I'm new in Prometheus. Now I try configure alerts and have problem.
Have 2 rules: alert.rules1.yml and alert.rules2.yml

*  - name: iDrac*
*    rules:*

*######### ICMP ##########*
*    - alert: host_is_not_available_via_icmp*
*      expr: probe_success{job="idrac-icmp"} == 0*
*      for: 1m*
*      labels:*
*        severity: critical*
*      annotations:*
*        description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} is not available via 
icmp-protocol for more than 3 minutes."*
*        summary: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} is down"*

*    - alert: host_response_time_is_high_via_icmp*
*      expr: sum by (instance) (probe_icmp_duration_seconds) > 0.3*
*      for: 10s*
*      labels:*
*        severity: warning*
*      annotations:*
*        description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} response time via 
icmp-protocol is very high ( >300ms ) for more than 1 minutes."*
*        summary: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} response time is {{ humanize 

*  - name: Fortigates*
*    rules:*

*######### ICMP ##########*
*    - alert: host_is_not_available_via_icmp*
*      expr: probe_success{job="blackbox-icmp-general"} == 0*
*      for: 3m*
*      labels:*
*        severity: critical*
*      annotations:*
*        description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} is not available via 
icmp-protocol for more than 3 minutes."*
*        summary: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} is down"*

*    - alert: host_response_time_is_high_via_icmp*
*      expr: sum by (instance) (probe_icmp_duration_seconds) > 0.3*
*      for: 1m*
*      labels:*
*        severity: warning*
*      annotations:*
*        description: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} response time via 
icmp-protocol is very high(>300ms) for more than 1 minutes."*
*        summary: "Host {{ $labels.instance }} response time is {{ humanize 

When I change  *(probe_icmp_duration_seconds) > 0.3 *in the *alert.rules1.yml, 
*I got alerts from *alert.rules2.yml *instances*, *and don't recive for 
instances from *alert.rules1.yml.*
What I do wrong?

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