Hello fellow Prometheus developers :),

As you probably know, in Prometheus, you have since a couple month a great
PromQL editor (with autocomplete, linter, highlight feature) which is for
the moment maintained in two separate repositories:

   - prometheus-community/codemirror-promql
   <https://github.com/prometheus-community/codemirror-promql> that
   contains all the autocomplete / linter / highlight logic.
   - promlabs/lezer-promql <https://github.com/promlabs/lezer-promql> that
   contains the PromQL grammar (web version)

When a new feature enriched PromQL, the PR on Prometheus' side is usually
modifying the backend and the documentation. But it doesn't change the
PromQL editor since it's in two different repositories.
It's usually Julius or/and me that are putting back this feature, creating
multiple PRs in these repositories, then releasing each to finally be able
to create a single PR in prometheus/prometheus which usually just changes
the version of codemirror-promql.

This way worked for a couple of times because I was quite reactive on the
PromQL features. And now we have the new function present_over_time that is
going to be released in v2.29, and the editor is not yet aligned.
So it's proof (at least for me) that this model doesn't work / scale.

What I'm proposing (which is not new, actually Julien already proposed a
long time ago), is to merge these two repositories in prometheus/prometheus.
Like that when a PR is changing PromQL it will actually change:

   - the backend
   - the docs
   - the frontend

codemirror-promql is released as a npm package, and it is currently used by
some third parties like Victoria Metrics for example.
I think we should keep it as a separate npm package. Which means it won't
follow the same release process as Prometheus even if it's in the same

What we are proposing with Julius is to add a special tag like
*that then will trigger a special pipeline to release this npm package.

Finally, the npm package is owned by me, so if you are ok to do what is
proposed above, then I will transfer the ownership to Prometheus.

WDYT ? Do you have any particular blocking point that would be against this
repository migration ?


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