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "Jusfiq Hadjar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/04/2006
> > 04:23:44 PM
> >
> > Saya cuma mau menggaris bawahi alinea ini saja:
> >
> > "The Qur'an is also called al-Furqan. According to Dr. Sobhy
> > as-Salih, this word is also not Arabic but Aramaic (ibid, p. 20).
> > The Qur'an was also called Mushaf meaning "sheets or leaves".
> > According to Dr. Salih, "when the Qur'an was collected and written
> > on paper they wanted to give it A NAME. The word, Sifr, was
> > suggested by some. It was rejected on the grounds that this is what
> > the Jews call their books. Some suggested the word Mushaf because
> > this is what the Ethiopian [Christians] call their holy books."
> > (ibid, p. 78) "
> >
> > Jadi,al-Quran itu juga, disamping nama-nama lain,  disebut
> > al-Mushaf...
> >
> > Seperti yang saya katakan dan disalahkan oleh cahyo_prihartono
> > yang dungu kayak anjing,bebaldantukang muter-muter itu
> >
> > ---------.
> >
> > QUR'AN
> > In Syraic (= Christian Aramaic) qeryaanaa: scriptural reading.
> > Occurs 66 times in the Qur'an. See also ARABIC, WORD OF GOD.
> >
> > Etymology of the word "Qur'an"
> >
> > According to Dr. Sobhy as-Salih, this word is not Arabic but
> > Aramaic. He said: "Allah chose to His revelation new names different
> > from those used by the Arabs, in general and in detail." (Sobhy
> > as-Salih, Mabahith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an, Dar al-'Ilm lel-Malayeen,
> > Beirut, 1983, p. 17) He also said, "When the Arabs before Islam used
> > the word (qara') it meant 'to be pregnant or to have a child'. But
> > the word qara' as 'to recite' is of an Aramaic origin." (ibid, p.
> > 19). [Aside: If the latter is true, then those Muslims who try to
> > show that Muhmmad was illiterate will find this funny. Of course,
> > when Gabriel told him to "be pregnant or have a child," it must be
> > he cannot, a perfectly logical and correct answer!]
> >
> > Further reference for this etymological derivation (in German):
> > Christoph Luxenberg, Die syro-aramäische Lesart des Koran: ein
> > Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung der Koransprache, Berlin 2000 (ISBN
> > 3-86093-274-8). Luxenberg gives the complete etymology of qur'aan
> > from qeryaanaa in detailed steps.
> >
> > The Qur'an is also called al-Furqan. According to Dr. Sobhy
> > as-Salih, this word is also not Arabic but Aramaic (ibid, p. 20).
> > The Qur'an was also called Mushaf meaning "sheets or leaves".
> > According to Dr. Salih, "when the Qur'an was collected and written
> > on paper they wanted to give it A NAME. The word, Sifr, was
> > suggested by some. It was rejected on the grounds that this is what
> > the Jews call their books. Some suggested the word Mushaf because
> > this is what the Ethiopian [Christians] call their holy books."
> > (ibid, p. 78)
> >
> > It seems strange that for all the titles of the Qur'an, none of them
> > were actually Arabic, especially when the Qur'an says that Allah
> > sent it down in Arabic (Yusuf 12:2; ar-Ra`d 13:37; an-Nahl 16:103;
> > ash-Shu`ara' 26:195; az-Zumar 39:28; Ha Mim Sajdah 41:3; ash-Shura
> > 42:7; az-Zukhruf 43:3; al- Ahqaf 46:12).
> >
> > The Qur'an was not written down in full, but revealed piecemeal over
> > the period of 22 years.
> >
> > The Message of the Qur'an
> > Recommendation: A Topical Study of the Qur'an
> >
> > Summary of Qur'an details
> > Some surahs have alternative names. They are given in a new line
> > [and in brackets]. However, the list of alternative names is not
> > complete yet.
> >
> > s/no name English Names #verses place chronological order
> > 1 Al-Fatihah The Opening 7 Mecca 5
> > 2 Al-Baqarah The Cow 286 Madina 87
> > 3 Âl 'Imran The Family of 'Imran 200 Madina 89
> > 4 An-Nisa' Women 176 Madina 92
> > 5 Al-Ma'idah The Table 120 Madina 112
> > 6 Al-An`am The Cattle 165 Mecca 55
> > 7 Al-A`raf The Elevated Places 206 Mecca 39
> > 8 Al-Anfal The Spoils of War 75 Madina 88
> > 9 At-Taubah Repentance 129 Madina 113
> > [Bara'ah] [Immunity / Disavowal]
> > 10 Yunus Jonah 109 Mecca 51
> > 11 Hud Hud 123 Mecca 52
> > 12 Yusuf Joseph 111 Mecca 53
> > 13 Al-Ra`d The Thunder 43 Madina 96
> > 14 Ibrahim Abraham 52 Mecca 72
> > 15 Al-Hijr The Rock 99 Mecca 54
> > 16 An-Nahl The Bee 128 Mecca 70
> > 17 Bani Isra'il The Israelites 111 Mecca 50
> > 18 Al-Kahf The Cave 110 Mecca 69
> > 19 Maryam Mary 98 Mecca 44
> > 20 Ta Ha Ta Ha 135 Mecca 45
> > 21 Al-Anbiya' The Prophets 112 Mecca 73
> > 22 Al-Hajj The Pilgrimage 78 Madina 103
> > 23 Al-Mu'minun The Believers 118 Mecca 74
> > 24 An-Nur The Light 64 Madina 102
> > 25 Al-Furqan The Criterion 77 Mecca 42
> > 26 Ash-Shu`ara' The Poets 227 Mecca 47
> > 27 An-Naml The Ant 93 Mecca 48
> > 28 Al-Qasas The Narrative 88 Mecca 49
> > 29 Al-`Ankabut The Spider 69 Mecca 85
> > 30 Ar-Rum The Romans 60 Mecca 84
> > 31 Luqman Lukman 34 Mecca 57
> > 32 As-Sajdah The Adoration 30 Mecca 75
> > 33 Al-Ahzab The Allies 73 Madina 90
> > 34 Saba' Sheba 54 Mecca 58
> > 35 Fatir The Creator 45 Mecca 43
> > 36 Ya Sin Ya Sin 83 Mecca 41
> > 37 As-Saffat The Rangers 182 Mecca 56
> > 38 Sad Sad 88 Mecca 38
> > 39 Az-Zumar The Companies 75 Mecca 59
> > 40 Al-Mu'min The Forgiving One 85 Mecca 60
> > 41 Ha Min Sajdah Revelations Well Expounded 54 Mecca 61
> > 42 Ash-Shura The Counsel 53 Mecca 62
> > 43 Az-Zukhruf The Embellishment 89 Mecca 63
> > 44 Ad-Dukhan The Evident Smoke 59 Mecca 64
> > 45 Al-Jathiyah The Kneeling 37 Mecca 65
> > 46 Al-Ahgaf The Sandhills 35 Mecca 66
> > 47 Muhammad Muhammad 38 Madina 95
> > [Al-Qital] [War / Fighting]
> > 48 Al-Fath The Victory 29 Madina 111
> > 49 Al-Hujurat The Chambers 18 Madina 106
> > 50 Qaf Qaf 45 Mecca 34
> > 51 Adh-Dhariyat The Scatterers 60 Mecca 67
> > 52 At-Tur The Mountain 49 Mecca 76
> > 53 An-Najm The Star 62 Mecca 23
> > 54 Al-Qamr The Moon 55 Mecca 37
> > 55 Ar-Rahman The Merciful 78 Madina 97
> > 56 Al-Waqi`ah That Which is Coming 96 Mecca 46
> > 57 Al-Hadid The Iron 29 Madina 94
> > 58 Al-Mujadilah She Who Pleaded 22 Madina 105
> > 59 Al-Hashr The Exile 24 Madina 101
> > 60 Al-Mumtahanah She Who is Tested 13 Madina 91
> > 61 As-Saff The Ranks 14 Madina 109
> > 62 Al-Jum`ah The Day of Congregation 11 Madina 110
> > 63 Al-Munafiqun The Hypocrites 11 Madina 104
> > 64 At-Taghabun The Cheating 18 Madina 108
> > 65 At-Talaq The Divorce 12 Madina 99
> > 66 At-Tahrim The Prohibition 12 Madina 107
> > 67 Al-Mulk The Kingdom 30 Mecca 77
> > 68 Al-Qalam The Pen 52 Mecca 2
> > 69 Al-Haqqah The Inevitable 52 Mecca 78
> > 70 Al-Ma`arij The Ladders 44 Mecca 79
> > 71 Nuh Noah 28 Mecca 71
> > 72 Al-Jinn The Jinn 28 Mecca 40
> > 73 Al-Muzammil The Mantled One 20 Mecca 3
> > 74 Al-Mudathir The Clothed One 56 Mecca 4
> > 75 Al-Qiyamah The Resurrection 40 Mecca 31
> > 76 Ad-Dahr The Man 31 Madina 98
> > 77 Al-Mursalat The Emissaries 50 Mecca 33
> > 78 An-Naba' The Tidings 40 Mecca 80
> > 79 An-Naziat Those Who Pulled Out 46 Mecca 81
> > 80 `Abasa He Frowned 42 Mecca 24
> > 81 At-Takwir The Cessation 29 Mecca 7
> > 82 Al-Infitar The Cleaving Asunder 19 Mecca 82
> > 83 At-Tatfif The Defrauders 36 Mecca 86
> > 84 Al-Inshiqaq The Rending 25 Mecca 83
> > 85 Al-Buruj The Constellations 22 Mecca 27
> > 86 At-Tariq The Night-Comer 17 Mecca 36
> > 87 Al-A`la The Most High 19 Mecca 8
> > 88 Al-Ghashiyah The Overwhelming Calamity 26 Mecca 68
> > 89 Al-Fajr The Dawn 30 Mecca 10
> > 90 Al-Balad The City 20 Mecca 35
> > 91 Ash-Shams The Sun 15 Mecca 26
> > 92 Al-Layl The Night 21 Mecca 9
> > 93 Ad-Duha The Early Hours 11 Mecca 11
> > 94 Al-Inshirah The Expansion 8 Mecca 12
> > 95 At-Tin The Fig 8 Mecca 28
> > 96 Al-`Alaq The Clot 19 Mecca 1
> > 97 Al-Qadr The Majesty 5 Mecca 25
> > 98 Al-Bayyinah The Proof 8 Madina 100
> > 99 Al-Zilzal The Shaking 8 Madina 93
> > 100 Al-`Adiyat The Assaulters 11 Mecca 14
> > 101 Al-Qari`ah The Terrible Calamity 11 Mecca 30
> > 102 At-Takathur Worldly Gain 8 Mecca 16
> > 103 Al-`Asr Time 3 Mecca 13
> > 104 Al-Humazah The Slanderer 9 Mecca 32
> > 105 Al-Fil The Elephant 5 Mecca 19
> > 106 Al-Quraysh The Quraish 4 Mecca 29
> > 107 Al-Ma'un The Daily Necessaries 7 Mecca 17
> > 108 Al-Kauthar Abundance 3 Mecca 15
> > 109 Al-Kafirun The Unbelievers 6 Mecca 18
> > 110 An-Nasr The Help 3 Madina 114
> > 111 Al-Lahab The Fame 5 Mecca 6
> > 112 Al-Ikhlas Purity (of Faith) 4 Mecca 22
> > [At-Tauhid] [Unity]
> > 113 Al-Falaq The Daybreak 5 Mecca 20
> > 114 An-Nas The Men 6 Mecca 21
> >
> > A detailed discussion on the chronology of the suras (or parts of
> > suras) is found in The Historical Development of the Qur'an by Rev.
> > Canon Sell, which also gives a table with three proposed
> > chronologies.
> >
> > Notes:
> >
> > Traditionally, the first BISMILLAH before Sura Fatiha is counted as
> > a verse, all other "Bismillahs" are treated as headings for various
> > suras and therefore not counted as verses. Sura 9 does not commence
> > with the Bismillah. The verse numbers in translations may not always
> > tally since some translations split some of the verses. Some
> > editions, particularly on the Indian subcontinent, count the
> > Bismillahs in all suras as full verses (verse 1) which shifts all
> > others by one. Surahs are classified into Meccan or Madinan, i.e.,
> > according to where it was supposed to be revealed. No. of Meccan
> > Suras = 86; No. of Madinan Suras = 28. Total = 114 Total No. of
> > Verses 6236 (in the standard verse division system)
> >
> > Challenge from the Qur'an
> > The Qur'an issued a challenge to unbelievers to produce a sura like
> > it (bani Isra'il 17:88). The implication is that if others cannot
> > produce a sura like it, then the Qur'an is true. However, this
> > challenge of the Qur'an to anyone to produce a verse like it is in
> > strange land. Muslims have often said that it refers to the
> > eloquence and beauty of the verses. Unfortunately, however, there is
> > no objective criteria by which one can judge this . Interestingly
> > enough, no Muslim has ever put up an objective criteria by which to
> > judge such a co ntest. Secondly, there is no concensus as to who
> > will be the judge of such a contest. In other word s, there are no
> > rules a nd no judge. At the same time, there are others who have
> > pointed out grammatical errors in the Qur' an. Some Muslims
> > responded that the Qur'an is the final arbitar of correct Arabic,
> > and if the gramm ar books do not conform to the Qur'an, then the
> > grammer books have to be changed. But clearly, that is not
> > acceptable, for the Qur'an was supposedly revealed in the midst of a
> > people who were masters of eloquence and poet ry, and the challenge
> > w as issued to them. (Do we not remember that Muhammad originally
> > thought that he was becoming one of the poets after the first
> > revelation (see Muhammad))?
> >
> > see here for more details.
> >
> > Codices of the Qur'an
> > three other codices were in existence before the official Uthmanic
> > codex compiled by Zaid ibn Thabi t, the more famous ones being Ubayy
> > b. Ka'ab, Abdullah ibn Mas'ud and Abu Musa. Some allege even mo re.
> > These codices had s ome significant variants with the Uthmanic
> > codex. see The Collection of the Qur'an - from the Hadit hs for more
> > details from the hadiths.
> >
> > see "Material for the history of the text of the Qur'an: the old
> > codices: the Kitab al-masahif of I bn Abu Dawud together with a
> > collection of the variant readings of the codices of Ibn Ma'sud,
> > Ubai, 'Ali, Ibn 'Abbas, Anas , Abu Musa and other Qur'anic
> > authorities which present a type of text anterior to that of the
> > cano nical text of 'Uthman," by Arthur Jeffery, Leiden: E.J. Brill,
> > 1937.
> >
> > Collection of the Qur'an
> > see The Collection of the Qur'an - from the Hadiths and Uthman.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > attests to book of Moses, al-Baqarah 2:89; al-Ahqaf 46:11-12,30
> >
> > attests to previous books, al-Baqarah 2:91,136; Âl 'Imran 3:1-4,84;
> > an-Nisa' 4:47,136; al-Ma'idah 5 :48; al-An`am 6:93; Yunus 10:38,95;
> > al-Fatir 35:31; Ha Mim Sajdah 41:43 see also al-An`am 6:116; Yu nus
> > 10:65; al-Kahf 18:2 8
> >
> > bestowed on a blessed night, ad-Dukhan 44:3; al-Qadr
> >
> > cannot change God's words, al-An`am 6:34,115; Yunus 10:65, see also
> > protected by God
> >
> > clear or obscure?
> >
> > clear ordinances, an-Nahl 16:89; al-Bayyinah 98:3
> >
> > conveyed clearly, al-Ma'idah 5:16; Yunus 10:15
> >
> > detailed explanation of everything, Yusuf 12:111
> >
> > easy to understand, ad-Dukhan 44:58
> > al-Ghazali, the famous theologian who successfully put Sufiism with
> > the realms of Muslim orthodoxy, said that the number of clear verses
> > is 500, a mere 8% of the Qur'an!
> >
> > expostion of that which is decreed for mankind, Yunus 10:37
> >
> > fully explained, al-An`am 6:114
> > There are many obscure passages in the Qur'an, that this verse
> > cannot be referring to the whole Qur 'an. This verse actually say
> > that the Jews and Christians know that it is revealed in truth!
> >
> > some verses direct, some allegorical, Âl 'Imran 3:7
> >
> > completion of, al-Ma'idah 5:3
> >
> > communicated by clear voice,
> > "Of all the divine books the Koran is the only one of which the
> > text, words and phrases have been c ommunicated to the prophet by an
> > audible voice." (Ibn Khalkan, as quoted in Encyclopaedia of Religi
> > on and Ethics, Vol 7, p .335, quoted by Abdul-Haqq p.58) It seems
> > that ibn Khalkan ignored that God spoke to Moses directly. This
> > distinction from previous revelations, however, make it difficult
> > for the Muslim to push that it is the same as previous reve lations.
> >
> > confirmation of that which is before, Yunus 10:37; Yusuf 12:111
> >
> > contains all manners of similitudes, al-Kahf 18:54; az-Zumar 39:27
> >
> > contemporaries' comments: a poet possessed (As-Saffat 37:36), tales
> > of ancients dictated to Muhamma d (Al-Furqan 25:5), magic derived
> > from old and nothing but a word of a mortal (Al-Mudathir 74:24,25 )
> >
> > custodian of previous Scripture, al-Ma'idah 5:48
> >
> > distortion of, al-Ma'idah 5:41
> >
> > divine nature of, Yunus 10:37
> >
> > don't approach it in haste, Ta Ha 20:114
> >
> > encouraged to learn the Qur'an and teach it "The best of you are
> > those who learn the Qur'an and tea ch it to others." (Sahih Bukhari)
> >
> > essence found in earlier revelation, ash-Shu`ara' 26:196
> >
> > full of wisdom, Ya Sin 36:2
> >
> > gathered by God, al-Qiyamah 75:17
> >
> > guidance to humans, al-Baqarah 2:185; Yusuf 12:111
> >
> > incompleteness of or variants,
> >
> > missing verses of
> >
> > variants, see seven recensions of Qur'an and Variants of Qur'an
> > According to Ubayy b. Kab, one of t he secretaries of Muhammad, sura
> > as-Saff 61:6 reads: "O children of Israel, I am God's messenger to
> > you, and I announce to you a prophet whose community will be the
> > last community and by which God will put the seal on the prophets
> > and messengers." where "Ahmad" is not mentioned.
> >
> > invisible barrier during recitation, bani Isra'il 17:45
> >
> > is not Muhammad's sayings, an-Najm 53:3; al-Haqqah 69:44
> >
> > is the hadith,
> > This is an argument of the "Qur'an-only" party. They argue based on
> > al-A`raf 7:185; Yunus 10:36; Lu qman 31:6; az-Zumar 39:23,29;
> > al-Jathiyah 45:6; at-Tur 52:34; al-Qalam 68:44; al-Mursalat 77:50.
> >
> > neglected nothing, al-An`am 6:38
> >
> > night most fitting for lucid reflections upon, al-Muzammil 73:2-6
> >
> > not from a satanic force, at-Takwir 81:25
> >
> > not poetry, Ya Sin 36:69; al-Haqqah 69:41
> >
> > on stoning, see Adultery.
> > Muslim in the seventh part of his Sahih (commentary of An-Nawawi) in
> > the book of Al-Zakat about the virtue of being satisfied with
> > whatever God gives and about urging people to have that virtue, pag
> > es 139-40, reported tha t Abu Al-Aswad reported that his father
> > said: Abu Musa Al-Ashari invited the Qur'an readers of Basr a. Three
> > hundred readers responded to his invitation. He told them: You are
> > the readers and the cho ice of the people of Ba sra. Recite the
> > Qur'an and do not neglect it. Otherwise, a long time may elapse and
> > your hearts wil l be hardened as the heartsw of those who came
> > before you were hardened.
> >
> > We used to read a chapter from the Qu'ran similar to Bara'ah in
> > length (about 130 verses) and serio usness, but I forgot it. I can
> > remember from that chapter only the following words:
> >
> > "Should a son of Adam own two valleys full of wealth, he would seek
> > a third valley, and nothing wou ld fill Ibn Adam's abdomen but the
> > soil."
> >
> > We used to read a chapter similar to the Musabihat and I forgot it.
> > I only remember the following:
> >
> > "Oh you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? Thus, a
> > testimony will be written on your n ecks and you will be questioned
> > about it on the day of judgement."
> >
> > Muslim also reported in the book Al-Ridhaa (book of nursing), part
> > 10, page 29, that Ayeshah [repor tedly] said the following: There
> > was in what was revealed in the Qur'an that ten times of nursing k
> > nown with certainty mak es the nursing woman a mother of a nursed
> > child. This number of nursings would make the woman "hara m"
> > (forbidden) to the child.
> >
> > Muhammad died while these words were recorded and read in the
> > Qur'an.
> >
> > Umar reportedly said that Chap 33 is incomplete
> >
> > Al-Muttaqi Ali Ibn Husam Ad-Deen, in his book "Mukhtasar Kanz
> > al-Ummal," (printed on the margin of Imam Ahmad's Musnad, part two,
> > page two), in his hadith about chapter 33, said that Ibn Murdawayh r
> > eported that Huthaifah said: Umar said to me "How many verses are
> > contained in the chapter of Al-Ahzab?" I said, "72 or 73 verses." He
> > said it was almost as long as the chapter of the Cow, which contains
> > 287 verses, and i n it was the verse of s toning.
> >
> > Al-Hakim An-Nisaboori in his book "Al-Mustadrak" in the book of
> > commentary on the Qur'an, part two, page 224, reported that Ubayy
> > Ibn Kaab (whom the Prophet called the leader of Al-ansar), said that
> > the Messenger of God s aid to him: Certainly the Almighty commanded
> > me to read the Qur'an in front of you, and he read "Th e unbelievers
> > from the people of the Book and the pagans will not change their way
> > until they see t he evidence. Those who disbelieve among the people
> > of the scripture and the idolators could not change until the clear
> > pro of came unto them. A Messenger from Allah, reading purified
> > pages..." And of the very excellent par t of it "Should Ibn Ada m
> > ask for a valley full of wealth and I grant it to him, he would ask
> > for another valley. And if I grant him that, he would ask for a
> > third valley. Nothing would fill the abdomen of Ibn Adam except the
> > soil. God accepts t he repentance of anyone who repents. The
> > religion in the eyes of God is the Hanafiyah (Islam) rathe r than
> > Yahudiyya (Judaism) or Nasraniya (Christianity). Whoever does good,
> > his goodness will not be denied.
> >
> > perfected in truth and justice, al-An`am 6:115
> >
> > problems within the Qur'an. Taken from Chad VanDixhoorn, Islam and
> > Orthodoxy: A Critique of Muslim Apologetics, unpublished article,
> > Huron College, London, Canada: 1995.
> >
> > Muhammad supposed 'Imran or Amran to be the father of the Virgin
> > Mary (Sura [cix.] lxvi. 12) - Mary and Elizabeth to be sisters; who,
> > with Jesus, John, and Zacharias, make up the family of 'Imran. I t
> > is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Muhammad is guilty of the
> > anachronism of confounding Miriam with the Virgin Ma ry. On the
> > other hand is the difficulty of conceiving that as the sequence of
> > time and fact is obse rved with tolerable acc uracy in regard to the
> > main features of Jewish and Christian History, he should have fallen
> > into so serious an error, or have so inadvertently adopted, as Mr.
> > Muir supposes, the phraseology of his J ewish informants (among st
> > whom the only well-known Mary (Miriam) was the daughter of 'Imran
> > and the sister of Moses) as to have overlooked the discrepancy in
> > their respective dates. But it is possible that Muhammad believ ed,
> > as some Muslim writ ers assert, that Miriam's soul and body were
> > miraculously preserved till the time of Jesus in order to become
> > Mary his mother. Certainly the Talmudists fabled that the Angel of
> > Death and the worm of corruption had no powe r over Miriam."
> >
> > Ta Ha 20:90 records a Samaritan helping the Israelites build the
> > golden calf. The Samaritans only c ame into existence after about
> > 600 B.C. when Israel and Judah were taken into captivity. Not the ti
> > me of the Exodus.
> >
> > Commentators understand that Surah al-Kahf 18:89-98 refers to
> > Alexander the Great. The passage reco rds that he was a devout
> > Muslim and lived to a ripe old history records that he was a
> > polytheist an d died young.
> >
> > In Surah Hud 11:42-43 "Noah's (unnamed) son is said to have refused
> > to take refuge in the ark while the flood waters were rising, and
> > despite his father's plea, chose rather to flee to a mountaintop ,
> > from which he was swe pt away by a wave. (Genesis 6-7 indicates that
> > Noah had only three sons, and that they all entered the ark. Genesis
> > 10 gives the line of descendants from each.")
> >
> > Surah Yusuf 12:11-20 records that "Joseph did not go seeking his
> > brother up at Dothan (As Genesis 3 7 records), but rather the
> > brothers, having already plotted his death, persuaded Jacob to let
> > him g o with them simply for fun and sport. Having gotten him into
> > their power, they put him down into a well with water in it ( rather
> > than a dry pit). Nor was it they who sold him to the passing
> > merchantmen, but rather a chanc e wayfarer who had come to the well
> > to draw water. He sold the boy to the merchants "for a few dirhams"
> > (rather than the s ubstantial price of twenty shekels of silver, as
> > Gen. 37:28 states.)"
> >
> > Contrast Surah ash-Shu`ara 26:55-60 with Exodus 1:9 and Surah
> > al-Baqarah 2:57, al-Baqarah 2:61 with Exodus and Numbers. The Quran
> > records that "During the exodus, the Israelites became tired of mann
> > a and demanded vegetabl es from the soil. After scolding them, Moses
> > said, Get down to Egypt, for you shall have what you a sked.' They
> > proceeded to do so: And they returned with wrath from God.' Ancient
> > history is very cle ar that "while disconte nted Israelites spoke of
> > returning to Egypt, none of them actually did so. . . .In this
> > connection, it is stated v. as-Saff 61: They disbelieved the signs
> > of God, and slew the Prophets unjustly; thi s, for they rebelled an
> > d transgressed.'" The Bible records no prophets being killed prior
> > to Moses.
> >
> > reason for, al-Jum`ah 62:2
> >
> > recensions, seven, Sahih Bukhari vol. 3, book 41, no.601, Sahih
> > Bihari vol. 6, book 61, no. 514, Sa hih Bihari vol. 9, book 93, no.
> > 640 Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle said, "Gabriel read the
> > Qur'an to me in one way (i.e. dialect) and I continued aski ng him
> > to read it in different ways till he read it in seven different
> > ways." (Sahih Bukhari 4.442, also Sahih Bukhari 6.5 13)
> > Interestingly, this hadith tells us that it was not Gabriel (hence
> > Allah) who initiated the reading in seven different ways, but was on
> > Muhammad's initiative.
> >
> > recite as much as you may do with ease, al-Muzammil 73:20
> >
> > record of decisions of divine will.
> > Book of Jubilee 3:10 states that the law of purification of woman
> > after childbirth are written in t he tablets in heaven. Jubilee 12:8
> > regard "Feast of Booths" ( Leviticus 23:40-43). Jubilee 5:13 sta tes
> > that the divine jud gement on all that exists on earth is written on
> > tablets in heaven. Book of Enoch prophesied future from contents of
> > this tablet. (XCII:2, LXXXI, CIII:2, CVI:19, Also Encyclopaedia of
> > Islam, p.288 q uoted by Abdul-Haqq)
> >
> > religious system perfected in, al-Ma'idah 5:3
> >
> > Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:
> > Once a Jew said to me, "O the chief of believers! There is a verse
> > in your Holy Book Which is read by all of you (Muslims), and had it
> > been revealed to us, we would have taken that day (on which it was
> > revealed as a day o f celebration." 'Umar bin Al-Khattab asked,
> > "Which is that verse?" The Jew replied, "This day I hav e perfected
> > your religion For you, completed My favor upon you, And have chosen
> > for you Islam as yo ur religion." (al-Ma'id ah 5:3) 'Umar replied,
> > "No doubt, we know when and where this verse was revealed to the
> > Prophet. It was Friday and the Prophet was standing at 'Arafat (i.e.
> > the Day of Hajj)" (Sahih Bukhari 1.43)
> >
> > revealed but not in Qur'an (???)
> > Narrated Ash-Sha'bi:
> > Abu Juhaifa said, "I asked Ali, 'Have you got any book (which has
> > been revealed to the Prophet apar t from the Qur'an)?' 'Ali replied,
> > 'No, except Allah's Book or the power of understanding which has
> > been bestowed (by Alla h) upon a Muslim or what is (written) in this
> > sheet of paper (with me).' Abu Juhaifa said, "I asked , 'What is
> > (written) in this sheet of paper?' Ali replied, it deals with The
> > Diyya (compensation (b lood money) paid by the killer to the
> > relatives of the victim), the ransom for the releasing of the
> > captives from the hand s of the enemies, and the law that no Muslim
> > should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for the killing
> > of (a disb eliever). (Sahih Bukhari 1.111) see The Collection of the
> > Qur'an - from the Hadiths for more details.
> >
> > revealed in Arabic, Yusuf 12:2; ar-Ra`d 13:37; an-Nahl 16:103; Ta Ha
> > 20:113; ash-Shu`ara' 26:195; a z-Zumar 39:28; Ha Mim Sajdah 41:3;
> > az-Zukhruf 43:3; ad-Dukhan 44:58
> >
> > revealed in truth, al-An`am 6:14
> >
> > sent forth "in waves" (gradually), al-Mursalat 77:1
> >
> > source of health, bani Isra'il 17:82; Ha Mim Sajdah 41:44
> >
> > standardization, see Uthman
> >
> > surah mentioning war, Muhammad 47:20
> >
> > transcription underway at Mecca, al-Furqan 25:5
> >
> > untranslatable, see Is The Qur'an Translatable? Early Muslim Opinion
> >
> > upon an imperishable tablet, al-Buruj 85:21-22.
> > "Rabbi Simeon ben Laqish saith, "What is it that which is written,
> > 'And I shall give thee tablets o f stone, and the Law, and the
> > commandment which I have written, that thou mayest teach them' (Ex
> > XX IV:12)?" The tablets -- these are the ten commandments; the Law,
> > that which is read; and the Commandments; t his is the Mishnah,
> > which I have written, these are the Prophets and the Hagiographa:
> > that thou may est teach them, this de notes the Gamara. This teaches
> > that all of them were given to Moses from Sinai. (Tract Berakhoth qu
> > oted in vol 5. Col. 1)
> >
> > Uthmanic codex, (Ar: Mushaf Uthmani), see Uthman
> >
> > Some interesting things:
> > Caliph Alwalid ibn Yazid, who ruled the Muslims in the year 743 A.D.
> > said:
> >
> > "Talaaba be-inoboati Hashimeon bela wahion attaho wala kitabo w"
> > (The Islamic Caliphate, p. 59) which means Muhammad the Hashemite
> > manipulated people by his claim that he was a prophet, without true
> > inspiration or an inspired book. Caliph Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwan, who
> > was a Muslim leader and scholar of the Qur'an, after becoming the
> > Caliph, folded the Qur'an and said, "this is the last time I will
> > ever use you." (The Islamic Caliphate, p. 173)
> >
> > an-Nisa' 4:82; al-Ma'idah 5:16; al-An`am 6:19; al-A`raf 7:204;
> > at-Taubah 9:111; Yunus 10:15-16; al-Ma'idah 5:6,30,32; Hud 11:13-14;
> > Yusuf 12:3; al- Hijr 15:87,91; an-Nahl 16:98; bani Isra'il
> > 17:9,41,46,60,78,88-89,106; al- Kahf 18:54; Ta Ha 20:2; al-Furqan
> > 25:4; an-Naml 27:1,6,76,92; al-Qasas 28:85; ar-Rum 30:58; Saba'
> > 34:31; Sad 38:1-2; az-Zumar 39:27; Ha Mim Sajdah 41:41; ash-Shura
> > 42:7; az-Zukhruf 43:31; al-Ahqaf 46:12,29; Muhammad 47:24; Qaf
> > 50:1-2,45; al-Qamar 54:17,22,32,40; ar-Rahman 55:2; al-Waqi`ah
> > 56:75,77; al-Hashr 59:21; al-Haqqah 69:40; al-Jinn 72:1; al-Muzammil
> > 73:4,20; ad-Dahr 76:23; al-Inshiqaq 84:21,
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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