Dear Prometheans,

As per our governance, I'd like to cast a vote to rename the Blackbox
Exporter to Prober.
This vote is based on the following thread:

Any Prometheus team member is eligible to vote, and votes for the
community are welcome too, but do not formally count in the result.

Here is the content of the vote:

> We want to rename Blackbox Exporter to Prober.

I explicitly leave out the "how" out of this vote. If this vote passes,
a specific issue will be created in the blackbox exporter repository
explaining how I plan to work and communicate on this change. I will
make sure that enough time passes so that as many people as possible can
give their input on the "how".

The vote is open until February 3rd. If the vote comes positive before
next week's dev summit, the "how" can also be discussed during the dev
summit, and I would use that discussion as input for the previously
mentioned github issue.

Julien Pivotto

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