
>  Internally, the client library tracks both the classic and the native 
histogram representation by default. The "performance" section in the docs 
recommends turning one of them off for high performance applications. 

BTW, what exponential factor do you use for those "default" native 
histograms from classic ones? Do you take into consideration any aspect of 
the currently defined buckets?

Kind Regards,

On Monday, June 10, 2024 at 11:36:17 AM UTC+1 Bartłomiej Płotka wrote:

> Nice! That approach does not feel too bad. In practice sending both should 
> not "add" a lot of overhead (one extra series to each histogram). We might 
> reuse your approach here in client_golang too.
> However, my point is that with custom native histograms, we can 
> immediately "improve" performance, by default (e.g. when proto is used). 
> Thoughts?
> Kind Regards,
> Bartek
> On Monday, June 10, 2024 at 11:05:03 AM UTC+1 Fabian Stäber wrote:
>> Thanks Bartek for bringing this up.
>> For context, here's what the Prometheus Java client library does since 
>> release 1.x:
>>    - Internally, the client library tracks both the classic and the 
>>    native histogram representation by default. The "performance" section in 
>>    the docs recommends turning one of them off for high performance 
>>    applications. 
>>    https://prometheus.github.io/client_java/getting-started/performance/
>>    - If the Prometheus server scrapes text format, it will get the 
>>    classic histogram.
>>    - If the Prometheus server scrapes the Protobuf format, it will get 
>>    both the classic and the native histogram.
>> Fabian
>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 11:49 AM Bartłomiej Płotka <bwpl...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I don't know if we ever discussed this in the bigger forum, so let's 
>>> start: I would like to check the team and community feelings around the 
>>> idea of *replacing and deprecating classic histograms in some (very) 
>>> distant future* with the *native histograms *(with different bucketing 
>>> options). This is not a formal proposal, but rather initial thoughts for 
>>> this vision and intention.
>>> *Why?*
>>>    1. Classic histograms are one of the main sources of cardinality, on 
>>>    top of other inefficiencies. This is because each bucket is a separate, 
>>>    unique counter series that has to be indexed and represented everywhere 
>>>    (e.g. exposition format, query response, remote write etc). They are not 
>>>    "sparse" (if you had zero observation in one bucket you still pay for 
>>> it) 
>>>    and they are always floats. This causes more cost, but also in return 
>>> lower 
>>>    accuracy of histograms, because users have to cap their resolution to 
>>>    minimum.
>>>    2. They are generally not usable without series scrape 
>>>    transactionality. That transactionality is non trivial to support across 
>>>    the Prometheus server, especially when integrating with the remote 
>>> storage.
>>>    3. They only support a manual, "custom" (explicit) bucketing.
>>>    4. Aggregating over time/labels for histograms with different 
>>>    buckets is impossible.
>>> *How?*
>>> Native histograms 
>>> <https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/b9657b5f5b264b81add39f6db2f1df36faf03efe/content/docs/concepts/native_histograms.md>
>>>  (the design 
>>> is here 
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cLNv3aufPZb3fNfaJgdaRBZsInZKKIHo9E6HinJVbpM/edit#heading=h.2ywoyp13c0bx>
>>> , also on Grafana blog 
>>> <https://grafana.com/blog/2021/11/03/how-sparse-histograms-can-improve-efficiency-precision-and-mergeability-in-prometheus-tsdb/>)
>>> were designed and implemented almost everywhere now, solving all 4 above 
>>> problems. In terms of bucketing, native histograms were implemented with 
>>> the sparse, exponential bucketing. Generally this is what I see as the most 
>>> efficient and recommended bucketing going forward for any new histograms in 
>>> the Prometheus ecosystem.
>>> Two main friction point in migrating to native histograms:
>>> A) Native histograms come with some minor changes to how you query them 
>>> via PromQL (you don't need "_bucket" suffix, there are also new functions 
>>> e.g. histogram_avg 
>>> <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/functions/#histogram_avg>,
>>> histogram 
>>> <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/functions/#histogram_count-and-histogram_sum>
>>> _count and histogram_sum 
>>> <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/functions/#histogram_count-and-histogram_sum>,
>>> histogram_fraction 
>>> <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/functions/#histogram_fraction>
>>> ).
>>> B) New bucketing can, in theory, break some users that use classic 
>>> histograms now. It also might not fit some use cases (?)
>>> For B, luckly, native histograms were designed to allow flexible 
>>> bucketing "schema" logic. As a result, we recently 
>>> <https://github.com/prometheus/proposals/blob/main/proposals/2024-01-26_classic-histograms-stored-as-native-histograms.md>
>>>  proposed 
>>> and started implementing the "custom native histogram", which is a 
>>> shorthand for the native histograms with custom bucketing schema (also 
>>> sometimes referred to as *nhcb* in the code and PRs). This gives a 
>>> "classic histogram" bucketing model, while keeping many efficiencies and 
>>> transactionality benefits (solves 1 to 3 problems above).
>>> With custom native histograms it's trivial to* add Prometheus modes 
>>> that will translate ALL classic histograms to custom native ones on storage 
>>> to get those benefits now*. Prometheus can hide this fact and translate 
>>> those back (to some degree) on the PromQL layer (for A). Similarly 
>>> converted histograms can be reliably (in terms of transactionality) and 
>>> efficiently forwarded via remote write (Prometheus Remote-Write 2.0 now 
>>> supports custom native histograms! 
>>> <https://github.com/prometheus/docs/pull/2462>). The receivers can 
>>> choose to interpret those as native histogram or translate to classic 
>>> histograms for PromQL compatibility.
>>> Custom native histograms are also great for migration purposes to native 
>>> histogram PromQL semantics too if one chooses so.
>>> Note that custom native histograms are NOT the end goal. Ideally most 
>>> users migrate to native histograms with sparse, exponential histograms for 
>>> more efficiency gains. On top of that the main disadvantage of custom 
>>> bucketing over exponential is, similar to classic histogram, querying or 
>>> aggregating histograms with different bucketing is simply wrong (4th 
>>> problem above).
>>> *Potential Future*
>>> The obvious question is.. *do we still need classic histograms*? I 
>>> don't think so, but wonder what I am missing?
>>> *Would you agree that the long term plan is to replace and depreate 
>>> classic histograms? *Can we at least share that intention?
>>> Another question is migration logic, that might be a separate 
>>> discussion. So far we discussed things like emitting both classic 
>>> histograms and native histograms, but it feels like an overhead. Can we do 
>>> better? Can we solve problem 1 (efficiency) straight away? Why not use 
>>> custom native histograms for every classic histogram and then have 
>>> compatibility modes on the query side if needed?
>>> I am sure @Bjoern Rabenstein, @Jeanette <https://github.com/zenador>
>>>  and @krajorama  <https://github.com/krajorama>already had some 
>>> thoughts around this.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Bartek Płotka (@bwplotka)
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