Omongan lu sama idiotnya dengan omongan tuhan laknat ini: 

KITAB YESAYA 7:20 Pada hari itu dengan pisau cukur yang
dipinjam dari seberang sungai Efrat, yakni raja Asyur, Tuhan akan mencukur
kepala dan bulu paha, bahkan pisau itu akan melenyapkan janggut juga.

--- In, item abu <itemabu@...> wrote:


> Hehehe... kenapa lu protes gua berdaqwah ttg ajaran nabi pedophile lu itu?


> Apa lu bilang obat ajaran nabi lu itu adalah barang menjijikkan dan ga 
> sehrsnya diminum?





> >________________________________

> >From: Abbas <abas_amin08@...>

> >To:

> >Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 2:14 PM

> >Subject: Re: Bls: [proletar] Manfaat kencing onta

> >

> >

> >  

> >Jadi terus menerus kau promosikan daganganmu tuh ? sudah laku berapa tuh 
> >kencing ontamu ? jadi kau datangkan sendiri dari timur tengah tuh onta. 
> >Debil ?!

> >

> >--- In, item abu <itemabu@> wrote:

> >>

> >> Hehehe... si parewa ini ngoceh ga keruan, tp prakteknya dia ga akan minum 
> >> kencing onta sbg obat krn ga percaya sunnah nabi. Emang tuh, orang Islam 
> >> selalu doyan kaing2 padahal cuma omong kosong aja kayak si SBY yg ngoceh 
> >> mau ngeberantas korupsi sambil melakukan korupsi jg.

> >> 

> >> Silakan aja kaing2 ttg ajaran Kristen, yg lu ocehin itu cuma keluar dr 
> >> mulut lu doang hasil pemikiran sinting lu. 

> >> 

> >> 

> >> Sebaliknya, di bawah gua make fatwa dr ulama Saudi, maka ga ada orang 
> >> Islam yg bisa bantah, bukan?

> >> 

> >> 

> >> 

> >> 

> >> >________________________________

> >> >From: PAREWA <parewa70@>

> >> >To:

> >> >Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 3:47 PM

> >> >Subject: Bls: [proletar] Manfaat kencing onta

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >  

> >> >Tem, ngga ada masalah kalau kencing onta adalah obat. Bukankah banyak 
> >> >bahan2 di alam ini yang akhirnya dikenal sebagai obat pula? (nah kalau 
> >> >ngga tau cerita soal obat perobatan, emang pendidikan anda amat dangkal 
> >> >seh. Makanya jgn byk2 dengerin kibulan pendeta). Yg menjadi masalah kalau 
> >> >tuhan iyg anda sembah itu ternyata berkontol. Bagaimana masalah yg 
> >> >ditimbulkannya, bacalah pencerahan dibawah ini: 

> >> >

> >> >Banyak orang kristen bingung jika

> >> >diajukan pertanyaan tentang jesus itu menikah atau tidak.  Sebagian 
> >> >besar dengan lidah kelu dan

> >> >tenggorokan tercekat menjawab: jesus â€Å"Tidak menikah�!. 
> >> >Kenapa lidah mereka kelu

> >> >dan kerongkongan tercekat? Sebab kalau mereka menjawab â€Å"jesus 
> >> >menikah� maka

> >> >mereka menghadapi problem akan kenyataan tuhan yang mereka sembah ternyata

> >> >hanya manusia biasa yang punya kontol, punya hasrat sex  dan perlu 
> >> >sasaran untuk melampiaskan nafsu

> >> >berahinya.  Kedua, kalau mereka menjawab

> >> >â€Å"jesus tidak menikah� maka mereka akan berhadapan dengan isi 
> >> >Bible yg

> >> >menceritakan bagaimana jesus seringkali berasyik masyuk dengan sundal 
> >> >bernama

> >> >maghdalena, bahkan jesus suka sekali menciumnya dibibir (mulut), seperti 
> >> >tertera

> >> >dalam injil philip berikut: 

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >"Ada 3 orang yang selalu berjalan bersama Jesus : Maria

> >> >ibundanya dan

> >> >

> >> >Maria saudara ibunya, dan Magdalena, yang disebut sebagai pasangannya....

> >> >

> >> >Dan pasangan dari Sang Juru

> >> >Selamat (Saviour) adalah Maria Magdalena.

> >> >

> >> >(Dia mencintai) nya,

> >> >melebihi cintanya kepada murid-murid yang lain

> >> >

> >> >dan sering menciumnya

> >> >dimulutnya�

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >Artinya: kalau jesus memang

> >> >benar-benar tidak menikah maka orang kristen tetap kudu mengakui bahwa 
> >> >jesus

> >> >itu melakukan aktivitas sex yang artinya ia adalah manusia biasa yang 
> >> >tidak mau

> >> >menikah tapi maunya ngewe gratis alias memanfaatkan badan montok si 
> >> >maghdalena

> >> >dan perasaan berdosanya karena ia sendiri dulunya adalah pelacur, dan 
> >> >pelacur

> >> >diiming-imingi sorga oleh jesus asalkan mau mengikuti hasrat kontolNya. 
> >> >Apa

> >> >konsekwensinya bagi orang kristen? Yach mereka ternyata selama ini telah

> >> >tertipu menyembah tuhan yang suka berzinah. 

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >Itulah akibatnya jika manusia

> >> >berkontol dijadikan tuhan. Kelakuannya persis manusia keparat kayak jusfiq

> >> >hadjar gelar sutan baradjo kabau yg hidup bersama tanpa nikah dengan si 
> >> >marlene

> >> >(sundal juga?) yang badannya bau keju basi itu. 

> >> >Lagian kedua orang itu (jesus dan jusfiq) banyak memiliki banyak

> >> >kesamaan satu sama lain: nama mereka sama2 diawali hurh ‘j’, 
> >> >mereka sama-sama sama2

> >> >gondrong, sama2 bengak, durhaka pada orang tua, suka ngomong jorok, sama2 
> >> >suka

> >> >menebar pertentangan dimuka bumi, dan sama-sama tukang ngewe gratis. 

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >Mungkinkah si jusfiq hadjar itu

> >> >anak hasil perngentotan antara jesus dan maghdalena, siapa yang menurut 
> >> >hasil

> >> >penelitian Prof. B. Thiering bernama Jesus Justus? Ataukah si jusfiq ini 
> >> >jesus

> >> >yg bangkit utk kedua kalinya? Entahlah. Yg jelas kalau dugaan itu benar, 
> >> >maka

> >> >sudah saatnya keturunan jesus yang satu ini digebukin dan disalib pula 
> >> >agar

> >> >bisa dinobatkan jadi tuhan oleh orang-orang kristen menggantikan jesus yg 
> >> >saat

> >> >ini sedang ditunggu kebangkitannya dari neraka. 

> >> >Seperti halnya jesus maka wajah buruk, rambut ketombean, dan gigi ompong

> >> >si jusfiq hadjar gelar setan baradjo kabau nanti dipermak jadi rada-rada

> >> >bagusan dan dipampang digereja-gereja untuk disembah oleh umat kristiani 
> >> >atau

> >> >menjadi sasaran slepetan anak-anak kristen yang bosan mendengar kotbah 
> >> >para

> >> >pendeta yang itu ke itu saja dan sama sekali tidak pernah menyinggung isi 
> >> >Bible

> >> >(tapi Bible nya dipegang-pegang, huh!). Haleluya. 

> >> >

> >> >--- Pada Jum, 5/8/11, item abu <itemabu@> menulis:

> >> >

> >> >Dari: item abu <itemabu@>

> >> >Judul: [proletar] Manfaat kencing onta

> >> >Kepada: "" <>

> >> >Tanggal: Jumat, 5 Agustus, 2011, 7:06 PM

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >Hehehe.... kencing onta sbg obat itu ada di hadis sahih, dan nurut orang 
> >> >Islam sdh terbukti sbg obat secara ilmiah. Jadi, kenapa orang2 Islam 
> >> >kagak minum kencing onta sebanyak2nya dan jg minum air wudhu lalat?

> >> >

> >> >Yg ga percaya akan manfaat kencing onta dan air wudhu lalat itu adalah 
> >> >orang yg ga percaya ke nabi, berarti orang murtad, hehehe...

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Customs 
> >> >and traditions » Medicine and medical treatments

> >> >

> >> >The benefits of drinking camel urine

> >> >

> >> >ar - enI hope that you can provide me with a 

> >> >

> >> >scientific answer â€" if such knowledge is available â€" about the 
> >> >saheeh 

> >> >

> >> >hadeeth about drinking camel’s urine. May Allaah reward you.

> >> >

> >> >Praise be to Allaah. 

> >> >

> >> >The hadeeth  referred to by the questioner is a saheeh hadeeth, in which 
> >> >it says that  some people came to Madeenah and fell sick. The Prophet  
> >> >(peace and  blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them to drink the milk 
> >> >and urine of  camels, and they recovered and grew fat. In the story it 
> >> >also says that they  apostatized and killed the camel-herder, then the 
> >> >Muslims caught them and  executed them. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2855) 
> >> >and Muslim (1671). 

> >> >

> >> >With regard  to the health benefits of drinking the milk and urine of 
> >> >camels, they are  many, and they are well known to the earlier 
> >> >generations of medical science  and they have been proven by modern 
> >> >scientific research. 

> >> >

> >> >Ibn  al-Qayyim said: 

> >> >

> >> >The author  of al-Qanoon (the Canon) â€" i.e. the doctor Ibn Seena  
> >> >(Avicenna) â€" said: 

> >> >

> >> >The most  beneficial of urine is the urine of Bedouin camels which are 
> >> >called  najeeb. End quote. 

> >> >

> >> >Zaad  al-Ma’aad (4/47, 48). 

> >> >

> >> >In the  Emirati newspaper al-Ittihaad (issue no. 11172, Sunday 6 Muharram 
> >> > 1427 AH/5 February 2006) it says: 

> >> >

> >> >One of the  most important things for which camels are raised is their 
> >> >milk, which is  efficacious in treating many illnesses, including 
> >> >hepatitis, and the  digestive system in general, various types of cancer 
> >> >and other diseases. 

> >> >

> >> >In an  article by Dr Ahlaam al-‘Awadi, which was published in 
> >> >al-Da’wah  magazine, issue no. 1938, 25 Safar 1425 AH/15 April 
> >> >2004 CE, about the  diseases which can be treated with camel’s 
> >> >milk, as proven by experience, it  says that there are many benefits in 
> >> >camel’s milk. There follows some of  what was said in the article 
> >> >by Dr. Ahlaam: 

> >> >

> >> >Camel’s  urine is efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases 
> >> >such as ringworm,  tinea and abscesses, sores that may appear on the body 
> >> >and hair, and dry and  wet ulcers. Camel’s urine brings the 
> >> >secondary benefits of making the hair  lustrous and thick, and removing 
> >> >dandruff from the scalp. Camel’s milk is  also beneficial in 
> >> >treating hepatitis, even if it has reached an advanced  stage where 
> >> >medicine is unable to treat it. End quote. 

> >> >

> >> >In the  al-Jazeerah al-Sa’oodiyyah newspaper (issue no. 10132, 
> >> >Rabee’ al-Awwal  1421 AH) there is a quotation from the book 
> >> >Al-Ibl Asraar wa i’jaaz  (The camel: secrets and wonders) by 
> >> >Darmaan ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez Aal Darmaan  and Sanad ibn Mutlaq 
> >> >al-Subay’i: 

> >> >

> >> >As for  camel’s urine, the book suggests that it has numerous uses 
> >> >which are  beneficial for man. This is indicated by the Prophetic texts 
> >> >and confirmed  by modern science … Scientific experiments have 
> >> >proven that camel’s urine  has a lethal effect on the germs that 
> >> >cause many diseases. 

> >> >

> >> >Among the  uses of camel’s urine, many women use it to wash their 
> >> >hair, to make it  longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous. 
> >> >Camel’s urine is also  efficacious in the treatment of swelling of 
> >> >the liver and other diseases  such as abscesses, sores that appear on the 
> >> >body and toothache, and for  washing eyes. End quote. 

> >> >

> >> >Prof. Dr.  ‘Abd al-Fattaah Mahmoud Idrees says: With regard to the 
> >> >benefits of camel’s  urine in treating disease, Ibn Seena said in 
> >> >his Qanoon: The most  beneficial of urine is the urine of the Bedouin 
> >> >camels known as najeeb.  Camel’s urine is beneficial in treating 
> >> >al-hazaaz, and it was said  that al-hazzaz is a pain in the heart caused 
> >> >by anger and so on.  Camel’s urine, especially the urine of a 
> >> >young she-camel â€" is used as a  cleansing substance to wash wounds 
> >> >and sores, to make the hair grow, to  strengthen and thicken it and to 
> >> >prevent it falling out, and it is used to  treat diseases of the scalp 
> >> >and dandruff. In a Master’s thesis by an  engineer in applied 
> >> >chemistry, Muhammad Awhaaj Muhammad, that was submitted  to the faculty 
> >> >of applied chemistry in the al-Jazeerah university in  Sudan, and 
> >> >approved by the Dean of science and postgraduate studies
 in the  university in November 1998 CE, entitled A Study

>  of the Chemical  Composition

> >> >

> >> >and Some Medical Uses of the Urine of Arabian Camels,  Muhammad Awhaaj 
> >> >says: 

> >> >

> >> >Laboratory  tests indicate that camel’s urine contains high levels 
> >> >of potassium,  albuminous proteins, and small amounts of uric acid, 
> >> >sodium and creatine. 

> >> >

> >> >In this  study, he explained that what prompted him to study the 
> >> >medicinal properties  of camel’s urine was what he had seen of 
> >> >some tribesmen drinking this urine  whenever they suffered digestion 
> >> >problems. He sought the help of some  doctors in studying camel’s 
> >> >urine. They brought a number of patients and  prescribed this urine for 
> >> >them, for a period of two months. Their bodies  recovered from what they 
> >> >had been suffering from, which proves the efficacy  of camel’s 
> >> >urine in treating some diseases of the digestive system. 

> >> >

> >> >It also  proves that this urine is useful in preventing hair loss. He 
> >> >says: 

> >> >

> >> >Camel’s  urine acts as a slow-acting diuretic, but it does not 
> >> >deplete potassium and  other salts as other diuretics do, because 
> >> >camel’s urine contains a high  level of potassium and proteins. It 
> >> >has also been proven to be effective  against some types of bacteria and 
> >> >viruses. It brought about an improvement  in the condition of twenty-five 
> >> >patients who used camel’s urine for dropsy,  without disrupting 
> >> >their potassium levels. Two of them were cured of liver  pain, and their 
> >> >liver function was restored to normal levels, as well as the  tissue of 
> >> >the liver being improved. One of the medicines used to treat blood  clots 
> >> >is a compound called Fibrinoltics which works by changing a substance  in 
> >> >the body from its inactive form, Plasminogen, to its active form,  
> >> >Plasmin, in order to dissolve the substance that causes clotting, Fibrin. 
> >> > One of the components of this compound is called Urokinase, which is 
 produced by the kidneys or from

>  the urine, as

> >> >

> >> >indicated by the name â€Å"uro�. 

> >> >

> >> >The dean of  the Faculty of Medical Science in the Sudanese al-Jazeerah 
> >> >university,  Professor Ahmad ‘Abd-Allaah Ahmadaani, has discovered 
> >> >a practical way of  using camel’s urine to treat dropsy and 
> >> >swelling in the liver. Its success  has been proven in treating those who 
> >> >are affected by these diseases. He  said in a seminar organized by the 
> >> >al-Jazeerah University: 

> >> >

> >> >The  experiment began by giving each patient a daily dose of 
> >> >camel’s urine mixed  with camel’s milk to make it 
> >> >palatable. Fifteen days after the beginning of  the experiment, the 
> >> >patients’ stomachs grew smaller and went back to their  normal 
> >> >size.  

> >> >

> >> >He said that  he examined the patients’ livers with ultrasound 
> >> >before the study began, and  he found out that the livers of fifteen out 
> >> >of the twenty-five were in a  cirrhotic state, and some of them had 
> >> >developed cirrhosis of the liver as  the result of bilharzia. All of the 
> >> >patients responded to treatment with  camel’s urine, and some of 
> >> >them continued, by their own choice, to drink a  dose of camel’s 
> >> >urine every day for a further two months. At the end of that  time, they 
> >> >were all found to have been cured of cirrhosis of the liver. He  said: 
> >> >Camel’s urine contains a large amount of potassium, as well as 
> >> >albumen  and magnesium, because the camel only drinks four times during 
> >> >the summer  and once during the winter, which makes it retain water in 
> >> >its body so as to  preserve the sodium, and the sodium causes it not to 
> >> >urinate a great deal,  because it keeps the water in its

> >> >

> >> >He explained  that dropsy results from a deficiency of albumen or 
> >> >potassium, and the urine  of camels in rich in both of these. 

> >> >

> >> >He suggested  that the best type of camels for using the urine as a 
> >> >remedy are young  camels. 

> >> >

> >> >Dr. Ahlaam  al-‘Awadi, a specialist in microbiology in the Kingdom 
> >> >of Saudi Arabia,  supervised some scientific papers that dealt with her 
> >> >discoveries in the  usage of camel’s urine for medical treatment, 
> >> >such as the papers by ‘Awaatif  al-Jadeedi and Manaal al-Qattaan. 
> >> >During her supervision of the paper by  Manaal al-Qattaan, she succeeded 
> >> >in confirming the effectiveness of using a  preparation made from 
> >> >camel’s urine which was the first antibiotic produced  in this 
> >> >manner anywhere in the world. Concerning the features of this new  
> >> >product, Dr. Ahlaam said: 

> >> >

> >> >It is not  costly, and it is easy to manufacture. It can be used to treat 
> >> >skin diseases  such as eczema, allergies, sores, burns, acne, nail 
> >> >infections, cancer,  hepatitis and dropsy with no harmful side 
> >> >effects. 

> >> >

> >> >And she  said: 

> >> >

> >> >Camel’s  urine contains a number of healing factors such as 
> >> >antibiotics (bacteria  that are present in it, salts and urea).  The 
> >> >camel possesses an immune  system that is highly equipped to combat 
> >> >funguses, bacteria and viruses,  because it contains antibodies. It may 
> >> >also be used to treat blood clots and  fibrinolytics may be derived from 
> >> >it, and it may be used to treat dropsy  (which is caused by a deficiency 
> >> >in albumen and potassium, as camel’s urine  is rich in both). 
> >> >Camel’s urine may also provide a remedy for abdominal  complaints, 
> >> >especially those of the stomach and intestines, as well as  asthma and 
> >> >shortness of breath. It caused a noticeable reduction in  
> >> >patients’ sugar levels. It is a remedy for low libido, and it aids 
> >> >in bone  growth in children and in strengthening the heart muscles. It 
> >> >may be used as  a cleansing agent for cleaning wounds and sores, 
> >> >especially
 the urine of  young she-camels. It also helps

>  the hair to grow and

> >> >

> >> >become strong and  thick, and it helps to prevent hair loss and baldness, 
> >> >and can be used to  treat dandruff. Camel’s urine may also be used 
> >> >to combat disease by using  bacteria extracted from it. It was used to 
> >> >treat a girl who was suffering  from an infection behind the ear, that 
> >> >was accompanied by pus weeping from  it and painful cracks and sores. It 
> >> >was also used to treat a girl who was  unable to extend the fingers of 
> >> >her hands because of the presence of so many  cracks and sores, and whose 
> >> >face was almost black with pimples. Dr. Ahlaam  said: 

> >> >

> >> >Camel’s  urine may also be used to treat the digestive system and 
> >> >to treat some cases  of cancer. She stated that the research that she had 
> >> >undertaken on camel’s  urine proved that it was effective in 
> >> >destroying micro-organisms such as  fungus, yeast and bacteria. 

> >> >

> >> >Dr. Rahmah  al-‘Ulyaani, who is also from Saudi Arabia, carried out 
> >> >tests on rabbits  infected with bacteria in the colon. She treated each 
> >> >group of rabbits with  a different kind of medicine, including 
> >> >camel’s urine. There was a  noticeable regression in the rabbits 
> >> >that were treated with other medicines,  except for camel’s urine, 
> >> >which brought about a clear improvement. 

> >> >

> >> >Majallat  al-Jundi al-Muslim, issue no. 118, 20 
> >> >Dhu’l-Qa’dah  1425 AH; 1 January 2005 CE. 

> >> >

> >> >Allaah calls  upon us to ponder the creation of the camel, as He says 
> >> >(interpretation of  the meaning): 

> >> >

> >> >â€Å"Do they  not look at the camels, how they are created?�

> >> >

> >> >[al-Ghaashiyah 88:17] 

> >> >

> >> >This  pondering is not limited to the outward form of the camel, or even 
> >> >to the  inner workings of its body, rather it also includes that which we 
> >> >have  discussed here, which is the benefits of the urine and milk of the 
> >> >camel.  Modern scientific research is still discovering for us many of 
> >> >the wonders  of this creature. 

> >> >

> >> >And Allaah  knows best.

> >> >

> >> >Islam Q&A

> >> >

> >> >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >> >

> >> >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >> >

> >> >

> >> > 

> >> >

> >> >

> >> 

> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >>

> >

> >

> > 

> >

> >


> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]






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