Aside: curl is useful for debugging:
curl -g ``

However in your case, you've found the problem: you need to set a community 

Unfortunately, snmp_exporter makes it hard to set this, because the MIB and 
the device authentication are bundled together in the "module".  Here's the 
easiest way I've found to do this:

1. Edit snmp.yml (that was supplied with snmp_exporter, or that you 

2. Find the MIB that you're interested in using: in this case if_mib.  
Modify the first line like this:



*if_mib: &if_mib*

(this is called an "anchor" in YAML)

3. Add to the very *end* of the file:

*if_mib_secret:  <<: *if_mib  version: 2  auth:    community: BlahBlah123*

What you're doing is taking a copy of the "if_mib" section, and then 
overriding some of the parameters (the 'auth' and 'version' keys) without 
changing anything else.

[Aside: you should be able to do steps 1-3 using the snmp generator 
instead, but you'll have to duplicate the if_mib section in generator.yml 
instead, and then run the generator]

4. Restart snmp_exporter, and check this works using curl:

*curl -g 

5. Change your scrape job for these devices to use module if_mib_secret 
instead of if_mib.

Oddly, your scrape job shows a static target of only, i.e. it 
looks like you're sending queries to the snmpd running on prometheus 
itself, not to any remote devices.  I would suggest that you use the 
file_sd mechanism, and also that you pick up the module from this, so that 
a single scrape job can handle any combination of targets and SNMP modules.

  - job_name: snmp
    metrics_path: /snmp
      - files:
          - /etc/prometheus/targets.d/snmp_targets.yml
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: instance
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [module]
        target_label: __param_module
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement:  # SNMP exporter

then in snmp_targets.yml you can put:

- labels:
    module: if_mib
    - foo
    - bar
- labels:
    module: if_mib_secret
    - baz
    - qux

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