On 06/05/2020 20:21, Shay Berman wrote:
Hi Stuart

Agree with you points.

about this section:
/"The options which run queries on the "local" Prometheus servers require
those services to be available and not too busy - you can have the
situation that a query from somewhere else breaks a server because it is
too big/too slow. Equally a server being unavailable (down/network
issues) will cause a query to fail."/

You didn't mentioned promxy or Thanos query - these could help to avoid failing the whole query if one single prometheus instance does not responding.

It could help (or hinder) depending on the failure mode & query purpose.

If you are trying a query across multiple sharded servers (e.g. different environments) Thanos/promxy isn't going to help with the missing data. However if you have HA pairs of servers everywhere it can be very useful if a single server has issues.

If you have queries which stress a server (either due to amount of timeseries covered or just overall query volume) systems which duplicate queries could in certain situations make things worse - maybe every server is now overloaded.

As I say, the exact "best option" very much depends on your particular situation. Is it a single environment in one location, or lots of environments globally? Do you have a single easily defined set of users (dashboards/alerts) or lots of different teams with different needs & requirements (e.g. some needing longer term querying for capacity management, while others are just short term incident management)? Does the way you operate fit into a more hierarchical structure/process (e.g region -> environment -> service -> instance) or are things more "flat"?

Stuart Clark

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