A similar question was asked here but received no answer 
was not sure if I should reply to that thread or create a new one.

*Goal*: Users create prometheus alert rules as necessary, these shall be 
routed to alertmanager routes, including webhook configs (because Microsoft 
Teams is a receiver). Users should not need to make changes to default 
config files (alert manager) because these are version controlled. The 
webhook url has to come / be constructed from alert labels (see below why).

*Problem*: It does not seem possible to define a webhook, *that does not 
have a constant URL*, because the url property in webhook_config is not a 
<tmpl_string> , no template expansion is possible. Why?
Would the prometheus team accept a change to make webhook url a 

*Why this is needed: *
Our default alertmanager config file is committed to git. It is not 
feasible to change every alertmanager config yaml on every server instance 
(on-prem), users should not change this file, ever, if possible. When 
rolling out updates to the config, user changes would be overwritten and 
lost. All alertmanagers should run using known default configurations / 
routes. which have to be flexible enough to handle all use cases.

Example: Alarms concern certain teams of certain apps / projects / 
customers (-> msteams / slack channels). If n-amount of webhook urls for 
n-amount of apps are pre-defined alertmanager config, and a new app is 
deployed (new webhook target), the version controlled alertmanager config 
file must be updated. This is troublesome. If a unique channel exists for 
custom foo, the webhook url has to be added in any case during installation 
of alertmanager.

But users are able to provide new alert rules for prometheus, since those 
can be reloaded dynamically (from rule files) without changing prometheus 
server config yaml (which is version controlled too). So providing the 
webhook url as a alert rule label value would allow dynamic routing.

In contrast, this seems very easily possible using email routing. In this 
blog post 
by  Brian Brazil it is demonstrated, how to use  
- to: "{{ .GroupLabels.email_to }}"
to achive dynamic routing, because the "to" property is a <tmpl_string>

Additional info: I was planning to use this proxy: 
which has several configuration possibilities, even one called dynamic 
but the problem remains: Some URL has to come from alertmanager.

Currently my only remaining idea (besides forking and add this feature to 
prometheus-msteams) is to write yet another simple http server between 
alertmanager and prometheus-msteams, read the alert JSON properties, 
construct the webhook URL and forward the request accordingly to 
prometheus-msteams. This seems overkill.

*Am I overlooking something? Please advise. *

Thank you.

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