Hi all,

I'm just starting out with prometheus & family, and am trying to deploy it 
to my local development kubernetes cluster to play around with it a bit. 
I'm using the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart for this.

I've installed it with the following values:

namespaceOverride: "monitoring"
  infrastructure: kube-prometheus-stack

  namespaceOverride: "monitoring"

  namespaceOverride: "monitoring"

  namespaceOverride: "monitoring"
  hostRootFsMount: false  # necessary to avoid crashes for node-exporter on 
docker desktop

As you can already see in that last comment in my configuration, I'm using 
docker desktop (for windows).

When accessing the prometheus dashboard, I see the following alerts firing:
* TargetDown for: kube-proxy, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, 
* etcdInsufficientMembers
* KubeControllerManagerDown
* KubeSchedulerDown

Notably: the targets listed in TargetDown are all in the namespace 
kube-system. I don't really know why they are marked as down, as I can see 
pods created by docker desktop which match them (pod names have the suffix 
-docker-desktop), so the pods are definitely there - I suspect that 
somehow, the services can't connect to them? And I suspect that the other 3 
alerts are related to those targets being down.

Can anyone help me and provide some guidance and what I need to do to solve 
these alerts? That would be greatly appreciated!

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