On 24/02/2021 20:37, Saurabh Vartak wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying push the metrics from the Prometheus installed on mu Kubernetes cluster to another centralized Prometheus server.

In my Kubernetes cluster I have configured the remote_write section for the config map used by Prometheus on my Kubernetes cluster

  prometheus.yml: |
      evaluation_interval: 1m
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 10s
    - url: http://mypromserver:9091/metrics/job/aksjob/instance/aks1

In my centralized Prometheus server, I have the below configuration in the Prometheus.yaml file:

  scrape_interval: 10s

  - job_name: 'prometheus_metrics'
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  - job_name: 'node_exporter_metrics'
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['localhost:9100']
  - job_name: 'Pushgateway'
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: ['localhost:9091']

Am I doing anything wrong here. I am browsing my portal but I am not able to understand how to query the metrics which have been forwarded from my Kubernetes cluster ... if at all they are being forwarded.

Any help would be greatly appreciated here.

Prometheus doesn't support sending metrics to another Prometheus server via remote write, other than via an experimental option in the latest version (2.25.0).

The normal mechanism would be for the central server to fetch metrics via federation, although this is designed for a limited subset of aggregate metrics and not a complete copy. Alternatively a system such as Thanos could be used as an alternative global metrics store which can be accessed by all your Prometheus servers.

Stuart Clark

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