Hi Joey,

As far as I know, if you have created a service file(in 
/etc/systemd/system/) for your custom service, you don't need to whitelist 
it separately, node_exporter's systemd collector itself will scrape the 
metrics for your custom service. 

On Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 3:37:51 AM UTC+5:30, Joey Jojo wrote:
> Hey Yagyansh,
> Sorry to hijack your post but I am wondering if you made this work in Cent 
> OS, if you could help me with my issue with monitoring Systemd Services. 
> Basically I need to add custom services to the 
> --collector.systemd.unit-whitelist="(apache2|ssh|rsyslog|nginx).service" 
> but not sure how to do it? 
> Again sorry to hijack your post and sorry can't add anything to help
> On Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 6:22:17 AM UTC-4, Yagyansh S. Kumar wrote:
>> Hi. We have systemd collector in Prometheus that enables us to get the 
>> metrics - status of services from systemd. This works well in CentOS 7.
>> But CentOS 6 does not have systemd, hence, the collector keeps throwing 
>> error. Is there any alternative for this for CentOS 6?
>> Also, in my 6 VMs the URL http://localhost:9001 was giving 404 status 
>> and supervisord collector was enabled, and the load of the machines sky 
>> rocketed and node_exporter started consuming over 98%+ CPU. I haven't seen 
>> any abnormality in the server, so can this be cause for the high load, 
>> because I think these kind of bugs were fixed in late 2017.
>> Thanks!

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