
On 3/15/20 10:07 AM, Yagyansh S. Kumar wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate your advice and I know that
> instance label shouldn't contain the port number and that should be the
> ideal way forward, but now my setup is huge. I'll have to change things
> over all my dashboards and I am monitoring close to 3000 servers.
> Eventually, I am going to change the instance label altogether but
> currently I need a short term solution to remove the port from alert
> annotations. Is it at all possible?

Some ideas come to mind. I would call them all workarounds, as they can
become rather ugly maintenance-wise.

1) Have another meta metric which provides an instance="a:9100" to
"instance_ip" mapping. This could be generated via a recording rule in
combination with label_replace(), e.g.:

- record: instance_to_ip_mapping
  expr: count by(instance, instance_ip) (label_replace(up,
"instance_ip", "$1", "instance", "(.*):\d+"))


You could then mix in this metric into the relevant alerts.

2) You could attach such an instance_ip label to some or all of your
metrics using relabeling. This will likely cause a larger overhead though.


3) You could run an additional query in your alerts, e.g.

dashboard: "DashbordLink?orgId=1&var-node={{ printf
"label_replace(up{instance='%s'}, 'instance_ip', '$1', 'instance',
'(.*):\d+'" .Labels.instance | query | first | label 'instance_ip'
}}&var-name={{ $labels.nodename }}&fullscreen&panelId=174"

4) You could try to offload this mapping to Grafana, i.e. make your
dashboard work with just a name selected and let Grafana do the mapping.
Not sure, if/how this is possible, might also depend on your dashboard
and the variables.

All in all, I would still follow Brian's suggestion of getting the
instance= label right in the first place. It is possible -- we went
through the same process at some time. ;)

As always, all untested examples -- it's likely I've got some
syntax/quoting/escaping wrong there. If you end up using one of those
examples, please report back with the final solution, so that others can
also benefit from this. :)

Kind regards,

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