--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Hafsah Salim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Semua negara2 Islam cuma bungkem tak ada yang bisa dikatakan untuk
> serangan Israel yang memang merupakan hak bela diri yang telah
> dibenarkan oleh sekjen PBB maupun seluruh negara2 didunia termasuk
> kerajaan Arab Saudia dan negara2 Islam lainnya.

 July 19, 2006  
Hizbullah winning over Arab street 
Key Arab leaders have condemned the Shiite group, despite its growing 
popularity with their citizens.

By Dan Murphy and Sameh NaGuib

 BAGHDAD AND CAIRO  With Israel's confrontation with Hizbullah and 
Lebanon lurching closer to all-out war, winds of anger are blowing 
through the Middle East that are likely to strengthen the political 
hand of radical Islamists from Egypt to Saudi Arabia.

Since the fighting began, at least 24 Israelis, 12 of them civilians, 
have been killed and at least 175 Lebanese, nearly all civilians. In 
recent weeks, about 200 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in a 
separate showdown between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant 
group who won power in elections earlier this year. 

The confrontation  coupled with the rising civilian toll  also 
poses a serious threat to US interests in the region.

Islamists who are hostile to Israel and the US  and to their Arab 
allies who have criticized Hizbullah  are shoring up support, 
increasing the chances they will seize power if the elections 
President Bush has urged for the region take place.

Iran is making new friends, as is Syria. And if history is a guide, a 
new wave of outrage could bring new recruits to terrorist groups, 
much as Israel's occupation of parts of Lebanon in 1982 fueled the 
rise of Hizbullah.

Last Friday, Mr. Bush called Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia  
America's closest Arab allies  and urged them to help defuse the 
crisis. Those calls, and the attitudes of those countries' people, 
served to emphasize the ways in which this crisis could hurt Israeli 
and American interests far beyond Lebanon and the Palestine 

Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak responded 
with a joint statement condemning Hizbullah for "adventurism that 
does not serve Arab interests." Soon after, a Saudi spokesman also 
blamed Hizbullah "adventurism" as "exposing Arab nations … to grave 
dangers without these nations having a say in the matter."

But countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia have little influence over 
the militant Shiite group and its backers Iran and Syria, so their 
statements may be of little practical value. Instead, their comments 
emphasize the widening gap between these regimes and their people.

"These events put pressure on Arab governments to take action, and 
they haven't," says Nadia Hijab, a senior fellow at the Institute for 
Palestine Studies in Washington. "Shouldn't they be recalling their 
ambassadors? That's what the people on the street would be thinking."

That gap, fed by support for Palestinians, hatred of Israel, and 
anger at its close alliance with America, is already being exploited 
by the region's Islamist movements, turning TV images of dead 
civilians into political opposition to their own regimes. In 
particular, the peace deals signed by Egypt and Jordan with Israel 
make these governments less popular with their people.

"The Arab leaders are traitors who work for the Americans and the 
Israelis…. [Hizbullah leader] Hassan Nasrallah represents Arab and 
Islamic dignity," says Ahmed, an Egyptian mechanic who asked that his 
full name not be used.

"The regime claimed that peace with Israel would create prosperity 
and jobs. But we have been at peace for over 20 years and have not 
seen any prosperity. We can't watch our Palestinian and Lebanese and 
Iraqi brothers be slaughtered every day and do nothing."

In Saudi, too, the regime's position isn't shared by its public. "I 
don't think the Saudi government's statement is in tune with how most 
Saudis feel about the Lebanese situation," says Bassem Alim, an 
activist lawyer based in Jeddah, and frequent government critic.

"The way they said it was extremely damaging to their reputation in 
the Islamic world."

Anger at Saudi Arabia's close relationship with the US, and by 
association Israel, has long generated support for Al Qaeda among 
many Saudis, so the government has taken a risk by speaking in a 
manner that jihadists view as supporting Israel.

But he and other analysts say that Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia's 
history of animosity with Shiite Iran, which sought to challenge the 
Saudi monarchy's position of leadership among world Muslims after its 
Islamic revolution, has left the regime more nervous about Iran's 
nuclear program than about flareups of terrorism that, while 
dramatic, have never challenged the regime.

"The Saudis are trying to make sure that the United Nations and the 
Security Council will be involved in the region as a way of 
controlling Iran,'' says Saudi political analyst Adel al-Toraifi.

The escalating confrontation between Israel and Lebanon is also 
helping Syria and Iran gain influence and prestige among Arab 
populations for their strong support of Hizbullah and Hamas.

"Iran will certainly benefit from Hizbullah strikes in some ways,'' 
wrote Anthony Cordesman, a senior analyst at the Center for Strategic 
and International Studies Washington. "They distract from its nuclear 
activities. They show the Arab and Muslim world that Iran is a 
government willing to strike at the Israeli enemy… [and] Israel's 
reprisals build Arab and Muslim anger against the US."

Meanwhile, Hizbullah, with its status as the most organized force in 
the region willing to oppose Israel, is likely to deepen its support 
among Lebanon's Shiite community and at the same time exacerbate the 
sectarian tension in the country that fed its 16-year civil war, 
which ended in 1990. In Egypt thousands have protested what they're 
terming "Israeli aggression."

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's strongest and most popular opposition 
movement, stated its strong support for Hizbullah and Hamas and 
condemned Arab governments for passive support of Israel. Hamas is an 
informal offshoot of the Brotherhood.

"The position of the Arab regimes has … [become] one of silence 
toward Israeli crimes and probable collusion of some regimes with the 
enemy," Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mahdi Akef said last week about the 
fighting in Lebanon.

In an interview with Al Jazeera on Monday, he lashed out at Arab 
leaders again, and then went further, comparing Israel with Nazi 
Germany and praising Hizbullah. "The Lebanese who kidnapped the 
Zionist soldiers are true nationalists led by a great man. These 
regimes continue to serve foreign interests completely ignoring and 
repressing the demands and hopes of their people," he said.

In Jordan, a protest of a few hundred citizens over Israel's strikes 
into Lebanon Saturday also focused on the restrictions on political 
organization and speech inside the country. Many Jordanians say the 
repressions of their own regime are tolerated by the US in exchange 
for Jordan's peace deal with Israel.

And as the crisis has spiraled, even Arab leaders close to the US and 
Israel, have warned of the potential for blowback. "Israel will not 
emerge as a victor in this war. It will only create more enemies," 
Egyptian President Mubarak said Monday. "The war will only inflame 
Arab animosity toward Israel (and) many anti-Israel extremist forces 
will surface."

On Monday, at least 17 Lebanese were killed in Israeli bombings, and 
the Israeli military confirmed a raid into Lebanese territory the 
previous day. Eight of the dead were Lebanese soldiers. Hizbullah 
responded with another volley of rockets at Haifa, which exploded 
without causing casualties.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that Israel would 
pursue its offensive against Hizbullah until two captured soldiers 
were returned and Lebanese Army troops controlled all of southern 

The fighting led to calls from British Prime Minister Tony Blair and 
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan for the insertion of an international 
peacekeeping force into southern Lebanon, though that's an option 
that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert staunchly opposes.

Whether Syria or Iran has the ability to force Hizbullah leader 
Nasrallah to release two Israeli soldiers his forces kidnapped a week 
ago, precipitating the crisis, is unclear. Nasrallah, a fiery Shiite 
cleric, has vowed to release the soldiers only in exchange for three 
Lebanese and a much larger group of Palestinians in Israeli jails.

" Rasheed Abou-Alsamh from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and wires 
contributed to this report.



***Mana mungkin. Bush tua berani nyatakan 'read my lips', setelah 
menang pemilu, dia naikkan pajak. Jangan percaya orang Yahudi, orang 

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