I would like to propose adding context to the client_golang 
promhttp.Handler functions, through a new set of functions in the promhttp 
package. I believe that there was some discussion around this, but not for 
a long time. 

The goal of this change is for exporters other metric providers to have an 
opportunity to understand cancellation. The cancellation could be through 
the http.Request.Context() being cancelled when the http request is closed 
from the client, but Prometheus also provides a header 
"X-Prometheus-Scrape-Timeout-Seconds" on scrape requests. Today, if an 
exporter has an expensive collector, there is no way to know that the 
results will be thrown away and that collection can be stopped in the event 
that the scrape from Prometheus has timed out.[1]

I have only begun to dig into the work that would be required to propagate 
the context the whole way down through a Registry and I can already tell 
that it would not be trivial. The general idea would be to add context 
versions of promhttp.Handler() and the supporting functions that would pull 
the context from the http.Request and optionally create a child context 
with the timeout/deadline from the X-Prometheus-Scrape-Timeout-Seconds 
header. Downstream, the prometheus.Registry would also need to understand 
context. I think this may only need an additional GatherCtx() func, but the 
downstream prometheus.Collector interface would probably need a 
context-aware counterpart.

I believe that this is all possible without any breaking changes, but I 
have not researched enough to know for sure. I want to put this out to the 
community and maintainers to get some feedback before spending too much 
time trying to make these changes.

Joe Adams

1. https://github.com/prometheus-community/postgres_exporter/pull/558

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