Hi. I have configured an alert to get notified whenever any of my Network 
Interfaces goes down. Now, on some servers some interfaces we have made 
down intentionally and I want to exclude those interfaces for those 
particular servers from the alert. 
What is the best possible way to do this? I know I can silence the alert, 
but that wouldn't be a good solution as the interface would be down for 
indefinite time.

My configured alert looks like this:
  - alert: Network-Interface-Down
    expr: node_network_up{device!~"lo.*"} * on(instance) 
group_left(nodename) node_uname_info * on(instance,device) 
group_left(address) node_network_info == 0
    for: 5m
      severity: "CRITICAL"
      summary: "Network interface down - {{ $labels.device }} on {{  
$labels.nodename }}"

I want to disable the alert for eth1 on Host1, eth5,8 on Host2. 

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