
I have a job that periodically pushes multiple metrics (3 different metric 
names, each metric has multiple counts, each with a different combination 
of label values).

I push to


My desired behavior would be for all previous pushes to be "forgotten". 
This is where I have trouble understanding the documentation with using PUT 
vs POST <https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway#put-method>. According 
to the documentation:

> PUT is used to push a group of metrics. All metrics with the grouping key 
specified in the URL are replaced by the metrics pushed with PUT.

Reading this, my understanding is that PUT is what I need. However, below I 
also read this:

> POST works exactly like the PUT method but only metrics with the same 
name as the newly pushed metrics are replaced (among those with the same 
grouping key).

What does "metrics with the same name" mean? If my push contains 30 
measurements about 3 metrics (10 measurements for each metric, each for a 
different set of labels), which metrics are replaced?

Any help is appreciated.



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