On Fri, 2020-02-14 at 15:58 +0100, Julius Volz wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 2:01 PM Conrad Wood <c...@conradwood.net>
> wrote:
> > That is a good point, I did not consider that labels might have
> > been
> > aggregated away. Clearly that needs to be considered.
> > 
> > However, the ACLEvaluator also needs to look at the label values
> > once
> > the query returns(see Example 2). Or is there a way that one can
> > query
> Note that putting IP addresses or similar high-cardinality items into
> Prometheus label names doesn't work well unless the possible set of
> values is restricted to a reasonable number. Otherwise you'll blow up
> your Prometheus server immediately (a big server can do a couple
> million series that are present at the same time, and every unique
> combination of label values creates one series, so usually just
> putting public IPs into label values is a no-starter, since it
> multiplies up with other labels very quickly).
> > for all values of a set of labels for a given metric without the
> > datapoints in a given timerange?
> There is: 
> https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#querying-metadata
> ...but again, you'll probably run into cardinality overload if you
> have an unbounded number of IPs in label values.
> > Also, the "parsing of promql" - is that available in a library or
> > as an
> > RPC? If not, would that be also considered out-of-scope?
> You would use Prometheus's "promql" Go package: 
> https://godoc.org/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/promql

Thank you,

I hear you re unbound labels, especially with IPs. In this case there
is quite a small set of IPs (<2048), probably even less.

The information you send is most helpful. I believe I now have
sufficient information to fix something up that will address my usecase
outside of prometheus.

Thanks again,


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