And regarding monitoring LDAP, is there a standard example for writing my 
own exporter?

On Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 8:25:46 AM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:

> Sorry Brian. As we discussed LDAP monitoring in the thread, based on it to 
> raise a new question.
> I also want to compare the value of contextCSN, and I can obtain the value 
> with ldapsearch. Is there a way to send the value of contextCSN from each 
> ldap server to Prometheus, and compare them?
> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 5:20:28 PM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>> Thank you Brian for your great help.
>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 5:10:24 PM UTC+8 Brian Candler wrote:
>>> > My blackbox is running as a pod in a k8s cluster. Do you have good 
>>> suggestion to store the cert file?
>>> A configMap is how I'd do it.
>>> On Tuesday, 5 July 2022 at 09:21:23 UTC+1 wrote:
>>>> Added as below:
>>>> smtp_starttls:
>>>>         prober: tcp
>>>>         timeout: 20s
>>>>         tcp:
>>>>           tls_config:  # add here?
>>>>               ca_file: "/certs/my_cert.crt" # add here?
>>>>           query_response:
>>>>             - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP"
>>>>               send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>             - expect: "^250-STARTTLS"
>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>               send: "STARTTLS\r"
>>>>             - expect: "^220"
>>>>               starttls: true
>>>>             - send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>               send: "QUIT\r"
>>>> My blackbox is running as a pod in a k8s cluster. Do you have good 
>>>> suggestion to store the cert file?
>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 4:09:08 PM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>> I changed to connect with DNS name. So according to the error msg, 
>>>>> following your kind suggestion, I need to go with [^2], am I right?
>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T07:32:17.495596017Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=mailserver:25 level=error msg="TLS Handshake 
>>>>> (client) failed" err="x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 3:58:09 PM UTC+8 Brian Candler wrote:
>>>>>> Problem 1: timeout / regexp mismatch
>>>>>> > ts=2022-07-05T02:29:41.609572861Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>> line="220 ESMTP"
>>>>>> > ts=2022-07-05T02:29:46.607798497Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error msg="Error 
>>>>>> reading from connection" err="read tcp4> 
>>>>>> i/o timeout"
>>>>>> You asked it to match "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$" which means:
>>>>>> - "220"
>>>>>> - <space>
>>>>>> - 1 or more <non-space>
>>>>>> - <space>
>>>>>> - "ESMTP"
>>>>>> - <space>
>>>>>> - 1 or more <any-character>
>>>>>> - end of line
>>>>>> But in the banner you got back from the target host, there's nothing 
>>>>>> after the word "ESMTP": the line ends there immediately.  Hence you were 
>>>>>> right to change the regexp.
>>>>>> "I'm not sure if the change is acceptable from blackbox's view"  - 
>>>>>> Blackbox will do whatever you ask it to do.  If you want to match both 
>>>>>> cases (i.e. mail servers which do and don't put any text after "ESMTP"), 
>>>>>> then use a regexp which does that:
>>>>>> "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP( .+)?$"
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP.*$"
>>>>>> or even just
>>>>>> "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP"
>>>>>> (no need to match all the way to the end of the line)
>>>>>> Problem 2: TLS handshake failed
>>>>>> * You asked Blackbox Exporter to connect to a host by IP address 
>>>>>> (, instead of using a DNS name (
>>>>>> * Therefore, Blackbox Exporter cannot verify the certificate unless 
>>>>>> the certificate itself contains an IP address
>>>>>> It's the same as if you put in your web browser.  
>>>>>> There's no way the browser can validate the certificate, unless the 
>>>>>> certificate itself contains IP address "".  And that is a very 
>>>>>> uncommon sort of certificate.
>>>>>> Please, try *exactly* the command I gave you before:
>>>>>> *curl -g 
>>>>>> 'localhost:9115/probe?module=smtp_starttls&'*
>>>>>> No changes. Copy-paste exactly that, with the hostname "
>>>>>>" in it.  You should find that it verifies 
>>>>>> correctly, as long as the ESMTP regexp matches OK.
>>>>>> Then to get it to work with your own mail server, you will need to do 
>>>>>> exactly the same:
>>>>>> * Refer to your mail server by its DNS name, not IP address, when 
>>>>>> asking blackbox_exporter to test it
>>>>>> * The mail server must have a certificate which contains this name 
>>>>>> [^1]
>>>>>> * The mail server's certificate must be signed by a certificate 
>>>>>> authority that blackbox_exporter trusts [^2]
>>>>>> * The mail server's certificate must not have expired, i.e. the 
>>>>>> current time is within its notBefore and notAfter times
>>>>>> [^1] If you still want to connect to the server by IP address but 
>>>>>> check for a different name in the certificate, then use the 
>>>>>> "server_name" 
>>>>>> setting in tls_config: see 
>>>>>> [^2] If the certificate authority that signed your mail server's 
>>>>>> certificate is not in the system trust store then use the "ca_file" 
>>>>>> setting 
>>>>>> in tls_config: see 
>>>>>> Or you can give up, and use "insecure_skip_verify: true" to disable 
>>>>>> certificate validation altogether: 
>>>>>> (although then you lose valuable tests, because if your certificate 
>>>>>> was valid and becomes invalid you won't know.  I also note that if you 
>>>>>> can't get blackbox_exporter to validate the certificate, then your 
>>>>>> clients 
>>>>>> probably won't be able to validate it either)
>>>>>> At this point, it isn't really an issue with blackbox_exporter any 
>>>>>> more: it's a case of understanding how certificates and certificate 
>>>>>> validation work.  
>>>>>> On Tuesday, 5 July 2022 at 05:53:46 UTC+1 wrote:
>>>>>>> I tried to change the first expect to ^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP$. But I'm 
>>>>>>> not sure if the change is acceptable from blackbox's view.
>>>>>>> smtp_starttls:
>>>>>>>         prober: tcp
>>>>>>>         timeout: 20s
>>>>>>>         tcp:
>>>>>>>           query_response:
>>>>>>>             #- expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$"
>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP$"
>>>>>>>               send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250-STARTTLS"
>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>               send: "STARTTLS\r"
>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220"
>>>>>>>               starttls: true
>>>>>>>             - send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>               send: "QUIT\r"
>>>>>>> Curled and got the following error. Does it mean the mail server 
>>>>>>> doesn't contain any IP SANs? And on mail server certificate cannot be 
>>>>>>> validated?
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.539326118Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error msg="TLS 
>>>>>>> Handshake (client) failed" err="x509: cannot validate certificate for 
>>>>>>> because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"
>>>>>>> curl -g '
>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>> Logs for the probe:
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.527958378Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Beginning 
>>>>>>> probe" probe=tcp timeout_seconds=20
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.528040568Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Resolving 
>>>>>>> target address" ip_protocol=ip6
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.528063021Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Resolving 
>>>>>>> target address" ip_protocol=ip4
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.528076698Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Resolved 
>>>>>>> target address" ip=
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.528115109Z caller=tcp.go:121 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Dialing TCP 
>>>>>>> without TLS"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.529223463Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Successfully 
>>>>>>> dialed"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.529258037Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Processing 
>>>>>>> query response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530236839Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line="220 ESMTP"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530278493Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Regexp 
>>>>>>> matched" regexp="^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP$" line="220 ESMTP"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.53030557Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Sending 
>>>>>>> line" line="EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530348868Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Processing 
>>>>>>> query response entry" entry_number=1
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530919204Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530955761Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line=250-PIPELINING
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530971243Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line="250-SIZE 10240000"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.530985701Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line=250-ETRN
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531006196Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531025088Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Regexp 
>>>>>>> matched" regexp=^250-STARTTLS line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531045174Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Processing 
>>>>>>> query response entry" entry_number=2
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531064549Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line="250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531077325Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531088466Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line=250-8BITMIME
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.53110099Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line="250 DSN"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531134286Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Regexp 
>>>>>>> matched" regexp="^250 .*$" line="250 DSN"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531186418Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Sending 
>>>>>>> line" line="STARTTLS\r"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531234743Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Processing 
>>>>>>> query response entry" entry_number=3
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531762621Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>> line="220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.531779841Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Regexp 
>>>>>>> matched" regexp=^220 line="220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.539326118Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error msg="TLS 
>>>>>>> Handshake (client) failed" err="x509: cannot validate certificate for 
>>>>>>> because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"
>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T04:18:10.53937693Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error msg="Probe 
>>>>>>> failed" duration_seconds=0.011375261
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 12:03:50 PM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>>>>>>>> I may find the root cause - comparing the output between google's 
>>>>>>>> mail server and my mail server
>>>>>>>> my mail server
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:29:41.608566903Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>> msg="Successfully dialed"
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:29:41.608652361Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info msg="Processing 
>>>>>>>> query response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:29:41.609572861Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug msg="Read line" 
>>>>>>>> line="220 ESMTP"
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:29:46.607798497Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error msg="Error 
>>>>>>>> reading from connection" err="read tcp4> 
>>>>>>>> i/o timeout"
>>>>>>>> google's mail server
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.385587664Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>> msg="Successfully dialed"
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.385613189Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419235886Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line="220 ESMTP 
>>>>>>>> dn22-20020a17090794d600b006dfc3945326si6666807ejc.152 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419280493Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>> msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$" line="220 
>>>>>>>> ESMTP 
>>>>>>>> dn22-20020a17090794d600b006dfc3945326si6666807ejc.152 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>> From the output it shows the regex is not matched for my mail 
>>>>>>>> server - ^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$
>>>>>>>> In config file
>>>>>>>> smtp_starttls:
>>>>>>>>         prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>         timeout: 20s
>>>>>>>>         tcp:
>>>>>>>>           query_response:
>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$"
>>>>>>>>               send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250-STARTTLS"
>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>>               send: "STARTTLS\r"
>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220"
>>>>>>>>               starttls: true
>>>>>>>>             - send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>>               send: "QUIT\r"
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 11:40:06 AM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I searched this info  blackbox_exporter for SMTP monitoring w/ 
>>>>>>>>> TCP module : PrometheusMonitoring ( 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>  , 
>>>>>>>>> added "\r", but still got the same issue..
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 11:26:49 AM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> telnet got succeed.
>>>>>>>>>> telnet 25
>>>>>>>>>> Trying
>>>>>>>>>> Connected to
>>>>>>>>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>>>>>>>>> 220 ... ESMTP
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 11:11:48 AM UTC+8 nina guo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Probe failed due to TLS is not the same issue with my 
>>>>>>>>>>> mail server..
>>>>>>>>>>> There is no "i/o timeout" issue for google's mail server.
>>>>>>>>>>> curl -g '
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>>>>>> Logs for the probe:
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.373763474Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Beginning probe" probe=tcp timeout_seconds=5
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.373850167Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolving target address" ip_protocol=ip6
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.373867876Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolving target address" ip_protocol=ip4
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.373882263Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolved target address" ip=
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.373903614Z caller=tcp.go:121 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Dialing TCP without TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.385587664Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Successfully dialed"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.385613189Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419235886Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line="220 ESMTP 
>>>>>>>>>>> dn22-20020a17090794d600b006dfc3945326si6666807ejc.152 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419280493Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$" line="220 
>>>>>>>>>>> ESMTP 
>>>>>>>>>>> dn22-20020a17090794d600b006dfc3945326si6666807ejc.152 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419310506Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Sending line" line="EHLO prober"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.419356415Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=1
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.43519464Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=" at your service, 
>>>>>>>>>>> []"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435229899Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line="250-SIZE 157286400"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435242182Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=250-8BITMIME
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435254457Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435270364Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Regexp matched" regexp=^250-STARTTLS line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435285968Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=2
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435310813Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435323258Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=250-PIPELINING
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435337373Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line=250-CHUNKING
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435373931Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line="250 SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435392537Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^250 .*$" line="250 SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435409638Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Sending line" line=STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.435451742Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=3
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.449015201Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=debug 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Read line" line="220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.449039996Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Regexp matched" regexp=^220 line="220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.476697731Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="TLS Handshake (client) failed" err="x509: cannot validate 
>>>>>>>>>>> certificate 
>>>>>>>>>>> for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"
>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-05T02:04:33.47676603Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target= level=error 
>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Probe failed" duration_seconds=0.102953678
>>>>>>>>>>> Metrics that would have been returned:
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds Returns the time taken for 
>>>>>>>>>>> probe dns lookup in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds 5.1452e-05
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_duration_seconds Returns how long the probe took to 
>>>>>>>>>>> complete in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_duration_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_duration_seconds 0.102953678
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_failed_due_to_regex Indicates if probe failed due 
>>>>>>>>>>> to regex
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_failed_due_to_regex gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_failed_due_to_regex 0
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_addr_hash Specifies the hash of IP address. It's 
>>>>>>>>>>> useful to detect if the IP address changes.
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_addr_hash gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_addr_hash 9.60720384e+08
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_protocol Specifies whether probe ip protocol is 
>>>>>>>>>>> IP4 or IP6
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_protocol gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_protocol 4
>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_success Displays whether or not the probe was a 
>>>>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_success gauge
>>>>>>>>>>> probe_success 0
>>>>>>>>>>> Module configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>> prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>>>> timeout: 5s
>>>>>>>>>>> http:
>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>     follow_redirects: true
>>>>>>>>>>> tcp:
>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>     query_response:
>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$
>>>>>>>>>>>           send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>           send: STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220
>>>>>>>>>>>           starttls: true
>>>>>>>>>>>         - send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>           send: QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>> icmp:
>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>> dns:
>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, July 4, 2022 at 8:44:49 PM UTC+8 Brian Candler wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> And if you try it with Google's mail server?
>>>>>>>>>>>> *curl -g 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'localhost:9115/probe?module=smtp_starttls&'*
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 12:50:47 UTC+1 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still received the same error msg:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> curl -g '
>>>>>>>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Logs for the probe:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.071097704Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Beginning probe" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe=tcp timeout_seconds=5
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.071251831Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=1  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolving target 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address" ip_protocol=ip6
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.071292289Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolving target 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address" ip_protocol=ip4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.071327224Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Resolved target 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address" ip=
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.071354819Z caller=tcp.go:121 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info msg="Dialing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TCP 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> without TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.072469713Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Successfully 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dialed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.072508076Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=info 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> msg="Processing query 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:47:59.073453639Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=debug msg="Read 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line="220  ESMTP"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:48:04.072081695Z caller=main.go:130 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=error msg="Error 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from connection" err="read tcp4> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i/o timeout"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T11:48:04.072269643Z caller=main.go:320 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls target=  :25 level=error msg="Probe 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> duration_seconds=5.00106792
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Metrics that would have been returned:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds Returns the time taken 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for probe dns lookup in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds 0.000101683
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_duration_seconds Returns how long the probe took 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to complete in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_duration_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_duration_seconds 5.00106792
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_failed_due_to_regex Indicates if probe failed due 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to regex
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_failed_due_to_regex gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_failed_due_to_regex 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_addr_hash Specifies the hash of IP address. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's useful to detect if the IP address changes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_addr_hash gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_addr_hash 2.493392506e+09
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_protocol Specifies whether probe ip protocol 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is IP4 or IP6
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_protocol gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_protocol 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_success Displays whether or not the probe was a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_success gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_success 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Module configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout: 5s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     follow_redirects: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tcp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     query_response:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           starttls: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> icmp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dns:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, July 4, 2022 at 7:22:08 PM UTC+8 Brian Candler 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you first just try copy-pasting the working config I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gave you, and see if it gives a different result to yours?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I doubt a mail server would take more than 5 seconds to give 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a banner, but it's possible.  Simply doing "telnet x.x.x.x 25" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will show 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you how your mail server behaves.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 11:14:23 UTC+1 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes in my code the first expect is quoted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smtp_starttls:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         timeout: 5s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         tcp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           query_response:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250-STARTTLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - send: "STARTTLS\r"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^220"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - starttls: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - send: "EHLO prober\r"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - expect: "^250-AUTH"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             - send: "QUIT\r"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Probably due to the "timeout" is too less? Should I adjust 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5s to 15s or 60s?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, July 4, 2022 at 5:55:09 PM UTC+8 Brian Candler 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The following works for me with blackbox_exporter 0.21.0 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (maybe your first 'expect' regexp needs to be quoted?)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modules:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   smtp_starttls:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       timeout: 5s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       tcp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         query_response:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             send: "EHLO prober"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - expect: "^250-STARTTLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             send: "STARTTLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - expect: "^220"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             starttls: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - send: "EHLO prober"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           - expect: "^250 .*$"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             send: "QUIT"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Result:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # *curl -g 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'localhost:9115/probe?module=smtp_starttls&'*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Logs for the probe:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.764604425Z caller=main.go:351 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Beginning probe" probe=tcp timeout_seconds=5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.764875668Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Resolving target address" target=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ip_protocol=ip6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.765954096Z caller=tcp.go:40 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Resolved target address" target=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ip=2a00:1450:400c:c07::1b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.766011111Z caller=tcp.go:121 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Dialing TCP without TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.776962616Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Successfully dialed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.77708032Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.788075017Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="220 ESMTP 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> u1-20020a056000038100b0021bbcef3a69si36572085wrf.542 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.788168204Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (.+)$" line="220 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ESMTP 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> u1-20020a056000038100b0021bbcef3a69si36572085wrf.542 - gsmtp"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.788223914Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Sending line" line="EHLO prober"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.788362926Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801755535Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=" at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your service, [xx:xx:xx:xx::33]"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801856147Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="250-SIZE 157286400"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801889927Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-8BITMIME
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801922312Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801955499Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Regexp matched" regexp=^250-STARTTLS 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line=250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.801989646Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802029066Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802063318Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-PIPELINING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802094713Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-CHUNKING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802126198Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="250 SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802159858Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^250 .*$" line="250 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802191065Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Sending line" line=STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.802271697Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.812211682Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.812279339Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Regexp matched" regexp=^220 line="220 2.0.0 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ready to start 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.833573801Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="TLS Handshake (client) succeeded."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.833793385Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.833838422Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Sending line" line="EHLO prober"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.833960852Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Processing query response entry" entry_number=5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.84464181Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=" at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your service, [xx:xx:xx:xx::33]"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.844771942Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="250-SIZE 157286400"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.844839074Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-8BITMIME
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.844910271Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.844974538Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-PIPELINING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.845061058Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line=250-CHUNKING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.84512579Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Read line" line="250 SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.845193403Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Regexp matched" regexp="^250 .*$" line="250 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMTPUTF8"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.84525809Z caller=main.go:144 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=debug msg="Sending line" line=QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts=2022-07-04T09:50:46.845583228Z caller=main.go:351 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module=smtp_starttls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> level=info msg="Probe succeeded" duration_seconds=0.080912196
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Metrics that would have been returned:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds Returns the time taken 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for probe dns lookup in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_dns_lookup_time_seconds 0.001103057
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_duration_seconds Returns how long the probe 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> took to complete in seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_duration_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_duration_seconds 0.080912196
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_failed_due_to_regex Indicates if probe failed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to regex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_failed_due_to_regex gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_failed_due_to_regex 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_addr_hash Specifies the hash of IP address. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's useful to detect if the IP address changes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_addr_hash gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_addr_hash 2.766777767e+09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ip_protocol Specifies whether probe ip 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protocol is IP4 or IP6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ip_protocol gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ip_protocol 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry Returns earliest SSL 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cert expiry date
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry 1.661764429e+09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_ssl_last_chain_expiry_timestamp_seconds 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Returns last SSL chain expiry in unixtime
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_ssl_last_chain_expiry_timestamp_seconds gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_ssl_last_chain_expiry_timestamp_seconds 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.661764429e+09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # HELP probe_success Displays whether or not the probe was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a success
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # TYPE probe_success gauge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probe_success 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Module configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prober: tcp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout: 5s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     follow_redirects: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     enable_http2: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tcp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     query_response:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250-STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: STARTTLS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^220
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           starttls: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - send: EHLO prober
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         - expect: ^250 .*$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           send: QUIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icmp:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dns:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ip_protocol_fallback: true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     recursion_desired: true

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