Mengenai Tuhan dan agama itu misterius, kenapa ada banyak beda aliran dan 
ajaran dan pengalaman, sebab itu aku senang kalau melakukan crosschecking pada 
SEMUA sumber yang ada yg mungkin berkaitan dgn alam misteri, alam gaib dan 
dunia orang mati. 

Nah, selain info dari pengalaman near death seperti yg diceritakan Tawang (ada 
lagi banyak cerita semacam itu), ada lagi info dari alam mistik, dari 
pengalaman para dukun paranormal dll. Ini pengalaman dgn mistik sihir dan 
sebagainya sudah banyak ditulis. 

Selain itu ada lagi cerita2 dari perjumpaan dengan ALIEN, dimana manusia ada yg 
mengalami hal2 baik, ada juga yg diculik, dijadikan percobaan, dll. 

Siapa itu Jesus??  Jesus pernah mengaku "kamu dari dunia, Aku bukan dari dunia 
ini.."  artinya Jesus mengaku dia itu alien. Cerita2 kahyangan dewa itu 
menunjukkan mereka alien. Misalnya ramalan kedatangan Ratu Adil sbg putra dewa 
Indra turun ke bumi itu alien. Allah itu jelas alien karena Dia tidak di bumi, 
atau kalau benar tulisan hadis bahwa Allah itu tahtanya diatas laut besar, maka 
dia itu makhluk gaib bukan pencipta langit bumi dan mungkin juga alien. Cerita 
pasukan gajah dilempari misil itu jelas cerita teknologi alien. Musa ketemu 
Yahweh di gunung sinai itu jelas alien. Membelah laut Kolzom/merah itu jelas 
teknologi alien. Tiang api dan cahaya itu juga... Nabi Idris, Nabi Yehezkiel 
ketemu penampakan alien roda dalam roda, Nabi Daniel, Adam Hawa itu datang dari 
planet lain bukan asli bumi, dll. Agama bumi itu hasil karya para alien.  
Lalu aku mencoba melihat aneka video di youtube merekam tentang alien. 
Kemudian aku jumpai beberapa situs ttg alien yang menjelaskan detil mereka, 
ditulis bukan dari agama tertentu:
Insights on Alien  
Informasi dari alien kelompok Zeta 
The Malevolent Alien Agenda.
Alien Technology - Cached - Similar
Alien UFOs 
National UFO Reporting Center
UFO Casebook, UFO Case files, UFO Photos, UFO Video, Aliens,
Cosmic Conspiracies

Raelian, Rael, manusia yg pernah diculik dan bertemu YAHWEH atau ELOHIM (=asal 
kata ALLAH, sepadan dengan makna tunggal Eloah) 

Dari tahun ketahun makin lama makin detil, dilengkapi suara, video, foto, 
gambar2 ilustrasi spt apa alien2 yg ada di bumi. Ceritanya sering diperoleh 
dari hipnosis regresi, sehingga bisa dibuktikan ilmiah memang dialami orang 

Intinya, ada dua kelompok besar alien, kelompok putih dan hitam, dua2nya ingin 
menguasai bumi dengan semua agenda mereka. 

Dua Kelompok itu memakai Mindpower, teknik2 pikiran, untuk 
menguasai/mengendalikan manusia.   

Aku menemukan banyak informasi yang nyambung satu sama lain. Peta besar itu 
mulai terkuak. 

Misalnya, aku bertemu satu penjelasan menarik ttg jenis Alien yang menguasai 
Timur Tengah, bernama kelompok Yukonadious, dari golongan alien greys Zeta yg 
menjadi sangat jahat, yg ahli memancarkan aura kuat supaya orang mudah saling 
berbunuhan, bermusuhan. Budaya kekerasan dalam agama itu dipengaruhi oleh mind 
control, metode menguasai pikiran manusia supaya ikut maunya makhluk gaib 
kelompok ini. 
Di belakang kelompok Yukonadius ini adalah ruh SETAN itu sendiri yg merasuki 
mereka. jadi alien itu adalah makhluknya yg fisik yg bekerja di antara manusia, 
mungkin kita sebut para jin, sedangkan ruhnya di dalam mereka adalah Setan.

Pantesan saja manusia di lokasi tertentu suka saling berbunuhan ... pantesan 
saja para jin itu memiliki teknologi hebat dan pengaruh luar biasa atas 

Aku membaca dan mengcrosscheck semua info itu menjadi ketakutan sendiri. Kalau 
saja Tuhan yang mahabaik itu tidak melindungi kita dengan barisan malaikat 
(alien juga), dan juga Rohulqudus (ruh), habislah aku dan kita semua ...   

Terakhir, kunci mengalahkan mereka adalah DIRI SENDIRI, kembali pada RUH SEJATI 
dari TUHAN yang ada dalam diri semua manusia, aku dan kita semua yg hidup ini.  

Part 6

The Yukonadious (Sep. 27)

This is another Extraterrestrial species of the Gray kind. - There is not much 
that we know about them as they are very secretive about their plans and try to 
conceal all that they do. Nonetheless, they are as active as the Zetas on our 
planet, and maybe even more dangerous and a bigger threat to humanity.

Technologically speaking, the Yukonadious are even more advanced than the Zeta 
reticuland. These kind of Gray ETs are very intimidating as they have a 
bellicose and explosive nature; to the point that even the Zeta Reticuli want 
to avoid them, using camouflage all the time to avoid being perceived by them 
and take great care not to invade their air space.

The Yukonadious are physical beings that look much like a hybrid between the 
Zetas and Humans (but they are not), and have a more threatening appearance. 
From our standards of beauty, they are ugly as you can imagine. If you add to 
their looks (they look much like the ET that appeared in the last part of the 
movie Aliens: the Resurrection, as the hybrid between humans and the Aliens) 
that they are a little over 11 feet tall, with extremely long arms that reach 
all the way under their knees, you can start to get the feeling that they are 
one ET that your don't want to encounter- not even by chance.

Their have the same big plans as the previous described ETs: to control and 
conquer the Universe. They are also controlled by the same demonic forces 
trying to take over the planet, and without a doubt, they are the biggest 
threat to our planet. The Yukonadious are too proud to admit that their ideas 
about chaos and destruction are not theirs alone, but are controlled somehow by 
the demonic forces. They believe that the have their own agenda and nobody 
influences them, as the form of their skulls is very peculiar and specially 
designed not to allow any mental waves to penetrate the brain. In this way, 
they cannot be controlled by any other species, but their hearts can be 
influenced by evil forces.

Their space ships are very luminous (in contrast to the plain metal look of the 
Zetas) due to their advanced scientific technologies in the area of 
Electro-magnetism. At first sight, someone may think that the ships are made of 
light, but there are not- as they are made of physical materials. Most their 
ships have a triangular shape (similar to the stealth bomber), but more 

The Yukonadious also are making massive mental waves broadcasts with the 
purpose of controlling human kind. Due to their own morbid and violent nature, 
their transmissions contain specific impulses that stimulate violence in human 
beings. Like any beings who consider themselves superior, they think others 
have to be like them and adapt to their views about the way they view life and 
the universe.

They have underground bases under many mountains, like in the Andes all the way 
South to Patagonia and in many other locations around the world from where they 
do their transmissions. Most of the violent countries around the world are 
subliminally under their mind waves control. They are especially active in 
South America in countries like Colombia and Peru, in Central America, in 
Mexico, in Africa. and the Middle East. - Their impact is very clear and real 
on many countries, but totally invisible to human eyes. Many countries suffer 
terribly due to their presence.

We have talked a lot about transmissions from Ets to humanity. The transmission 
of each species is different and they don't interfere, one with the other. For 
example, if we look at this transmissions from the energetic psychic point of 
view, we might describe that the Yukonadious mental wave transmissions look 
like an Orange-red radiation of high frequency. The purpose is to promote 
violence in the planet and morbid behavior in humans and society at large.

As you can see, all ETs that are on the planet, transmit mental waves to 

    A) For example, the Zetas transmit a Low, dark Green color radiation to 
close down human hearts and promote rational cold thoughts.

    B) There is even a powerful demonic transmission from the hells (from which 
the planet is well protected) that only evil individuals or black magicians can 

    C) In contrast, the angels transmit a beautiful golden-yellow,

    D) the Earth Elementals a Beautiful light green,

    E) Ascended master from Orion transmit in a bright Violet Blue,

    F) the Earth (Gaia) in a deep ocean blue color, etc.

So as you can see, there is a war going on in the heavens (as said in the 
Bible), but it is a war of vibrations.

The Yukonadious have a great facility to adapt to cold weather. So they have 
constructed a big base at the South Pole that serves as the central source to 
accumulate natural resources. They have great machines that process hydrogen 
that is used for their cooling systems. One of the many purposes that these ETs 
have is to exploit all of the natural resources from this planet that they need 
and are trying to adapt this planet to make it more hospitable for their own 
species. They are unconsciously here for a spiritual reason, but they ignore 
that, and believe that they are here for the sole purpose of conquering the 
planet. As we were saying, they are working from their base at the South Pole 
to change our climate and environment to reach their goal, but there are other 
good extraterrestrials who are balancing out the mischief that they create.

The Yukonadious also practice the abduction of humans, but not for the purpose 
of doing scientific experiments. they want to brainwash their victims and make 
them perform certain functions to serve their ends (they also practice some 
sexual acts with the abductees) These Extraterrestrial are savage and attack 
without mercy. They are fierce enemies in combat and are feared by many other 
species in the universe. Their bellicose nature is due in part to their long 
history of fighting, survival and suffering. They were extremely abused by an 
ancient civilization, already extinct at this time. Pain is at the root of 
their hearts and the time is coming for them to balance all the karma that was 
created, even though they can't comprehend it and don't believe it to be so. 
They are so blinded by their goal of dominion, that the Intergalactic 
Federation of United Solar Systems is considering the expulsion of these Ets 
from our planet. Until then, we have to learn to defend against them and their 
big threat to our survival as a species. Especially our South American 
countries suffer daily under their relentless attacks that promote violence and 

The Yukonadious have a great weakness that we discovered that we can use to 
expel them from our planet. – Like we wrote before, the Yukonadious are great 
telepaths, probably more than the Zetas, to the point that they can know what 
you are going to think before you become aware of your own thoughts. .Thus, 
they can produce incredibly powerful mental waves to manipulate humanity behind 
the veils.

Being so mentally powerful, however, has a disadvantage in their case:

They can receive the transmissions of human mental thoughts and they can't 
avoid or block human transmissions from being received.

That's why there are so secretive about their existence. Because humanity does 
not know of their existence and ignores them, there are almost no thoughts 
being directed towards them at this point (but that will change thanks to Ken's 
generosity of making this letters available to millions),

Now that their existence is being revealed for the first time, more and more 
humans are going to start to thinking about them and their existence and our 
thoughts are going to begin to overflow their minds, to the point that 
hopefully they won't be able to tolerate the thoughts generated by thousand or 
millions of humans and they will have to leave our countries and eventually our 

It's time for them to lose their main advantage over us and reveal their 
presence to anyone who is willing to learn about their existence. That's all 
that is needed for our thoughts to get to them. Imagine your mind full of 
thousands of thoughts- not of your own. Enough to drive you away we think! They 
have attacked my brother and I without mercy to prevent us from revealing their 
presence, but thank God, for other good ETs, we where able to preserve and 
overcome the odds to provide this important information


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