13 - 19 September 2007
Issue No. 862
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Democratise or disintegrate
The failure of the Middle East democratisation project is not something to 
celebrate, even if outside forces championed it; it prefaces the disintegration 
of the Arab world, writes Bahey Eldin Hassan* 


The Arab world is living on the edge of a volcano as a result of the ever 
volatile interaction of a number of elements: the increasing influence and 
spread of terrorist groups; escalating Sunni-Shia sectarian violence; the 
phenomenon of private non- political militias; the growing influence of 
religious extremism within both the political and social realms; increased 
political authoritarianism; the continuing entrenchment of the police state; 
the increasing targeting of human rights defenders and democracy advocates 
within the larger regional context of a qualitative deterioration in the 
conditions of human rights in general; and finally, constant signs of probable 
civil and/or regional wars in and between a number of countries.

The "death boats" crossing the Mediterranean in the hope of attaining a 
blissful life in a European "paradise", the continuing waves of suicide bombers 
hoping to reach "eternal paradise", and the millions of Iraqi and Sudanese 
refugees crossing fault lines in Iraq and Sudan, or crossing seas and borders 
(even those of Israel) are only the warning flares of an eruption starting to 
rumble. When fully active, the lava of this volcano will flow across all 
borders and beyond expectations, so much so that the "new 9/11" will be much 
worse than even what the most pessimistic expect. Reaching this point was never 
inevitable; a number of factors have contributed to the creation of the current 
situation. At the forefront of these factors is the ebbing of the fourth wave 
of democratisation in the Arab world.

democratic transformation failed to sweep over the forbidding shores of the 
Arab world, the fourth wave broke at the edge of its impregnable 
fortifications, content to have swept over the defences of Serbia, Georgia and 
the Ukraine. This despite the fact that on its way to the shores of the Arab 
world the fourth wave had tremendous impetus towards this particular area, in 
large part due to the 9/11 attacks and the bombings in London and Madrid and 
ensuing specially-designed plans, whether European (the "Neighbourhood 
Policy"), American (the "Partnership Initiative") or international (the G8's 
"Forum for the Future"), which included the earmarking and disbursement of 
millions of dollars for these purposes.

Characteristic of the ebbing of the fourth wave of democratisation are: the 
waning of the EU's political will regarding the Neighbourhood Policy in the 
Arab world; the G8's Forum for the Future giving up its main objective, which 
was to be a forum for equal dialogue between Arab governments and civil society 
so that concrete steps on the reform process could be taken; the transformation 
of the US Middle East Partnership Initiative into a mere giant financial arm 
for money-pumping; the serious deterioration, verging on collapse, in the 
performance of forces advocating reform from within Arab societies; new 
international actors (Russia, China and Iran) that stand opposed to the 
international democratic agenda -- indeed, any democratic agenda -- and that 
are influential in political and economic action in the region at a time when 
American influence is waning, and will continue to do so, after the failure of 
the Iraq project.

The first three indicators took clear shape after the Muslim Brotherhood won 20 
per cent of the seats of the Egyptian parliament in December 2005, and after 
Hamas secured a majority in the Palestinian elections in January 2006.

US SCHIZOPHRENIA ON REFORM: In reality, the process of deterioration was not 
slow; it was more like the proverb of "the straw that broke the camel's back." 
From the very moment these successive international initiatives for reform in 
the Arab world were announced they lacked the necessary political will to drive 
them resolutely towards achieving their goals. They were more like declarations 
of political intent then an accurate diagnosis accompanied by practical plans.

The tug of war has not been settled between European and American priorities 
for security in the Arab world (which mainly require ensuring the stability of 
current regimes in most Arab countries) and the new post-9/11 priority of 
democratisation at the expense of these regimes. The schism between Europe and 
the US is not only one regarding the legitimacy and wisdom of the invasion of 
Iraq, but also one relating to the central idea of the project of democratic 
reform in the Arab world (ie the supposed close connection between ailing 
democracy and the generation of terrorism).

Meanwhile, the US seems inescapably schizophrenic: on one hand it calls for the 
respecting of human rights in the Arab world, and on the other commits some of 
the most blatant violations of human rights witnessed anywhere, in Guantanamo 
and Abu- Ghraib and elsewhere. In the morning they call for democratic reform 
in some countries and at night they use the secret prisons of those same 
countries to torture those whom the CIA's illegal extraordinary rendition 
flights deliver for the purpose of extorting confessions. On top of this is the 
Bush administration's public defence of a non-commitment to human rights 
standards (especially with regards torture) or international humanitarian law 
(especially in relation to prisoners at Guantanamo).

The incorrect diagnosis of the character of most of Arab ruling regimes -- as 
having a will to reform while in fact they stand against it -- played a role in 
blocking financial assistance to true advocates of reform and civil society 
organisations. A great part of foreign financial assistance went to concerned 
governments and governmental organisations under the illusion that it would be 
used to turn the wheels of reform. Otherwise it went into programmes imported 
from the experiences of countries en route to democratisation, and which are 
not suitable for authoritarian and anti-democratic states.

THE US MODEL IN PRACTICE: The "Tunisian model" crystallises the value of 
international reform initiatives. Tunisia has been the spoilt child of the EU, 
before and after international calls for reform. It is also the location chosen 
by the US for the administrative headquarters of its initiative to democratise 
the Arab world. Yet in two years of loud talk about reform, the Tunisian police 
state has not stopped for a moment its practices of violent repression, even 
during the convening of the UN World Summit on the Information Society, the 
government freezing European financial assistance to leading Tunisian human 
rights organisations without any European or American reaction commensurate to 
such humiliation.

In this context, it is not surprising that the US State Department considers 
Egypt's new constitutional changes, which aim at entrenching the foundations of 
the police state and endowing its practices with constitutional protection, as 
a step on the road to reform. Nor was it surprising that the EU blessed these 
changes indirectly by limiting its criticism to the fact that they were passed 
hastily through parliament, as if rapidity of promulgation overshadowed the 
spirit and letter of the worst legislative and constitutional setback in Egypt 
since July 1952.

Indeed, the best example to express the emptiness of the American project to 
democratise the Arab world is the fact that the very state on which they bet to 
lead the democratic transformation in the region -- Egypt -- has been precisely 
the one that adeptly led a systematic counter-offensive on local, regional and 
international levels, becoming, through this counter- offensive, even more 
despotic and authoritarian than before the American project was launched.

The fact is that the wave of democratic reform was exhausted before it reached 
Arab shores. Hence, with the return of Europe and the US to their pre-9/11 
positions, the fourth wave left behind no significant mark on the ground; 
neither an instance of reform, whether constitutional, legislative or 
institutional, nor any change in power relations.

MEANS OF AVOIDING REFORM: With the exception of Morocco and latest developments 
in Mauritania, ruling regimes in Arab countries lack the necessary will to 
embark on political reform. Hence all their energy during 2004-5 was spent 
trying to relieve and absorb external and internal pressures. Much effort also 
went into exacerbating contradictions on the other fronts, whether internal or 
external, making alliances with the devil to forestall reform. 

The outstanding adroitness with which the Arab ruling regimes, under the 
leadership of Egypt, managed this decisive crisis deserves to be an object of 
study in crisis management. If only these regimes had been managing their 
societies and providing for their needs with a mere five per cent of this 
adeptness they might not have needed to reform!

How did Arab regimes respond? First, by claiming that they have changed their 
skin and decided to respond to calls for reform; then by raising the slogan of 
Arab society "cultural specificity", and that reform comes only "from within"; 
raising the slogan of gradualism, arguing that the democratisation process took 
hundreds of years in European societies; and trying to undermine international 
consensus on the importance of reform in the Arab world and the methods of 
bringing it about by seeking to widen the gap between positions within the US 
political class and between the EU and the US.

Further, Arab regimes furnished Europe and the US with attractive offers for 
servicing their security interests in the region, especially given the rise of 
new regional security challenges in light of the following: the evident failure 
of the American project in Iraq; Hamas reaching power in Palestine; the rise of 
Iran as a regional power; and the exacerbation of the threat of exported 
terrorism. Yet such offers did not involve practical contributions to ending 
any conflict for the common strategy of Arab regimes has always been to keep 
regional conflicts hot, in order to stoke national security concerns at all 
times. Such concerns are employed with Arab peoples and the political and 
cultural elite in order to keep their attention focused on the "external 
enemy", thus indirectly supporting the legitimacy of no internal change. This 
strategy stops short of letting these conflicts heat up to the extent of 
threatening the interests of Arab regimes.

SCAREMONGERING AND TOKEN CHANGE: Arab regimes are also skilful in the use of 
Islamists as a scarecrow to dampen enthusiasm for reform, whether on the part 
of the international community or local political class -- liberals, leftists, 
secularists and nationalists. Egypt offers the best example. The last 
parliamentary elections for the first time took place without any member of the 
Muslim Brotherhood in prison. They had been all released several days before to 
enjoy, during the first round, the best political and security atmosphere in 
Egypt in the last 25 years! This had direct results, as the Muslim Brotherhood 
was able to hold 20 per cent of parliament. It was an excellent tactical win 
for the Islamists, yet it turned into a strategic win for the Egyptian regime, 
and other Arab regimes, as it helped settle the debate about European and 
American priorities to the benefit of regional security interests and at the 
expense of democratic reform in the Arab world.

Coordinating with the powerful Israeli lobby in the American Congress, stoking 
religious sentiments against the "crusading" West, and seizing the opportunity 
of the Danish cartoons affair to fan the flames of wide political, media and 
popular mobilisation while not even refraining from facilitating attacks on 
embassies, including setting them on fire, Arab regimes have used all means to 
distract attention from local contradictions and direct it towards foreign 
threats that "target" Islam. 

Raising the flying colours of "women's rights" and organising a huge number of 
meetings and conferences, often with the presence of the Arab state "first 
ladies" and typically under the auspices of the Arab League, Arab regimes have 
used and blunted international pressures for reform by making concessions in 
domains that do not reflect directly on the political system and its balance of 

Finally, all forms of repression (security, legislative, media and 
administrative) have continued unabated during the two years of "progress 
towards reform", including using the media to wage intensified campaigns of 
character assassination against newly rising political symbols.

HOW HAS THE OPPOSITION RESPONDED? In addition to the astute efforts of regimes 
in the Arab world, the non-ruling elites in this region were not ready to lead 
the process of reform. They have suffered, historically and for several 
consecutive decades, from systematic and organised repression, with the 
assistance or collusion of the international community. This has caused them to 
be always limited in number, fragile and fissured.

Democratic reform has never been a solid priority for any significant sector of 
these elites. They have been concerned with other priorities, in particular 
Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq, or the confrontation with the West in general. 
Hence, it is not a complete surprise to find that certain active sectors of 
these elites stand in the frontline of the confrontation with their own local 
regimes and ruling forces (on issues of democracy and human rights) while they 
support the anti-reform regimes in Syria, Lebanon, Sudan and others, and hold 
funerals in several Arab capitals to honour the mass-murdering "martyr" Saddam 

These views and positions, contradictory, hypocritical and lacking in any moral 
appeal, stand as one of the biggest obstacles to the possibility of enlarging 
the social base for reform.

The chronic failure of these elites to reach a consensual and creative solution 
for the issue of the relation between religion and state played a role in 
making democracy seem in the view of some sections of these elites a danger no 
less menacing than the persistence of the current despotic regimes -- more so 
even, given that democracy could bring the Islamists to power. An example of 
this is the position taken by sections of the leftist, secular and liberal 
elites in Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt (we can add Copts as a group in the 
latter). They have come to fear the consequences of "democracy" more than those 
of the continuation of despotism.

On the level of perspective and tactics, some of the new political groups 
embraced some exaggerated visions of their impact on the ground and/or the 
efficacy and stability of the international position in favour of political 
reform, and/or the weakness of the ruling regimes in a number of Arab 
countries, as well as the local power relations. 

Based on such unrealistic assessments, some of these groups adopted 
self-defeating political and mobilisational tactics, and/or highly 
confrontational slogans against the ruling regimes, and/or set fantastical 
targets for their activism that were unrelated to the realities of the masses 
that have been excluded from the arena of politics and mass struggle for 

All of this led to utter failure to widen the ranks of these groups or attract 
mass support, and led to exhausting the energies of a limited vanguard in 
actions of which nothing remain but historical and media impact.

THE FAILURE OF DEMOCRATISATION: Due to these internal and external factors the 
fourth wave of democratisation failed to cross the frontier of the Arab world.

It goes without saying that the complete and utter failure of the project of 
democratising Iraq through invasion and occupation has had an additional 
restricting effect on the international community's vacillating will and on the 
internal processes in the region. In fact, there was nothing more criminal and 
brainless than the invasion of Iraq, except the reckless and irresponsible way 
the US managed the process of rebuilding Iraq after toppling Saddam Hussein's 

The exacerbation of the tragedy of the Palestinian people in the same period 
because of the unlimited political and diplomatic support that the US offers 
Israel, which has reached unprecedented levels, has also played a large role in 
undermining whatever credibility was left for the US project of "democratising" 
the Arab world. This has been made particularly clear in the light of 
European/US reservations on the results of the last Palestinian parliamentary 
elections, which were the freest and fairest in the Arab world.

Moreover, the hike in oil prices in the same period provided Arab regimes with 
windfall profits that helped them widen their margin of manoeuvrability with 
their peoples in addition to filling the coffers of terrorist groups and 
religious extremists, which further assisted the counter-offensive.

THE COUNTER-DEMOCRATIC WAVE: The matter, however, has not stopped at the 
subsiding of the fourth wave; rather a counter-current gathered pace as the 
wave receded. 

The most salient of its features are: first, the growth of forces of terrorism 
in the Arab world, with Iraq becoming a major base. Terrorism also returned to 
Egypt, finding a home in a completely new region -- Sinai. New cells sprang to 
life and carried out operations of differing degrees of violence in other 
countries (Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon and Gaza), with the 
continuation of the intermittent actions of sleeper cells in Saudi Arabia and 

Second, the violent rise of sectarian and confessional identity in the region. 
The sectarian Sunni-Shia tension moved to the level of an intermittent civil 
war in Iraq, which reflected itself in the escalation of sectarian tensions in 
the region, particularly in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. In 
addition to the imminent danger of Iraq sliding into a bloodier unremitting 
civil war that leads to partition, another type of war has started in Yemen 
between the army and the Huthis (Shia Zaydi sect) in Saada, for sectarian and 
political reasons. Furthermore, the threat of civil war in Lebanon -- for 
regional, political and sectarian causes -- has been reignited.

Third, the growing phenomenon of private militias that constitute a unique mix 
of runaway offshoots of regular factions (while lacking any political agenda), 
gangs that plunder and loot, and bands of mercenaries that are paid to kill and 
kidnap. Iraq and Palestine are the most prominent examples of places where this 
is occurring. 

Fourth, the rise in popular support for Islamist forces, given the bankruptcy 
and corruption of current regimes and the closing of all avenues of reform.

Fifth, Arab governments' intensification of repression after they realised that 
the international community had lost all interest in Arab reform. Repression 
surpassed its level prior to these international initiatives. Examples include 
Syria and Egypt.

Finally, the defeat of reformist forces in Iran after Khatami, and the rise of 
conservative forces that stand against modernisation and democracy and are more 
willing to base their regional projects on sectarian identity.

BAD AND WORST SCENARIOS: These indicators mean that there are two possible 
scenarios for the Arab region. The less bitter involves the continuation, for 
an indefinite period, of volatile sectarian tension that sometimes takes the 
form of intermittent bloody violence, such as in Iraq and Yemen, or ethnic and 
political conflict in Southern Sudan and intermittent bloody violence in 
Darfur, accompanied by political systems that are either police states or where 
repression is on the rise and unchecked by sufficient resistance.

The more bitter scenario involves the interaction of the above- mentioned 
factors leading to civil wars in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan (in 
case the South moves towards separation, which is very likely), as well as 
consequences that are not less bloody in Syria, the Gulf and Saudi Arabia. 
Moreover, the probable scenario of an unremitting civil war in Iraq between a 
Shia majority and a Sunni minority could lead to more visible support for 
Sunnis on the part of Egypt and Saudi Arabia (the same could be said of 
Lebanon), and could also lead to a direct military intervention by Iran, and 
perhaps even Turkey if the Kurds in the north declare independence while Sunni 
and Shia Arabs fight each other. 

This is in addition to other probable wars that are unrelated to internecine 
Arab conflicts, such as an American or Israeli bombing raid on Iran to abort 
their nuclear programme, or perhaps new rounds of Arab-Israeli confrontation 
that are possible at any time, especially with Lebanon and/or Syria.

This second scenario means that the Arab region will be a volcano spewing fire 
in all directions, and beyond the region in all probability. Counter-offensives 
waged by forces of terror; religious extremism; sectarian violence; political 
authoritarianism and police repression, will not be confined to the walls of 
the Arab world. Dire and unprecedented consequences on the condition of human 
rights in the entire region will follow. 

In order to imagine how dire it might be it is enough to note that the 
intermittent civil war in Iraq has already led to another "Palestinian 
tragedy": more than two million Iraqis displaced to neighbouring countries in 
the last two years alone; this on top of the internal displacement of between 
two and nine million more Iraqis. I wonder how many refugees and displaced will 
be created by an open civil war involving overt and covert regional military 
interventions? In such a tense and overheated region, even a country such as 
Morocco -- the only one to have had its own reform project before 9/11 -- will 
not be spared the ruinous spill over.

AVOIDING DISASTER: There is no chance of stopping this downward spiral unless 
the international community hastens to forge a more comprehensive and resolute 
reform initiative that would combine the requirements of democratic 
transformation and respect of human rights; combating terrorism, extremism and 
corruption; the immediate putting into force of a just solution for the 
Palestinian issue; and placing "failed states" such as Iraq under a UN mandate 
(Namibia before independence is a good example of this kind of plan). This, 
however, requires both ruling and non-ruling elites in the Arab world to rise 
to the level of meeting such grave challenges.

Powerful roaring waves sweep away barriers and overpass shores. Weak and waning 
currents, on the other hand, do nothing but stir up the bottom and muddy the 
waters. The fourth wave of democratisation has not only receded, it has also 
stirred up the silt of the ocean floor, spreading it everywhere across the 
region. A limited course of antibiotics can sometimes be more harmful than none 
as it can make the illness-causing virus more resistant and more vigorous. We 
must respond in kind, and with vigour.

* The writer is director of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS

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