Ga aneh kalo orang Islam ngebeli anak ingusan yg lalu dijadikan budak sex. 
Soalnya, perbudakan dan pedophilia itu adalah bagian dr Islam.

Islam kan emang agama yg benar unt para bajingan keparat

Little girls end up as sex slaves for Saudis
Aftenposten:Girl Children between five and 12 years old are sold to wealthy men 
in  Saudi Arabia, where they are held as sex slaves. When they reach  maturity, 
and many are thrown on the street and they end quickly as a  prostitute.
Save the Children appeal to the  Norwegian and Swedish ministers take up the 
issue with their Saudi  counterparts, and asks private companies to take up the 
exploitation of  children when they hit their business.
- I am not surprised by the information  about the existence of such traffic to 
Saudi Arabia and other countries  in the region, particularly in light of that 
marriage with children is  widespread and accepted, “said Sannah Johnson, 
regional director of the  Middle East for the Swedish Save the Children.
A well-organized network of traffickers  supplying the Arab market with child 
brides from the North African  country of Mauritania, says U.S. diplomats. 
Retrieved as sex slaves in  their thousands from Yemen, in addition to that 
there is an extensive  sex industry in Yemen offering sex with minors to rich 
men from the Gulf  states, the Wikileaks documents and Aftenposten Bergens 
Tidende has  access to.
7. April 2009
An engaged woman meets an American  diplomat in Mauritania’s capital 
The day after the diplomat  writes a report back to Washington. To start it:
“There is an increase in reports of  trafficking of child brides to Saudi 
Arabia. The girls, usually between  five and 12 years old, married off to 
wealthy Saudi men in exchange for  hefty price tags for brides. As soon as they 
arrive in Saudi Arabia,  they become sex slaves of their husbands. “
The engaged woman named Aminetou Mint El  Moctar. Completely on their own, she 
has started a campaign to get the  authorities in Mauritania to take the 
seriously. She will not  even answer his letters and asks why the United States 
take up the issue  internationally. At the U.S. embassy, ​​she finds one that 
finally  listens.
Large sums of money
Aminetou Mint El Moctar says that  traffickers seek out poor families to get 
them to marry off their  daughters to wealthy Saudis. The younger girls are, 
higher the  price. A child bride can be paid with 5 – 6 million in the local  
currency ouguiya, equivalent to around 120 000. Local travel agencies,  which 
reality is a network of traffickers, organized traffic. The  local agent 
receives a bonus paid by the girls’ future husbands. Amount  of which depends 
the girls’ age and beauty.
The embassy memo further states that  “barnebrudene, as soon as they arrive in 
Saudi Arabia, the sex slaves of  their husbands.” Aminetou explained that the 
girls, as they reach  puberty and become pregnant, no longer of interest to 
their husbands.  “They rolled on the street, and since they do not have any 
network, they  have no other choice than to be prostitute.”
Officials from the U.S. embassy tells of  a girl who for three years was locked 
in a room where she met with  someone other than her Saudi husband and his 
They also refer to an  article in the Radio France International with a diploma 
from  seven-year-old Mulheri exposed to traffickers and sold to Saudi Arabia.
At the same time victims of trafficking  in danger of being prosecuted in Saudi 
Arabia. Mint El Moctar told  diplomats that around 30 Mauritanian women are 
sentenced to imprisonment  in Saudi Arabia to be a prostitute, even though they 
are victims of  trafficking.
Mauritania has long refused to recognize  the problem. Faced with U.S. 
have a representative of  Mauritania Justice Department argued that “the 
trafficking of  Mauritanian women do not exist and that human trafficking to 
Saudi  Arabia is not possible because the country’s laws require that a woman  
can only travel accompanied by male family members.”
Death threats
According to the embassy note has  Aminetou Mint El Moctar told she has 
“received death threats and she is  called” liar, a crazy woman and a traitor 
who destroy Mauritania  reputation. “
Aminetou Mint El Moctar was honored last  year by U.S. Secretary of State 
Hillary Clinton just for his work  against human trafficking and to put the 
problem of child brides on the  agenda of the African country.
U.S. publishes reports on human trafficking in every country. About Saudi 
says the latest report from 2010:
“Many Saudis, including some  representatives of government, continues to deny 
that some types of  human trafficking takes place, particularly in cases 
involving sexual  exploitation.”
Closed countries
Sanna Johnson in Swedish Save the  Children lead the organization’s activities 
in the Middle East from his  office in Beirut. She says that independent 
organizations can not escape  to Saudi Arabia and that the country is very 
- We know well that the child workers  and domestic workers are as good as 
rights in the country. They  have no rights. The Kingdom has suggested that 
professionals employed in  hospitals where women who have been victims of 
be received. This  means that the government acknowledges that the problem 
exists, “says  Johnson.
- There are things that are not  acceptable as marriage of minors. It must be 
highlighted. I think the  governments of Norway and Sweden should take it up 
with their Saudi  counterparts, when the opportunity presents itself. But I 
think  private companies should take it up with their business partners in the  
country, “said Johnson.
- The large companies, such as in the arms industry, can have an extremely 
impact, “she said.
Gift for a while
Johnson also refers to the widespread  practice of so-called temporary 
in the Arab countries. To  circumvent the ban on sex outside marriage, included 
men in these  countries temporary marriages with girls and young women from 
several  countries.
There is also some evidence that the  practice of child brides is becoming a 
controversial issue in Saudi  Arabia’s quasi-rooms. Many of its citizens 
the practice. A few  examples are discussed in the country’s media:
A local judge in the town of Nejd in  2008 refused to overturn a marriage 
between an eight-year-old girl and  her husband for fifty years. The girl’s 
father sold her to settle its  debt to the man. A higher court granted a 
in April 2009.
The government-affiliated Commission on  Human Rights in Saudi Arabia was able 
to void a marriage between a 10  year old girl and a 60-year-old man.
A court in Bisha issued in October 2008,  a divorce document to end a marriage 
between a 14-year-old girl and her  70 year old man.
In January 2009, won an 11-year-old girl  presented with a case to get a 
marriage annulled by a 75-year-old man,  held by the girl’s 70 year old father.
Sex tourism
In Saudi Arabia neighboring  Yemen is the problem of sex tourism, human 
and child brides  formidable. It attracted international attention when the 12 
year-old  Fawzia Abdullah Yousef died in childbirth 11 September 2009. She was  
married to a 24-year-old, only 11 years old.
According to a note from the Embassy of  Yemen’s capital Sanaa, about 25 
of all girls in the country  married before the age of 15 years. Yemeni 
authorities have, to the  United States, expressed frustration over how little 
Saudi Arabia is  doing to combat human trafficking from Yemen to Saudi Arabia.
According to an embassy memo, thousands  of children each year in Saudi Arabia, 
“where they face abuse and harsh  living conditions.”
Local human rights groups say it was  long common for Saudi Arabia imprisoned 
minors, and minors must also  have been were decapitated. Since 2008, Saudi 
Arabia, however, returned  several minors to Yemen, instead of taking them into 
That rich tourists from the Gulf states  travel to Yemen to buy sex, is a 
secret in Yemen. Underage  prostitute working out of many of the hotels in the 
The embassy memo states that “Saudi men  travel to Yemen to establish relations 
with underage prostitute,  sometimes in the form of temporary marriage.” One 
source says he knows  of “at least three instances where Saudi men have married 
Yemeni women  and then force them into prostitution in Saudi Arabia.”

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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